The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
(正文已完结)黑帮公主洛子涵原本带着一帮小弟找敌对帮派的堂主PK,却意外遭遇天生异象九星连珠,被一道惊雷劈到了另一个朝代,并以“神女”之姿从天而降,压死渣男一枚,救下了一个帅哥王爷,于是一场腹黑王爷VS野蛮公主的戏码正式开演……“上官云狄,你有人格分裂吗?为么你对别人都能走高冷路线,唯独就只会欺负我?为么?”“因为你好欺负啊。”某男答得理所当然。“啊啊啊,死妖男,你是皇二代了不起啊,姐还是黑二代呢,有本事你到我的地头试试,姐把你腌了当醉虾……”“可以,那等到了你的地头再说。”某男继续好脾气的从善如流。There Must Be Showers
Interior designer Shelley Scott's turbulent marriage ended in divorce--and she's finally back on her feet. But when she lands a wealthy new client and realizes it's her ex-husband, handsome and elegant Nick Montpelier, she curses her bad luck.Soon she realizes Nick has hired her to decorate the beautiful mansion where they both once planned to live--for the new woman in Nick's life. Determined to do the job, earn the money, and never look back, Shelley never dreams she'll fall back into Nick's arms--and back in love.Pacific Onslaught
Japan had mighty ambitions—to control the Western Pacific. The attack on Pearl Harbor devastated the American Pacific fleet, their primary obstacle, and they swept across the region. What ensued was a bitter struggle in which many thousands of soldiers lost their lives on both sides.This is the first book in Paul Kennedy's chronicle of the Pacific conflict in World War II, concluded in Pacific Victory. Featuring a new introduction by the author, this book provides a close, step-by-step narrative of the Japanese expansion into the Western Pacific during some of the most brutal years of World War II. Offering contemporary analysis of war strategy, it includes a riveting look at Japan's tightening grip on Hong Kong, New Guinea, the Philippines, and other key strategic locations—and the Allies' inexorable struggle against it. These works on the War in the Pacific are as gripping today as when they were first published.妃常彪悍:暴君请温柔