

In Spain there is not a city of any such greatness, partly because it hath been till now of late divided into divers little kingdoms, and partly because through want of navigable rivers it cannot bring so great a quantity of food and victual into one place as might maintain therein an extraordinary number of people. The cities of most magnificency and of greatest reputation are those where the ancient kings and princes held their seats, as Barcelona, Saragossa, Valencia, Cordova, Toledo, Burgos, Leon, all honourable cities and populous enough, but yet such as pass not the second rank of the cities of Italy.

Over and besides the rest there is Granada, where a long time the Moors have reigned and adorned the same with many rich and goodly buildings. It is situated part upon the hills and part upon the plain. The hilly part consisteth of three hills divided each from other. It aboundeth of water of all sorts, with the which is watered a great part of her pleasant and goodly country, which is by the means thereof so well inhabited and manured as none can be more.

Seville is increased mightily since the discovery of the New World, for thither come the fleets that bring unto them yearly so much treasure as cannot be esteemed. It is in compass about six miles. It containeth fourscore thousand persons and above. It is situated on the left shore of the river Betis, which some call Guadalquivir. It is beautified with fair and goodly churches, and with magnificent and gorgeous palaces and buildings. The country there about it is as fertile as it is pleasant.

Valladolid is not a city, but for all that it may compare with the noblest cities in Spain, and that by reason of the residence the King of Spain hath long time made there in it, as Madrid is at this day much increased and continually increaseth by the court that King Philip keepeth there. Which is of such efficacy and power as although the country be neither plentiful nor pleasant it doth yet draw such a number of people to it as it hath made that place, of a village, one of the most populous places now of Spain.

Cracow and Vilna are the most populous cities of Poland. The reason is because Cracow was the seat of the Duke of Poland and Vilna the seat of the great Duke of Lithuania.

In the Empire of the Muscovites there are three great and famous cities, Vladimir, the great Novgorod, and Moscow, which have gotten their reputation because they have been all three of them the seats of great dukes and princes of great dominions. The most renowned of them at this day is Moscow, through the residence the Duke holdeth there. It is in length five miles, but not so wide. There is unto it a very great castle that serves for a court and palace to that same prince, and it is so populous that some have reckoned it amongst the four cities of the first and chiefest ranks of Europe, which to their judgments are Moscow itself, Constantinople, Paris and Lisbon.

In Sicily, in ancient times past the greatest city there was Syracuse which, as Cicero doth write, consisted of four parts divided asunder, which might be said to be four cities. And the cause of her greatness was the residence of the kings, or of the tyrants (as they were termed in times past), call them as you will. But when the commerce with the Africans did fail them afterward, through the deluge of the infidels, and that the royal seat was removed to Palermo, Palermo did then increase apace her glory and Syracuse did lose as fast her lustre.

Palermo is a city equal to the cities of the second rank of Italy, beautified with rich temples and magnificent palaces, with divers relics and goodly buildings made by the Saracens. But two things chiefly made of late are worthiest to be noted. The one is the street made throughout the whole city, which for straightness, breadth, length and beautifulness of buildings is such as I know not in what city of Italy a man should find the like. The other is the pier, edified with an inestimable expense and charge, by the benefit whereof the city hath a very large and spacious port: a work in truth worthy of the Romans' magnanimity.

But what mean I to wander through other parts of the world to show how much it doth import the greatness of a city to residence and abode of a prince therein? Rome, whose majesty exceeded all the world, would she not be more like a desert than a city if the Pope held not his residence therein? If the Pope, with the greatness of his court and with the concourse of ambassadors, of prelates and of princes did not ennoble it and make it great? If with an infinite number of people that serve both him and his ministers he did not replenish and fill the city? If with magnificent buildings, conduits, fountains and streets it were not gloriously adorned? If amongst so many rich and stately works, belonging as well to God's glory as the service of the commonwealth he spent not there a great part of the revenues of the Church? And in a word, if with all these means he did not draw and entertain withal such a number of merchants, tradesmen, shopkeepers, artificers, workmen, and such a multitude of people, for labour and for service?

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