

But Mrs. Redburn was very sick; and even now the disease might have a fatal termination. The best of care would be required to restore her to health, and Katy was very anxious. Her mother was still suffering the most acute pain.

The doctor had left a prescription, and Katy was again obliged to call in Mrs. Howard while she went to the apothecary's to procure it; but the good woman declared she was glad to come, and would bring her work and stay all the forenoon. The medicine, when obtained, to some extent relieved the sufferer's pain.

As her presence was not required in the chamber, Katy went down-stairs to what she called the candy room. She had an hour or two to spare, and she put on the kettle with the intention of making a part of the next day's candy. She was nearly worn out by watching and anxiety, and not fit to perform such hard work; but weak and weary as she felt, her spirit was still earnest, and she resolutely commenced her labors.

At noon she had made half the quantity required. Mrs. Howard was then obliged to go home, and attend to her own family, for she had two children besides Tommy, who had not yet returned from the East Indies. Mrs. Redburn was very restless during the afternoon, and could not be left alone for more than a short time at once.

Mrs. Howard had promised to come again in the evening, and make the rest of the candy; but Charley came home from school quite sick, seemingly threatened with the scarlet fever, so that she could not keep her promise. Mrs. Sneed, however, dropped in, and consented to remain for two hours, which enabled Katy to make the rest of the candy.

By this time the poor girl was completely worn out. Her resolute will, even, could no longer impart its strength to the body. Her mother worried sadly about her, and finally induced her to lie down on the bed by her side, on condition that she should be awakened in an hour. In this manner she obtained a few hours' sleep during the night; but these severe labors were a fearful task to be imposed upon a mere child.

The next day Mrs. Redburn, who could not fail to observe Katy's pale face and sunken eye, fretted so much about her that she was obliged to promise she would not attempt to make any more candy.

Mrs. Howard's son was still very sick, so that she was unable to render much assistance. The rest of the neighbors, though kindly disposed, had their own families to care for, and could do very little for others.

With what slight aid her friends could afford, Katy struggled through a week, when Dr. Flynch appeared, and demanded the rent.

There was but little more than money enough left to pay it, but Katy would not ask him for any indulgence, and paid him in full.

In a few days more the purse was empty. Katy's most dreaded hour had come. She had no money, and almost every day some new thing was required for her mother. But this time she had friends, and she determined to use them, as all true friends wish to be used in the day of sorrow and trial. After considerable debate with herself, she decided to apply to Mrs. Gordon for a loan of twenty dollars. She was still poor and proud, and she could not endure the thought of asking a loan, which might be regarded as a gift, or which, by her own inability to pay it, might virtually become such; therefore she proposed to present her father's silver watch as security for the payment of the debt.

  • 广动植类之四


  • 内科摘要


  • 佛说阿耨风经


  • A Hazard of New Fortunes

    A Hazard of New Fortunes

  • 高坡异纂


  • 穿越到农家


  • 射雕时代


  • 目破心经


  • 百炼焚仙


  • 姜厨师的偷渡经历


    连续排了两个小时的队,姜厨师终于走进了那家向往已久,且又神秘莫测的外国领馆签证室。 姜厨师是申城一家大宾馆的高级厨师,近年来受出国潮的影响,希望到国外去一展身手,图谋发展。 这间房子并不大,里面坐满了等待签证的男女青年。签证室设有五个接待窗口,每个窗口外面都排着长长的队伍。姜厨师排在末尾默默等待。“你好,请把材料拿出来。”签证室窗口里的签证官员低头对姜厨师说,眼睛没看他。 姜厨师连忙拿出自己的申请材料,并且郑重其事地打开自己的特级厨师证书。
  • 智齿


  • 最后一个皇帝:袁世凯传


  • 魔王的偷心萌妃


  • 趣生活


  • 穿越庶女很无敌

