
第41章 CHAPTER XV(2)

For seven hours he spoke eloquently, earnestly, convincingly. For seven hours the old issues of party and policy were severally taken up and dismissed in the old forcible rhetoric that had early made him famous. Interruptions from other Senators, now forgetful of Unfinished Business, and wild with reanimated party zeal; interruptions from certain Senators mindful of Unfinished Business, and unable to pass the Roscommon bottle, only spurred him to fresh exertion. The tocsin sounded in the Senate was heard in the lower house. Highly-excited members congregated at the doors of the Senate, and left Unfinished Business to take care of itself.

Left to itself for seven hours, Unfinished Business gnashed its false teeth and tore its wig in impotent fury in corridor and hall.

For seven hours the gifted Gashwiler had continued the manufacture of oil and honey, whose sweetness, however, was slowly palling upon the congressional lip; for seven hours Roscommon and friends beat with impatient feet the lobby, and shook fists, more or less discolored, at the distinguished Senator. For seven hours the one or two editors were obliged to sit and calmly compliment the great speech which that night flashed over the wires of a continent with the old electric thrill. And, worse than all, they were obliged to record with it the closing of the ---- Congress, with more than the usual amount of Unfinished Business.

A little group of friends surrounded the great Senator with hymns of praise and congratulations. Old adversaries saluted him courteously as they passed by with the respect of strong men. A little woman with a shawl drawn over her shoulders, and held with one small brown hand, approached him timidly:

"I speak not the English well," she said gently, "but I have read much. I have read in the plays of your Shakspeare. I would like to say to you the words of Rosalind to Orlando when he did fight:

'Sir you have wrestled well, and have overthrown more than your enemies.'" And with these words she was gone.

Yet not so quickly but that pretty Mrs. Hopkinson, coming,--as Victrix always comes to Victor, to thank the great Senator, albeit the faces of her escorts were shrouded in gloom,--saw the shawled figure disappear.

"There," she said, pinching Wiles mischievously, "there! that's the woman you were afraid of. Look at her. Look at that dress. Ah, Heavens! look at that shawl. Didn't I tell you she had no style?"

"Who is she?" said Wiles sullenly.

"Carmen de Haro, of course," said the lady vivaciously. "What are you hurrying away so for? You're absolutely pulling me along."

Mr. Wiles had just caught sight of the travel-worn face of Royal Thatcher among the crowd that thronged the stair-case. Thatcher appeared pale and distrait: Mr. Harlowe, his counsel, at his side, rallied him.

"No one would think you had just got a new lease of your property, and escaped a great swindle. What's the matter with you? Miss De Haro passed us just now. It was she who spoke to the Senator. Why did you not recognize her?"

"I was thinking," said Thatcher gloomily.

"Well, you take things coolly! And certainly you are not very demonstrative towards the woman who saved you to-day. For, as sure as you live, it was she who drew that speech out of the Senator."

Thatcher did not reply, but moved away. He HAD noticed Carmen de Haro, and was about to greet her with mingled pleasure and embarrassment. But he had heard her compliment to the Senator, and this strong, preoccupied, automatic man, who only ten days before had no thought beyond his property, was now thinking more of that compliment to another than of his success; and was beginning to hate the Senator who had saved him, the lawyer who stood beside him, and even the little figure that had tripped down the steps unconscious of him.

  • 宁坤秘笈


  • 九曜斋笔记


  • 道门语要


  • 笠翁对韵


  • 波罗蜜多心经挟注


  • 瓶粟斋诗话


  • 此后,不再爱你


  • 佛说罪业应报教化地狱经


  • 阅读父亲


    本书所要告诉你的真实故事——这是一位朝鲜战场上志愿军中职务最高的烈士,牺牲时他的儿子才出生48天。年轻美丽的母亲对儿子隐瞒了他的身世,一瞒就是十八年。十八年后,父亲的战友们和母亲一起向儿子讲述了父亲的故事,儿子从此知道了父亲的名字,也知道了父亲曾经为自己起过的一个名字。 这是一个装满了父亲遗物的铁皮箱。儿子从母亲手中接过这个跟随父亲南征北战的箱子,看到了父亲留下的文字。从未谋面的儿子只能通过这些来感受父亲的气息,只能通过阅读来亲近父亲,解读父亲。本书分别从儿媳、儿子的叙述进入,引导读者一同走近烈士和他的家人、那些生前身后的人和事…… 一位军队高级指挥员的完整形象在充满深情的解读中被复原。
  • 《儿童文学》百万纪念文集:小说卷Ⅰ


  • 你的情局我的爱


  • 醉狂


  • 婚牵爱绕


  • 我的美丽小月历


  • 引发学生奇思妙想的创新故事(让学生受益一生的故事)

