

I observed Oscar, next. His eyes were fixed on Lucilla--absorbed in watching her. He spoke to Nugent, without looking at him; animated, as it seemed, by a vague fear for Lucilla, which was slowly developing into a vague fear for himself "Mind what you are doing!" he said. "Look at her, Nugent--look at her."

Nugent approached his brother, circuitously, so as to place Oscar between Lucilla and himself.

"Have I offended you?" he asked.

Oscar looked at him in surprise. "Offended with you," he answered, "after what you have forgiven, and what you have suffered, for my sake?"

"Still," persisted the other, "there is something wrong."

"I am startled, Nugent."

"Startled--by what?"

"By the question you have just put to Lucilla."

"You will understand me, and she will understand me, directly."

While those words were passing between the brothers, my attention remained fixed on Lucilla. Her head had turned slowly towards the new position which Nugent occupied when he spoke to Oscar. With this exception, no other movement had escaped her. No sense of what the two men were saying to each other seemed to have entered her mind. To all appearance she had heard nothing, since Nugent had started the first doubt in her whether she was blind for life.

"Speak to her," I said. "For God's sake, don't keep her in suspense, _now!_"

Nugent spoke.

"You have had reason to be offended with me, Lucilla. Let me, if I can, give you reason to be grateful to me, before I have done. When I was in New York, I became acquainted with a German surgeon, who had made a reputation and a fortune in America by his skill in treating diseases of the eye. He had been especially successful in curing cases of blindness given up as hopeless by other surgeons. I mentioned your case to him. He could say nothing positively (as a matter of course) without examining you. All he could do was to place his services at my disposal, when he came to England. I for one, Lucilla, decline to consider you blind for life, until this skillful man sees no more hope for you than the English surgeons have seen. If there is the faintest chance still left of restoring your sight, his is, I firmly believe, the one hand that can do it. He is now in England. Say the word--and I will bring him to Dimchurch."

She slowly lifted her hands to her head, and held it as if she was holding her reason in its place. Her color changed from pale to red--from red to pale once more. She drew a long, deep, heavy breath--and dropped her hands again, recovering from the shock. The change that followed, held us all three breathless. It was beautiful to see her. It was awful to see her. A mute ecstasy of hope transfigured her face; a heavenly smile played serenely on her lips. She was among us, and yet apart from us. In the still light of evening, shining in on her from the window, she stood absorbed in her own rapture--the silent creature of another sphere!

There was a moment when she overcame me with admiration, and another moment when she overcame me with fear. Both the men felt it. Both signed to me to speak to her first.

I advanced a few steps. I tried to consider with myself what I should say. It was useless. I could neither think nor speak. I could only look at her. I could only say, nervously--"Lucilla!"

She came back to the world--she came back to _us_--with a little start, and a faint flush of color in her cheeks. She turned herself towards the place from which I had spoken, and whispered----"Come!"

In a moment, my arms were round her. Her head sank on my bosom. We were reconciled without a word. We were friends again, sisters again, in an instant.

"Have I been fainting? have I been sleeping?" she said to me in low, bewildered tones. "Am I just awake? Is this Browndown?" She suddenly lifted her head. "Nugent! are you there?"


She gently withdrew herself from me, and approached Nugent.

"Did you speak to me just now? Was it you who put the doubt into my mind, whether I am really doomed to be blind for life? Surely, I have not fancied it? Surely, you said the man was coming, and the time coming?"

Her voice suddenly rose. "The man who may cure me! the time when I may see!"

"I said it, Lucilla. I meant it, Lucilla."

"Oscar! Oscar!! Oscar!!!"

I stepped forward to lead her to him. Nugent touched me, and pointed to Oscar, as I took her hand. He was standing before the glass--with an expression of despair which I see again while I write these lines--he was standing close to the glass; looking in silence at the hideous reflection of his face. In sheer pity, I hesitated to take her to him. She stepped forward, and, stretching out her hand, touched his shoulder. The reflection of _her_ charming face appeared behind _his_ face in the glass. She raised herself on tiptoe, with both hands on him, and said, "The time is coming, my darling, when I may see You!"

With a cry of joy, she drew his face to her, and kissed him on the forehead. His head fell on his breast when she released it: he covered his face with his hands, and stifled, for the moment, all outward expression of the pang that wrung him. I drew her rapidly away, before her quick sensibilities had time to warn her that something was wrong.

Even as it was, she resisted me. Even as it was, she asked suspiciously, "Why do you take me away from him?"

What excuse could I make? I was at my wits' end.

She repeated the question. For once Fortune favored us. A timely knock at the door stopped her just as she was trying to release herself from me.

"Somebody coming in," I said. The servant entered, as I spoke, with a letter from the rectory.

  • 醫閭先生集


  • 洛阳缙绅旧闻记


  • 医垒元戎


  • 丽史


  • 诸真内丹集要


  • 绯色异界


  • 案中冤案


  • 她是限定的草莓圣代


  • 冷王盛宠:农门弃妃太倾城


  • 海蓝


    海蓝是她的笔名。她的真名据说极土,类似王桂华,李凤琴之类。黎虹有个同学毕业后分到报社,给海蓝当手下,“见过能装的,没见过那么能装的。”黎虹的同学一言难尽的样子。 没多久,黎虹参加外省一家刊物举办的笔会,同行的有海蓝,以及青年评论家赵行。他们在火车站贵宾厅见了面,黎虹认出了赵行,他穿得很休闲,坐在沙发上跟一个女人聊天。黎虹觉得那个女人应该是海蓝。确实不年轻了,比黎虹想象得漂亮些,而且比她的同学形容得苗条很多,穿了一件鲜艳的碎花衬衫,面料带弹力的,紧紧地箍在身上,她的胸部很醒目。
  • 重生复仇:夜帝的罗刹妃


  • 妃常穿越:太子的嚣张萌妻


  • 爱的和谐:避孕节育知识


  • 暗香


  • 凶灵档案

