
第77章 CHAPTER IV.(1)

My last undertaking had employed me more than twelve months, and so weakened me that I appeared little better than a skeleton.

Notwithstanding the greatness of my spirit, I should have sunk into despondency, at seeing an end like this to all my labours, had I not still cherished a secret hope of escaping, founded on the friends Ihad gained among the officers.

I soon felt the effects of the loss of my bed, and was a second time attacked by a violent fever, which would this time certainly have consumed me had not the officers, unknown to the governor, treated me with all possible compassion. Bruckhausen alone continued my enemy, and the slave of his orders; on his day of examination rules and commands in all their rigour were observed, nor durst I free myself from my irons, till I had for some weeks remarked those parts on which he invariably fixed his attention. I then cut through the link, and closed up the vacancy with bread. My hands I could always draw out, especially after illness had consumed the flesh off my bones. Half a year had elapsed before I had recovered sufficient strength to undertake, anew, labours like the past.

Necessity at length taught me the means of driving Bruckhausen from my dungeon, and of inducing him to commit his office to another. Ilearnt his olfactory nerves were somewhat delicate, and whenever Iheard the doors unbar, I took care to make a stir in my night-table.

This made him give back, and at length he would come no farther than the door. Such are the hard expedients of a poor unhappy prisoner!

One day he came, bloated with pride, just after a courier had brought the news of victory, and spoke of the Austrians, and the august person of the Empress-Queen with so much virulence, that, at last, enraged almost to madness, I snatched the sword of an officer from its sheath, and should certainly have ended him, had he not made a hasty retreat. From that day forward he durst no more come without guards to examine the dungeon. Two men always preceded him, with their bayonets fixed, and their pieces presented, behind whom he stood at the door. This was another fortunate incident, as Idreaded only his examination.

The following anecdote will afford a specimen of this man's understanding. While digging in the earth I found a cannon-ball, and laid it in the middle of my prison. When he came to examine--"What in the name of God is that?" said he. "It is a part of the ammunition," answered I, "that my Familiar brings me. The cannon will be here anon, and you will then see fine sport!" He was astonished, told this to others, nor could conceive such a ball might by any natural means enter my prison.

I wrote a satire on him, when the late Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel was governor of Magdeburg; and I had permission to write as will hereafter appear: the Land-grave gave it to him to read himself;and so gross was his conception, that though his own phraseology was introduced, part of his history and his character painted, yet he did not perceive the jest, but laughed heartily with the hearers.

The Landgrave was highly diverted, and after I obtained my freedom, restored me the manuscript written in my own blood.

About the time that my last attempt at escaping failed, General Krusemarck came to my prison, whom I had formerly lived with in habits of intimacy, when cornet of the body guard. Without testifying friendship, esteem, or compassion, he asked, among other things, in an authoritative tone, how I could employ my time to prevent tediousness? I answered in as haughty a mood as he interrogated: for never could misfortune bend my mind. I told him, "I always could find sources of entertainment in my own thoughts;and that, as for my dreams, I imagined they would at least be as peaceful and pleasant as those of my oppressors." "Had you in time," replied he, "curbed this fervour of yours, had you asked pardon of the King, perhaps you would have been in very different circumstances; but he who has committed an offence in which he obstinately persists, endeavouring only to obtain freedom by seducing men from their duty, deserves no better fate."Justly was my anger roused! "Sir," answered I, "you are a general of the King of Prussia, I am an Austrian captain. My royal mistress will protect, perhaps deliver me, or, at least, revenge my death; Ihave a conscience void of reproach. You, yourself, well know I have not deserved these chains. I place my hope in time, and the justness of my cause, calumniated and condemned, as I have been, without legal sentence or hearing. In such a situation, the philosopher will always be able to brave and despise the tyrant."He departed with threats, and his last words were, "The bird shall soon be taught to sing another tune." The effects of this courteous visit were soon felt. An order came that I should be prevented sleeping, and that the sentinels should call, and wake me every quarter of an hour; which dreadful order was immediately executed.

This was indeed a punishment intolerable to nature! Yet did custom at length teach me to answer in my sleep. Four years did this unheard of cruelty continue! The noble Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel at length put an end to it a year before I was released from my dungeon, and once again, in mercy, suffered me to sleep in peace.

Under this new affliction, I wrote an Elegy which may be found in the second volume of my works, a few lines of which I shall cite.

Wake me, ye guards, for hark, the quarter strikes!

Sport with my woes, laugh loud at my miseries Hearken if you hear my chains clank! Knock! Beat!

Of an inexorable tyrant be ye Th' inexorable instruments! Wake me, ye slaves;Ye do but as you're bade. Soon shall he lie Sleepless, or dreaming, the spectres of conscience Behold and shriek, who me deprives of rest.

Wake me: Again the quarter strikes! Call loud Rip up all my bleeding wounds, and shrink not!

Yet think 'tis I that answer, God that hears!

To every wretch in chains sleep is permitted:

I, I alone, am robb'd of this last refuge Of sinking nature! Hark! Again they thunder!

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