

Not only were they new to her, and contrary to her own beliefs, but she always felt in them germs of truth that threatened to unseat or modify her own convictions. Had she been fourteen instead of twenty-four, she might have been changed by them; but she was twenty-four, conservative by nature and upbringing, and already crystallized into the cranny of life where she had been born and formed. It was true, his bizarre judgments troubled her in the moments they were uttered, but she ascribed them to his novelty of type and strangeness of living, and they were soon forgotten.

Nevertheless, while she disapproved of them, the strength of their utterance, and the flashing of eyes and earnestness of face that accompanied them, always thrilled her and drew her toward him. She would never have guessed that this man who had come from beyond her horizon, was, in such moments, flashing on beyond her horizon with wider and deeper concepts. Her own limits were the limits of her horizon; but limited minds can recognize limitations only in others. And so she felt that her outlook was very wide indeed, and that where his conflicted with hers marked his limitations; and she dreamed of helping him to see as she saw, of widening his horizon until it was identified with hers.

"But I have not finished my story," she said. "He worked, so father says, as no other office boy he ever had. Mr. Butler was always eager to work. He never was late, and he was usually at the office a few minutes before his regular time. And yet he saved his time. Every spare moment was devoted to study. He studied book- keeping and type-writing, and he paid for lessons in shorthand by dictating at night to a court reporter who needed practice. He quickly became a clerk, and he made himself invaluable. Father appreciated him and saw that he was bound to rise. It was on father's suggestion that he went to law college. He became a lawyer, and hardly was he back in the office when father took him in as junior partner. He is a great man. He refused the United States Senate several times, and father says he could become a justice of the Supreme Court any time a vacancy occurs, if he wants to. Such a life is an inspiration to all of us. It shows us that a man with will may rise superior to his environment."

"He is a great man," Martin said sincerely.

But it seemed to him there was something in the recital that jarred upon his sense of beauty and life. He could not find an adequate motive in Mr. Butler's life of pinching and privation. Had he done it for love of a woman, or for attainment of beauty, Martin would have understood. God's own mad lover should do anything for the kiss, but not for thirty thousand dollars a year. He was dissatisfied with Mr. Butler's career. There was something paltry about it, after all. Thirty thousand a year was all right, but dyspepsia and inability to be humanly happy robbed such princely income of all its value.

Much of this he strove to express to Ruth, and shocked her and made it clear that more remodelling was necessary. Hers was that common insularity of mind that makes human creatures believe that their color, creed, and politics are best and right and that other human creatures scattered over the world are less fortunately placed than they. It was the same insularity of mind that made the ancient Jew thank God he was not born a woman, and sent the modern missionary god-substituting to the ends of the earth; and it made Ruth desire to shape this man from other crannies of life into the likeness of the men who lived in her particular cranny of life.

  • 太上洞渊神咒经


  • 临济慧照玄公大宗师语录


  • 无垢净光大陀罗尼经


  • 心性罪福因缘集


  • 太上说十炼生神救护经


  • 农女王妃有空间


  • 原来如此


    诺贝尔文学奖得主、《丛林故事》作者吉卜林最有名的经典故事集《Just So Stories》(原来如此)用最天马行空的想象力告诉你这一切的答案。全书由12篇引人入胜的短篇故事组成,充满了异域风情和诙谐幽默。吉卜林发挥天马行空的想象力,讲述了诸多动物的来历和世界之初的样子。在书中,这些动物时而机智、时而鲁莽、时而勤劳、时而笨拙……故事就在它们之间栩栩如生地展开。吉卜林通过拟人的手法、生动的情节和逗趣的语言,赋予了动物们人类的性格,为孩子们描绘了一个想象中的广阔天地,同时也把现实生活中的教训传达给孩子们,让孩子们在听故事的同时,在潜移默化中明白生活的道理。
  • 宫斗那些事儿:废妃


  • 休妻佳人


  • 废材皇后:清梦奇缘


  • 梦鹤轩楳澥诗钞


  • 佣兵宠妃:狂傲八小姐


  • 管理就是搞定人


  • 死核星辰


  • 无极

