

"Ay," said Mail, in the tone of a man who did not agree with everybody as a rule, though he did now; "I knowed a' auctioneering feller once--a very friendly feller 'a was too. And so one hot day as I was walking down the front street o' Casterbridge, jist below the King's Arms, I passed a' open winder and see him inside, stuck upon his perch, a-selling off. I jist nodded to en in a friendly way as I passed, and went my way, and thought no more about it.

Well, next day, as I was oilen my boots by fuel-house door, if a letter didn't come wi' a bill charging me with a feather--bed, bolster, and pillers, that I had bid for at Mr. Taylor's sale. The shim-faced martel had knocked 'em down to me because I nodded to en in my friendly way; and I had to pay for 'em too. Now, I hold that that was coming it very close, Reuben?"

"'Twas close, there's no denying," said the general voice.

"Too close, 'twas," said Reuben, in the rear of the rest. "And as to Sam Lawson--poor heart! now he's dead and gone too!--I'll warrant, that if so be I've spent one hour in making hoops for that barrel, I've spent fifty, first and last. That's one of my hoops'--touching it with his elbow--'that's one of mine, and that, and that, and all these."

"Ah, Sam was a man," said Mr. Penny, contemplatively.

"Sam was!" said Bowman.

"Especially for a drap o' drink," said the tranter.

"Good, but not religious--good," suggested Mr. Penny.

The tranter nodded. Having at last made the tap and hole quite ready, "Now then, Suze, bring a mug," he said. "Here's luck to us, my sonnies!"

The tap went in, and the cider immediately squirted out in a horizontal shower over Reuben's hands, knees, and leggings, and into the eyes and neck of Charley, who, having temporarily put off his grief under pressure of more interesting proceedings, was squatting down and blinking near his father.

"There 'tis again!" said Mrs. Dewy.

"Devil take the hole, the cask, and Sam Lawson too, that good cider should be wasted like this!" exclaimed the tranter. "Your thumb!

Lend me your thumb, Michael! Ram it in here, Michael! I must get a bigger tap, my sonnies."

"Idd it cold inthide te hole?" inquired Charley of Michael, as he continued in a stooping posture with his thumb in the cork-hole.

"What wonderful odds and ends that chiel has in his head to be sure!" Mrs. Dewy admiringly exclaimed from the distance. "I lay a wager that he thinks more about how 'tis inside that barrel than in all the other parts of the world put together."

All persons present put on a speaking countenance of admiration for the cleverness alluded to, in the midst of which Reuben returned.

The operation was then satisfactorily performed; when Michael arose and stretched his head to the extremest fraction of height that his body would allow of, to re-straighten his back and shoulders--thrusting out his arms and twisting his features to a mass of wrinkles to emphasize the relief aquired. A quart or two of the beverage was then brought to table, at which all the new arrivals reseated themselves with wide-spread knees, their eyes meditatively seeking out any speck or knot in the board upon which the gaze might precipitate itself.

"Whatever is father a-biding out in fuel-house so long for?" said the tranter. "Never such a man as father for two things--cleaving up old dead apple-tree wood and playing the bass-viol. 'A'd pass his life between the two, that 'a would." He stepped to the door and opened it.


"Ay!" rang thinly from round the corner.

"Here's the barrel tapped, and we all a-waiting!"

A series of dull thuds, that had been heard without for some time past, now ceased; and after the light of a lantern had passed the window and made wheeling rays upon the ceiling inside the eldest of the Dewy family appeared.

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  • 政道


    怎样为官?怎样才能做好官? 本书从《资治通鉴》《史记》《左传》《论语》《孟子》等中华传统典籍中精选了330余则历史故事,旨在为官员提供向历史学习的资料,向历史要观念、要经验、要成果。 唐太宗李世民曾把历史比作一面镜子,说它照出了兴衰更迭。其实兴衰不仅是朝代,也包括个人命运。读历史,联系自己,可以达到正衣冠的效果。 本书从仁政、德政、法政、善政、廉政、简政、宽政、信政、勤政、和政等10个方面介绍了古代的为政之道,对领导干部确立“以民为本”的指导思想和借鉴古人的治政模式具有较强的启发意义。
  • 暖宠迷心


  • 豪门虐恋之错爱


  • 送张亶赴朔方应制


  • 最遥远的星星


  • 忍界有我不太平


  • 我也很想他

