
第33章 CHAPTER V(2)

"Greaves an' his gang hed come round, sure tickled clean to thar gizzards at this mess. I noticed, howsomever, thet they was Texans enough to keep back to one side in case this Isbel started any action.

. . . Wal, Isbel took a look at Lorenzo. Then with one swift grab he jerked the little greaser off his feet an' pulled him close. Lorenzo stopped grinnin'. He began to look a leetle sick. But it was plain he hed right on his side.

"'You say you saw me?' demanded Isbel.

"'Si, senor,' replied Lorenzo.

"What did you see?'

"'I see senor an' senorita. I hide by manzanita. I see senorita like grande senor ver mooch. She like senor keese. She--'

"Then Isbel hit the little greaser a back-handed crack in the mouth.

Sure it was a crack! Lorenzo went over the counter backward an' landed like a pack load of wood. An' he didn't git up.

"'Mister Bruce,' said Isbel, 'an' you fellars who heerd thet lyin' greaser, I did meet Ellen Jorth. An' I lost my head. I 'I kissed her.

. . . But it was an accident. I meant no insult. I apologized--I tried to explain my crazy action. . . . Thet was all. The greaser lied. Ellen Jorth was kind enough to show me the trail. We talked a little. Then--I suppose--because she was young an' pretty an' sweet--I lost my head. She was absolutely innocent. Thet damned greaser told a bare-faced lie when he said she liked me. The fact was she despised me. She said so. An' when she learned I was Jean Isbel she turned her back on me an' walked away."'

At this point of his narrative the old man halted as if to impress Ellen not only with what just had been told, but particularly with what was to follow. The reciting of this tale had evidently given Sprague an unconscious pleasure. He glowed. He seemed to carry the burden of a secret that he yearned to divulge. As for Ellen, she was deadlocked in breathless suspense. All her emotions waited for the end.

She begged Sprague to hurry.

"Wal, I wish I could skip the next chapter an' hev only the last to tell," rejoined the old man, and he put a heavy, but solicitous, hand upon hers. . . . Simm Bruce haw-hawed loud an' loud. . . . 'Say, Nez Perce,' he calls out, most insolent-like, 'we air too good sheepmen heah to hev the wool pulled over our eyes. We shore know what y'u meant by Ellen Jorth. But y'u wasn't smart when y'u told her y'u was Jean Isbel! . . . Haw-haw!'

"Isbel flashed a strange, surprised look from the red-faced Bruce to Greaves and to the other men. I take it he was wonderin' if he'd heerd right or if they'd got the same hunch thet 'd come to him.

An' I reckon he determined to make sure.

"'Why wasn't I smart?' he asked.

"'Shore y'u wasn't smart if y'u was aimin' to be one of Ellen Jorth's lovers,' said Bruce, with a leer. 'Fer if y'u hedn't give y'urself away y'u could hev been easy enough.'

"Thar was no mistakin' Bruce's meanin' an' when he got it out some of the men thar laughed. Isbel kept lookin' from one to another of them.

Then facin' Greaves, he said, deliberately: 'Greaves, this drunken Bruce is excuse enough fer a show-down. I take it that you are sheepmen, an' you're goin' on Jorth's side of the fence in the matter of this sheep rangin'.'

"'Wal, Nez Perce, I reckon you hit plumb center,' said Greaves, dryly.

He spread wide his big hands to the other men, as if to say they'd might as well own the jig was up.

"'All right. You're Jorth's backers. Have any of you a word to say in Ellen Jorth's defense? I tell you the Mexican lied. Believin' me or not doesn't matter. But this vile-mouthed Bruce hinted against thet girl's honor.'

"Ag'in some of the men laughed, but not so noisy, an' there was a nervous shufflin' of feet. Isbel looked sort of queer. His neck had a bulge round his collar. An' his eyes was like black coals of fire. Greaves spread his big hands again, as if to wash them of this part of the dirty argument.

"'When it comes to any wimmen I pass--much less play a hand fer a wildcat like Jorth's gurl,' said Greaves, sort of cold an' thick.

'Bruce shore ought to know her. Accordin' to talk heahaboots an' what HE says, Ellen Jorth has been his gurl fer two years.'

"Then Isbel turned his attention to Bruce an' I fer one begun to shake in my boots.

"'Say thet to me!' he called.

"'Shore she's my gurl, an' thet's why Im a-goin' to hev y'u run off this range.'

"Isbel jumped at Bruce. 'You damned drunken cur! You vile-mouthed liar!

. . . . I may be an Isbel, but by God you cain't slander thet girl to my face! . . . Then he moved so quick I couldn't see what he did.

But I heerd his fist hit Bruce. It sounded like an ax ag'in' a beef.

Bruce fell clear across the room. An' by Jinny when he landed Isbel was thar. As Bruce staggered up, all bloody-faced, bellowin' an' spittin' out teeth Isbel eyed Greaves's crowd an' said: 'If any of y'u make a move it 'll mean gun-play.' Nobody moved, thet's sure.

In fact, none of Greaves's outfit was packin' guns, at least in sight.

When Bruce got all the way up--he's a tall fellar--why Isbel took a full swing at him an' knocked him back across the room ag'in' the counter. Y'u know when a fellar's hurt by the way he yells. Bruce got thet second smash right on his big red nose. . . . I never seen any one so quick as Isbel. He vaulted over thet counter jest the second Bruce fell back on it, an' then, with Greaves's gang in front so he could catch any moves of theirs, he jest slugged Bruce right an' left, an' banged his head on the counter. Then as Bruce sunk limp an' slipped down, lookin' like a bloody sack, Isbel let him fall to the floor. Then he vaulted back over the counter. Wipin' the blood off his hands, he throwed his kerchief down in Bruce's face. Bruce wasn't dead or bad hurt. He'd jest been beaten bad.

He was moanin' an' slobberin'. Isbel kicked him, not hard, but jest sort of disgustful. Then he faced thet crowd. 'Greaves, thet's what I think of your Simm Bruce. Tell him next time he sees me to run or pull a gun.' An' then Isbel grabbed his rifle an' package off the counter an' went out. He didn't even look back. I seen him nount his horse an' ride away. . . . Now, girl, what hev you to say?"

  • 乱世血玉


  • 至强战皇


  • 白银时代2010黑铁时代


    收录王小波的所有小说,包括早期作品、唐人故 事、似水柔情;黄金时代;白银时代、2010、黑铁时代;青铜时代。小说 出入于历史、现实、未来,在不同时空中反思了权力和乌托邦带给人的伤 害,小说奇特的想象和反讽的使用带有作者独特的印记。
  • 灭仙神帝


  • 你的职业前途在哪里?


  • 本杰明·巴顿奇事(菲茨杰拉德中短篇小说选)


    小说集中的《本杰明·巴顿奇事》被改编为同名电影,由大卫·芬奇执导, 凯特·布兰切特、布拉德·皮特主演。在这部小说集中,菲茨杰拉德塑造了一群在战后追求梦想而又梦想破灭的青年男女形象,其作品是诗人的敏感和戏剧家的想象力的结晶,是其艺术才能发挥至炉火纯青地步的产物。菲茨杰拉德的魅力来自于他清晰的叙述,优雅的文风,多姿多彩、点铁成金的遗词造句,这种风格在他的短篇小说中得到了最好的体现。
  • 夹科肇论序注


  • 女捕快叱咤江湖


    本书视频地址:在教堂里举行婚礼的她,等着男友回答“我愿意”之时,穿越到了另一个时空,在这里,她依然是新娘,只是,她的丈夫只有七岁。穿越女的命运,基本上分为两种,叱咤江湖或者宠冠六宫,她会摆脱这个符咒吗?只要穿越,就注定她无法平淡一生,就算她做了捕快,也是一样。她的相公十二岁的时候,命运的齿轮终于更改了轨迹,她陷入了一个巨大的旋涡。她是一个幸运的人,武功九流,智商一流,遇到困难的时候,总会有人出来相助。她是一个倒霉的人,富可敌国,纵横商场,到最后才发现,这一切不过是一场空。办案时,她智慧干练,无案不破,面对爱情时,她却如雾里看花,看不清自己的心意。这个世界,美男实在多,且个个够痴情。小夫君飒风:文武全才,古灵精怪,才华横溢,痴心不改。(他说:娘子,你为何非要把一颗心放在别人身上,别忘了,我们已经拜过天地,我们是夫妻,我不管你从前心里有谁,从这一刻开始,你要牢牢记住,你的心里,只能有我一个人。”)王爷齐嵘轩:表里不一,权欲极深的腹黑男,初时,只是想利用她,谁知,一颗心却逐渐陷落下去,无法自拔。(他说:蜜儿,相信我,我是真的爱你,从前,我也不敢相信,有一天会爱上你。)丐帮帮主裴宁:正直潇洒,武功高强的侠士。她穿越是为他而来,再次相见,他却忘了她是谁,命运的线却牵着他慢慢走向她,只是,不知道他还有没有机会。(他说:蜜儿,我全都想起来了,我想起来了,蜜儿,跟我走吧,你来到这里,不就是因为我吗?)盗圣永夜:通天大盗,亦正亦邪,一个比女人还要貌美的男人,也是一个谜团最多的人,是一个愿意为了爱情放弃一切的人。(他说:蜜儿,你为什么不相信我呢?为了你,我甘愿放弃所有,只要你跟我走,我一定会放弃!)本文慢热,可以先收藏,七八万的时候,会渐入高潮。每一篇文,从开篇、布局、铺垫、情节推进、高潮到结局,是一个循序渐进的过程,这些过程缺一不可,我用心写,也希望您耐心看,我的文基本上不会很快进入高潮,就如一杯唯美的白兰地,先看颜色,再嗅其香,才会知晓它的一经沾唇,醇美无瑕,细细品味,才可知它的醇和、甘洌、沁润、细腻、丰满、绵延、纯正。呵呵,有些自夸了,但我自认每一篇文都是反复推敲之后才写出来的,所以,请您带着品味美酒的心情,欣赏我的文,谢谢。 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄☆★我的其他作品:极品下堂妻:
  • 我穿成了九千岁


  • 绝世烟华:倾城嫡小姐

