

On reaching the rue Honore-Chevalier la Peyrade felt a doubt; the dilapidated appearance of the house to which he was summoned made him think he had mistaken the number. It seemed to him that a person of Monsieur du Portail's evident importance could not inhabit such a place. It was therefore with some hesitation that he accosted Sieur Perrache, the porter. But no sooner had he entered the antechamber of the apartment pointed out to him than the excellent deportment of Bruneau, the old valet, and the extremely comfortable appearance of the furniture and other appointments made him see that he was probably in the right place. Introduced at once, as soon as he had given his name, into the study of the master of the house, his surprise was great when he found himself in presence of the commander, so called, the friend of Madame de Godollo, and the little old man he had seen half an hour earlier with Thuillier.

"At last!" said du Portail, rising, and offering la Peyrade a chair, "at last we meet, my refractory friend; it has taken a good deal to bring you here.""May I know, monsieur," said la Peyrade, haughtily, not taking the chair which was offered to him, "what interest you have in meddling with my affairs? I do not know you, and I may add that the place where I once saw you did not create an unconquerable desire in me to make your acquaintance.""Where have you seen me?" asked du Portail.

"In the apartment of a strumpet who called herself Madame de Godollo.""Where monsieur, consequently, went himself," said the little old man, "and for a purpose much less disinterested than mine.""I have not come here," said la Peyrade, "to bandy words with any one.

I have the right, monsieur, to a full explanation as to the meaning of your proceedings towards me. I therefore request you not to delay them by a facetiousness to which, I assure you, I am not in the humor to listen.""Then, my dear fellow," said du Portail, "sit down, for I am not in the humor to twist my neck by talking up at you."The words were reasonable, and they were said in a tone that showed the old gentleman was not likely to be frightened by grand airs. La Peyrade therefore deferred to the wishes of his host, but he took care to do so with the worst grace possible.

"Monsieur Cerizet," said du Portail, "a man of excellent standing in the world, and who has the honor to be one of your friends--""I have nothing to do with that man now," said la Peyrade, sharply, understanding the malicious meaning of the old man's speech.

"Well, the time has been," said du Portail, "when you saw him, at least, occasionally: for instance, when you paid for his dinner at the Rocher de Cancale. As I was saying, I charged the virtuous Monsieur Cerizet to sound you as to a marriage--""Which I refused," interrupted la Peyrade, "and which I now refuse again, more vehemently than ever.""That's the question," said the old man. "I think, on the contrary, that you will accept it; and it is to talk over this affair with you that I have so long desired a meeting.""But this crazy girl that you are flinging at my head," said la Peyrade, "what is she to you? She can't be your daughter, or you would put more decency into your hunt for a husband.""This young girl," replied du Portail, "is the daughter of one of my friends who died about ten years ago; at his death I took her to live with me, and have given her all the care her sad condition needed. Her fortune, which I have greatly increased, added to my own, which Iintend to leave to her, will make her a very rich heiress. I know that you are no enemy to handsome 'dots,' for you have sought them in various places,--Thuillier's house, for instance, or, to use your own expression, that of a strumpet whom you scarcely knew. I have therefore supposed you would accept at my hands a very rich young woman, especially as her infirmity is declared by the best physicians to be curable; whereas you can never cure Monsieur and Mademoiselle Thuillier, the one of being a fool, the other of being a fury, any more than you could cure Madame Komorn of being a woman of very medium virtue and extremely giddy.""It may suit me," replied la Peyrade, "to marry the daughter of a fool and a fury if I choose her, or I might become the husband of a clever coquette, if passion seized me, but the Queen of Sheba herself, if imposed upon me, neither you, monsieur, nor the ablest and most powerful man living could force me to accept.""Precisely; therefore it is to your own good sense and intelligence that I now address myself; but we have to come face to face with people in order to speak to them, you know. Now, then, let us look into your present situation, and don't get angry if, like a surgeon who wants to cure his patient, I lay my hand mercilessly on wounds which have long tormented and harassed you. The first point to state is that the Celeste Colleville affair is at an end for you.""Why so?" demanded la Peyrade.

"Because I have just seen Thuillier and terrified him with the history of the misfortunes he has incurred, and those he will incur if he persists in the idea of giving you his goddaughter in marriage. He knows now that it was I who paralyzed Madame du Bruel's kind offices in the matter of the cross; that I had his pamphlet seized; that Isent that Hungarian woman into his house to handle you all, as she did; and that my hand is opening fire in the ministerial journals, which will only increase from bad to worse,--not to speak of other machinations which will be directed against his candidacy. Therefore you see, my good friend, that not only have you no longer the credit in Thuillier's eyes of being his great helper to that election, but that you actually block the way to his ambition. That is enough to prove to you that the side by which you have imposed yourself on that family--who have never sincerely liked or desired you--is now completely battered down and dismantled.""But to have done all that which you claim with such pretension, who are you?" demanded la Peyrade.

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    新书发布,《女君纪》,谢谢大家支持!! 作者的第二部作品了。 多年后,人们回忆起女君慕青,只对她的丰功伟绩津津乐道。 她惊才绝艳,如凤翱九霄,如苍龙入海,更如那归墟,海纳百川! 但,却无人知一开始的她也只是一个本性洒脱,只想体会人世风流的女子。 天道不公,人如蝼蚁。她在经历了跌宕起伏之后,为自保,为公理,为正义……最后带着一群优秀的同伴,开创了大夏的鼎盛时代,将自己的名字深深地篆刻在了历史的墓碑上! 年少时遇到了谁,谁又一直同行,谁又歧路分别,都在女君纪的传奇话本上。 成仙之路有多难,看女主云炽的坎坷之路就知道了。正统修仙流,女主较为冷峻,该杀戮果断时绝不留情,但自有一股侠骨柔情。人有七情六欲,学会如何放下,是修士毕生的修行。本文无男主,请放心入坑!
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