

The saying closely fitted the outward fact,but was of a subtle injustice in its implication of anything histrionic in Harte's nature.Never was any man less a 'poseur';he made simply and helplessly known what he was at any and every moment,and he would join the witness very cheerfully in enjoying whatever was amusing in the disadvantage to himself.In the course of events,which were in his case so very human,it came about on a subsequent visit of his to Boston that an impatient creditor decided to right himself out of the proceeds of the lecture which was to be given,and had the law corporeally present at the house of the friend where Harte dined,and in the anteroom at the lecturehall,and on the platform,where the lecture was delivered with beautiful aplomb and untroubled charm.He was indeed the only one privy to the law's presence who was not the least affected by it,so that when his host of an earlier time ventured to suggest,"Well,Harte,this is the old literary tradition;this is the Fleet business over again,"he joyously smote his thigh and crowed out,"Yes,the Fleet!"No doubt he tasted all the delicate humor of the situation,and his pleasure in it was quite unaffected.

If his temperament was not adapted to the harsh conditions of the elder American world,it might very well be that his temperament was not altogether in the wrong.If it disabled him for certain experiences of life,it was the source of what was most delightful in his personality,and perhaps most beautiful in his talent.It enabled him to do such things as he did without being at all anguished for the things he did not do,and indeed could not.His talent was not a facile gift;he owned that he often went day after day to his desk,and sat down before that yellow postoffice paper on which he liked to write his literature,in that exquisitely refined of his,without being able to inscribe a line.It may be owned for him that though he came to the East at thirty four,which ought to have been the very prime of his powers,he seemed to have arrived after the age of observation was past for him.He saw nothing aright,either in Newport,where he went to live,or in New York,where he sojourned,or on those lecturing tours which took him about the whole country;or if he saw it aright,he could not report it aright,or would not.After repeated and almost invariable failures to deal with the novel characters and circumstances which he encountered he left off trying,and frankly went back to the semimythical California he had half discovered,half created,and wrote Bret Harte over and over as long as he lived.This,whether he did it from instinct or from reason,was the best thing he could do,and it went as nearly as might be to satisfy the insatiable English fancy for the wild America no longer to be found on our map.

It is imaginable of Harte that this temperament defended him from any bitterness in the disappointment he may have shared with that simple American public which in the early eighteenseventies expected any and everything of him in fiction and drama.The long breath was not his;he could not write a novel,though he produced the like of one or two,and his plays were too bad for the stage,or else too good for it.At any rate,they could not keep it,even when they got it,and they denoted the fatigue or the indifference of their author in being dramatizations of his longer or shorter fictions,and not originally dramatic efforts.

The direction in which his originality lasted longest,and most strikingly affirmed his power,was in the direction of his verse.

Whatever minds there may be about Harte's fiction finally,there can hardly be more than one mind about his poetry.He was indeed a poet;

whether he wrote what drolly called itself "dialect,"or wrote language,he was a poet of a fine and fresh touch.It must be allowed him that in prose as well he had the inventive gift,but he had it in verse far more importantly.There are lines,phrases,turns in his poems,characterizations,and pictures which will remain as enduringly as anything American,if that is not saying altogether too little for them.

  • 骊宫高-美天子重惜


  • 佛说戒香经


  • 立世阿毗昙论


  • 灵济真君注生堂灵签


  • 诸儒论小学


  • 玉露集


  • 平成假面骑士时间


  • 夏荔学院之追梦高中


  • 夫君是只妖


  • 梦回迦勒底


  • 险象环生


  • 水母与蜗牛:一个生物学观察者的手记(续)(刘易斯·托马斯作品集)


    这是刘易斯·托马斯的第二本随笔结集。书名The Medusa and the Snal 7,来自本书中一篇文章的题目。Medusa(美丢莎)是希腊传说中三大妖怪之一。她的头发是一条条蛇。有一个属的水母长有触手,像那妖怪的蛇发,因而得名。所谓Snail,是一种海生的蛞蝓,裸鳃类,没有壳。那篇文章,讲的是那不勒斯海水域中那一个特殊种的水母和那一个特殊种的蛞蝓结成共生关系的故事。刘易斯·托马斯一直关注着自然界和人类社会中的共生、依存和合作的现象。共生与合作是他第一本书的主题之一,也是这第二本书的主题之一。
  • 把心放在世界最温暖的角落


  • 百位世界杰出的外交家(上)(世界名人成功启示录)


  • 半九亭集

