

"Married in June," grinned the gossip, "and livin' in the old Tatum Place. Ham Riley perfessed reli- gion; old Mrs. Blithers sold her place to Cap'n Spooner; the youngest Waters girl run away with a music teacher; the court-house burned up last March; your uncle Wiley was elected constable; Matilda Hos- kins died from runnin' a needle in her hand, and Tom Beedle is courtin' Sallie Lathrop - they say he don't miss a night but what he's settin' on their porch."

"The wall-eyed thing!" exclaimed Miss Carring- ton, with asperity. "Why, Tom Beedle once -- say, you folks, excuse me a while -- this is an old friend of mine -- Mr. -- what was it? Yes, Mr. Summers -- Mr. Goldstein, Mr. Ricketts, Mr. -- Oh, what's yours? 'Johnny''ll do -- come on over here and tell me some more."

She swept him to an isolated table in a corner.

Herr Goldstein shrugged his fat shoulders and beck- oned to the waiter. The newspaper man brightened a little and mentioned absinthe. The youth with parted hair was plunged into melancholy. The guests of the rathskeller laughed, clinked glasses and enjoyed the comedy that Posie Carrington was treat- ing them to after her regular performance. A few cynical ones whispered "press agent"' and smiled wisely.

Posie Carrington laid her dimpled and desirable chin upon her hands, and forgot her audience -- a faculty that had won her laurels for her.

"I don't seem to recollect any Bill Summers," she said, thoughtfully gazing straight into the innocent blue eyes of the rustic young man. "But I know the Summerses, all right. I guess there ain't many changes in the old town. You see any of my folks lately?"

And then Highsmith played his trump. The part of "Sol Haytosser" called for pathos as well as comedy. Miss Carrington should see that he could do that as well.

"Miss Posie," said "Bill Summers,"" I was up to your folkeses house jist two or three days ago. No, there ain't many changes to speak of. The lilac bush by the kitchen window is over a foot higher, and the elm in the front yard died and had to be cut down.

And yet it don't seem the same place that it used to be."

"How's ma?" asked Miss Carrington.

"She was settin' by the front door, crocheting a lamp-mat when I saw her last," said "Bill." "She's older'n she was, Miss Posie. But everything in the house looked jest the same. Your ma asked me to set down. 'Don't touch that willow rocker, William," says she. 'It ain't been moved since Posie left; and that's the apron she was hemmin', layin' over the arm of it, jist as she flung it. I'm in hopes,' she goes on, that Posie'll finish runnin' out that hem some day.'"

Miss Carrington beckoned peremptorily to a waiter.

"A pint of extra dry," she ordered, briefly; "and give the check to Goldstein."

"The sun was shinin' in the door," went on the chronicler from Cranberry, "and your ma was settin' right in it. I asked her if she hadn't better move back a little. 'William,' says she, 'when I get sot down and lookin' down the road, I can't bear to move.

Never a day,' says she, 'but what I set here every minute that I can spare and watch over them palin's for Posie. She went away down that road in the night, for we seen her little shoe tracks in the dust, and somethin' tells me she'll come back that way ag'in when she's weary of the world and begins to think about her old mother."

"When I was comin' away," concluded "Bill,"

"I pulled this off'n the bush by the front steps. I thought maybe I might see you in the city, and I knowed you'd like somethin' from the old home."

He took from his coat pocket a rose - a drooping, yellow, velvet, odorous rose, that hung its bead in the foul atmosphere of that tainted rathskeller like a virgin bowing before the hot breath of the lions in a Roman arena.

Miss Carrington's penetrating but musical laugh rose above the orcbestra's rendering of "Bluebells."

"Oh, say!" she cried, with glee, "ain't those poky places the limit? I just know that two hours at Cranberry Corners would give me the horrors now.

Well, I'm awful glad to have seen you, Mr. Summers.

Guess I'll bustle around to the hotel now and get my beauty sleep."

She thrust the yellow rose into the bosom of her wonderful, dainty, silken garments, stood up and nodded imperiously at Herr Goldstein.

Her three companions and "Bill Summers" at- tended her to her cab. When her flounces and streamers were all safely tucked inside she dazzled them with au revoirs from her shining eyes and teeth.

"Come around to the hotel and see me, Bill, before you leave the city," she called as the glittering cab rolled away.

Highsmith, still in his make-up, went with Herr Goldstein to a cafe booth.

"Bright idea, eh? " asked the smiling actor.

"Ought to land 'Sol Haytosser ' for me, don't you think? The little lady never once tumbled."

"I didn't bear your conversation," said Goldstein, but your make-up and acting was 0. K. Here's to your success. You'd better call on Miss Carrington early to-morrow and strike her for the part. I don't see how she can keep from being satisfied with your exhibition of ability."

At 11.45 A. M. on the next day Highsmith, hand- some, dressed in the latest mode, confident, with a fuchsia in his button-bole, sent up his card to Miss Carrington in her select apartment hotel.

He was shown up and received by the actress's French maid.

"I am sorree," said Mlle. Hortense, "but I am to say this to all. It is with great regret. Mees Car- rington have cancelled all engagements on the stage and have returned to live in that how you call that town? Cranberry Cornaire!"

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  • Dora Thorne

    Dora Thorne

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  • 吸血鬼王妃求不闹


    封面感谢愔羽酱! 谁能告诉她一觉醒来被人咬了变吸血鬼了算什么事儿?谁又能告诉她又一觉醒来一朝穿越从天而降还骑人家身上了这算什么事儿?王爷不能是女的?好嘛,她一个现代非人类直接被封王了这又是嘛事儿?府中那天被她骑的是这位……月圆之夜就会饿,从此以后王府经常传出恐怖故事——大半夜有人眼冒红光,吸干了——狗的血。不少“爱狗人士”向王府发起“讨伐”,某非人类满脸无辜:“伦家一个女子,怎么可能呢?”
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