

Pauline. Thrice have I sought to speak; my courage fails me.--Sir, is it true that you have known--nay, are The friend of--Melnotte.

Mel. Lady, yes!--Myself And misery know the man!

Pauline. And you will see him, And you will bear to him--ay--word for word, All that this heart, which breaks in parting from him, Would send, ere still for ever?

Mel. He hath told me You have the right to choose from out the world A worthier bridegroom;--he forgoes all claim, Even to murmur at his doom. Speak on!

Pauline. Tell him, for years I never nursed a thought That was not his;--that on his wandering way, Daily and nightly, pour'd a mourner's prayers.

Tell him ev'n now that I would rather share His lowliest lot,--walk by his side, an outcast--Work for him, beg with him,--live upon the light Of one kind smile from him,--than wear the crown The Bourbon lost!

Mel. [aside.] Am I already mad?

And does delirium utter such sweet words Into a dreamer's ear? [Aloud]. You love him thus, And yet desert him?

Pauline. Say, that, if his eye--Could read this heart,--its struggles, its temptations,--His love itself would pardon that desertion!

Look on that poor old man,--he is my father;

He stands upon the verge of an abyss!--He calls his child to save him! Shall I shrink From him who gave me birth?--withhold my hand, And see a parent perish? Tell him this, And say--that we shall meet again in Heaven!

Mel. Lady--I--I--what is this riddle?--what The nature of this sacrifice?

Pauline [pointing to DAMAS]. Go, ask him!

Beau. [from the table]. The papers are prepared--we only need Your hand and seal.

Mel. Stay, lady--one word more.

Were but your duty with your faith united, Would you still share the low-born peasant's lot?

Pauline. Would I? Ah, better death with him I love Than all the pomp--which is but as the flowers That crown the victim!--[Turning away.] I am ready.

[MELNOTTE rushes to DAMAS.

Damas. There--This is the schedule--this the total.

Beau. [to DESCHAPPELLES, showing notes]. These Are yours the instant she has sign'd; you are Still the great House of Lyons!

[The Notary is about to hand the contract to PAULINE, when MELNOTTEseizes it and tears it.

Beau. Are you mad?

M. Deschap. How, Sir! What means this insult?

Mel. Peace, old man!

I have a prior claim. Before the face Of man and Heaven I urge it; I outbid Yon sordid huckster for your priceless jewel. [Giving a pocket-book.

There is the sum twice told! Blush not to take it:

There's not a coin that is not bought and hallow'd In the cause of nations with a soldier's blood!

Beau. Torments and death!

Pauline. That voice! Thou art--Mel. Thy husband!

[PAULINE rushes into his arms.

Look up! Look up, Pauline!--for I can bear Thine eyes! The stain is blotted from my name.

I have redeem'd mine honor. I can call On France to sanction thy divine forgiveness!

Oh, joy!--Oh, rapture! By the midnight watchfires Thus have I seen thee! thus foretold this hour!

And 'midst the roar of battle, thus have heard The beating of thy heart against my own!

Beau. Fool'd, duped, and triumph'd over in the hour Of mine own victory! Curses on ye both!

May thorns be planted in the marriage-bed!

And love grow sour'd and blacken'd into hate Such as the hate that gnaws me!

Damas. Curse away And let me tell thee, Beauseant, a wise proverb The Arabs have,--"Curses are like young chickens, [Solemnly.] And still come home to roost!"Beau. Their happiness Maddens my soul! I am powerless and revengeless! [To MADAME.

I wish you joy! Ha! ha! the gardener's son! [Exit.

Damas [to GLAVIS]. Your friend intends to hang himself! Methinks You ought to be his travelling companion!

Gla. Sir, you are exceedingly obliging! [Exit.

Pauline. Oh My father, you are saved,--and by my husband!

Ah, blessed hour!

Mel. Yet you weep still, Pauline.

Pauline. But on thy breast!--these tears are sweet and holy!

M. Deschap. You have won love and honor nobly, sir!

Take her;--be happy both!

Mme. Deschap.I'm all astonish'd!

Who, then, is Colonel Morier?

Damas.You behold him!

Mel. Morier no more after this happy day!

I would not bear again my father's name Till I could deem it spotless! The hour's come!

Heaven smiled on conscience! As the soldier rose From rank to rank, how sacred was the fame That cancell'd crime, and raised him nearer thee!

Mme. Deschap. A Colonel and a hero! Well, that's something!

He's wondrously improved! I wish you joy, sir!

Mel. Ah! the same love that tempts us into sin, If it be true love, works out its redemption;And he who seeks repentance for the Past Should woo the Angel Virtue in the Future.

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