

"Where's Dick?" said old Dewy.

Every man hooked round upon every other man, as if Dick might have been transmuted into one or the other; and then they said they didn't know.

"Well now, that's what I call very nasty of Master Dicky, that I do," said Michael Mail.

"He've clinked off home-along, depend upon't," another suggested, though not quite believing that he had.

"Dick!" exclaimed the tranter, and his voice rolled sonorously forth among the yews.

He suspended his muscles rigid as stone whilst listening for an answer, and finding he listened in vain, turned to the assemblage.

"The treble man too! Now if he'd been a tenor or counter chap, we might ha' contrived the rest o't without en, you see. But for a quire to lose the treble, why, my sonnies, you may so well lose your . . . " The tranter paused, unable to mention an image vast enough for the occasion.

"Your head at once," suggested Mr. Penny.

The tranter moved a pace, as if it were puerile of people to complete sentences when there were more pressing things to be done.

"Was ever heard such a thing as a young man leaving his work half done and turning tail like this!"

"Never," replied Bowman, in a tone signifying that he was the last man in the world to wish to withhold the formal finish required of him.

"I hope no fatal tragedy has overtook the had!" said his grandfather.

"O no," replied tranter Dewy placidly. "Wonder where he's put that there fiddle of his. Why that fiddle cost thirty shillings, and good words besides. Somewhere in the damp, without doubt; that instrument will be unglued and spoilt in ten minutes--ten! ay, two."

"What in the name o' righteousness can have happened?" said old William, more uneasily. "Perhaps he's drownded!"

"Leaving their lanterns and instruments in the belfry they retraced their steps along the waterside track. "A strapping lad like Dick d'know better than let anything happen onawares," Reuben remarked.

"There's sure to be some poor little scram reason for't staring us in the face all the while." He lowered his voice to a mysterious tone: 'Neighbours, have ye noticed any sign of a scornful woman in his head, or suchlike?"

"Not a glimmer of such a body. He's as clear as water yet."

"And Dicky said he should never marry," cried Jimmy, "but live at home always along wi' mother and we!"

"Ay, ay, my sonny; every had has said that in his time."

They had now again reached the precincts of Mr. Shiner's, but hearing nobody in that direction, one or two went across to the schoolhouse. A light was still burning in the bedroom, and though the blind was down, the window had been slightly opened, as if to admit the distant notes of the carollers to the ears of the occupant of the room.

Opposite the window, leaning motionless against a beech tree, was the lost man, his arms folded, his head thrown back, his eyes fixed upon the illuminated lattice.

"Why, Dick, is that thee? What b'st doing here?"

Dick's body instantly flew into a more rational attitude, and his head was seen to turn east and west in the gloom, as if endeavouring to discern some proper answer to that question; and at last he said in rather feeble accents--"Nothing, father."

"Th'st take long enough time about it then, upon my body," said the tranter, as they all turned anew towards the vicarage.

"I thought you hadn't done having snap in the gallery," said Dick.

"Why, we've been traypsing and rambling about, looking everywhere, and thinking you'd done fifty deathly things, and here have you been at nothing at all!"

"The stupidness lies in that point of it being nothing at all," murmured Mr. Spinks.

The vicarage front was their next field of operation, and Mr. Maybold, the lately-arrived incumbent, duly received his share of the night's harmonies. It was hoped that by reason of his profession he would have been led to open the window, and an extra carol in quick time was added to draw him forth. But Mr. Maybold made no stir.

"A bad sign!" said old William, shaking his head.

However, at that same instant a musical voice was heard exclaiming from inner depths of bedclothes--"Thanks, villagers!"

"What did he say?" asked Bowman, who was rather dull of hearing.

Bowman's voice, being therefore loud, had been heard by the vicar within.

"I said, 'Thanks, villagers!'" cried the vicar again.

"Oh, we didn't hear 'ee the first time!" cried Bowman.

"Now don't for heaven's sake spoil the young man's temper by answering like that!" said the tranter.

"You won't do that, my friends!" the vicar shouted.

"Well to be sure, what ears!" said Mr. Penny in a whisper. "Beats any horse or dog in the parish, and depend upon't, that's a sign he's a proper clever chap."

"We shall see that in time," said the tranter.

Old William, in his gratitude for such thanks from a comparatively new inhabitant, was anxious to play all the tunes over again; but renounced his desire on being reminded by Reuben that it would be best to leave well alone.

"Now putting two and two together," the tranter continued, as they went their way over the hill, and across to the last remaining houses; "that is, in the form of that young female vision we zeed just now, and this young tenor-voiced parson, my belief is she'll wind en round her finger, and twist the pore young feller about like the figure of 8--that she will so, my sonnies."

  • 随园诗话


  • Laches


  • 醉后赠马四


  • 登夏州城楼


  • 斫琴术


  • 神族物语




  • 在爱中我们已然相遇


  • 时空随笔


  • 绝代宠妃0a


  • 一碗清汤面


  • 魅姬


  • 烟雨沧澜


  • 情定旧爱


    【新文《慕安以南》连载中】 [1V1大宠小虐HE]年少时,他们在一起,他是一穷二白的小混混,她是富家千金。后因误会分手,两人分道扬镳。 父亲含冤入狱,她便从名媛小姐变成了落魄千金。为了生存,她不得已误入歧途,与一个从未谋面的男人有了荒唐的一夜,第二天醒来才发现,原来他就是他。她落荒而逃,却不曾想他醒来后会发了疯的找她。 几年后再见面时,却是在她最难堪的时候。那时的他是名门财阀之后,有一位名动全城的未婚妻,而她除了相依为命的儿子,什么都没有。 他向她威逼利诱,目的是和她结婚,她不明白,为什么会选择她,他却说,“你有儿子,我有女儿,凑在一起刚刚好。”到最后才发现,原来她才是最有城府的那个。
  • 逆袭总监

