The viscera differ from the flesh not only in the turgid aspect of their substance, but also in position; for they lie within the body, whereas the flesh is placed on the outside. The explanation of this is that these parts partake of the character of blood-vessels, and that while the former exist for the sake of the vessels, the latter cannot exist without them.
我们都习惯了戴上缴笑的面具,去掩饰内心的悲伤,直到我们摘下面具的时候,看到的只是一张不会笑的险。——易琳 想陪你白头到老,共饮风霜。就算夏雨洪荒,冬雪,苍茫,穷极一生也只为你。——易烊千玺 怕无归期,怕空欢喜,怕来者不是你。世界再大,终究不能再与到第二个你。——王俊凯 时光匆匆,岁月也匆匆。?离开了多少,又剩下些什么。你若不来,我,怎敢老去。——王源 虽然我很晚才喜欢上你,但是我会陪你很久。——韩欣怡