

On the Return. "We start on the return at eleven o'clock having spent about seventeen hours on the Point. At first we follow the trail by which we came. Then our leader disregards the trail and makes our course in a more direct line. We go over ridges, some of them terribly steep. We go through several lovely valleys with the ridges that overlook the canyon on our left. The air is still and cool down where we are, but we can see the tops of the trees that show above the ridges tossed about in a violent wind and can hear its roaring through the forest. We camp about three-quarters of a mile from a spring, and by orders I sleep under a tree in company with many beetles. It is very cold. Camp-fire is comforting.

Into the Canyon Again. "Saturday, Sept. 7, 1901. We leave camp at 8:20. Iput out fire while men are packing. Find track of small five-toed animal on the trail. We go by cattle-trails a short cut to Swamp Point through the forest, over ridges, through thickets and some of the grassy valleys. Out on Swamp Point again I am shown Bass Camp on the south rim. It is scarcely discernible even with glasses, the distance is so vast. We all walk down the steep descent from this Point and make quick time to the place where we camped Sept. 3. We descend one thousand nine hundred feet in one hour and twenty minutes. After lunch, the men then cache much of the remaining provisions and cooking outfit for future use, and we go on riding as fast as possible down the dry bed of the stream. Then out of this, through a narrow canyon, past the gray-rock walls and gulch with black cave at bottom and slide in the talus above, over the fertile plateau, long descent on foot, where as I zigzag I see the men and the burros what seem to be hundreds of feet below.

"On down another dry stream bed, many stony descents in a shut-in canyon.

Out of this into more open country, but over ridges, up and down. We come down to that part of the trail which I feared most in daylight and now we have only the starlight to enable us to descend. Mr. Bass takes me in charge and Mr. James goes up over the ridges to round up the burros which have been left to their own devices. A torch of sage-brush is lighted to find the trail. At last we reach the bottom. The men throw some blankets on the ground for me and I fall upon them. They go down to the Shinumo, which is only a few yards away, prepare supper and bring a cup of hot coffee for me. I return with them, make my bed, eat a hearty supper and then fall asleep with the roar of the Shinumo in my ears. My bed is comfortable and Ihave a feeling of perfect safety and confidence.

Watermelons in the Canyon. "Sunday, Sept. 8, 1901. We are on the Shinumo, and only half an hour's ride above the camp. What a beautiful stream it is;cataracts, still reaches, rapids, sandy shoals, deep pools, and the water so pure, blue and clear. We cross and re-cross many times, through thickets of willow and mesquite. I am many times scratched and my hat is forcibly snatched from my head. At camp I feed watermelon rinds to Belshazzar who receives them as gratefully as I did the melons. How strange to find them growing here,--so ripe, rich and delicious. I feel very weary but deeply regret having to leave this lovely place. We start for the river. When the others arrive the packs, etc., are taken across in three loads. The four of us go over in the last load. Scramble up the Archaean by myself and sit in the shade, near the shelter tent, until I am put on the burro Joe and started off with the doctor.

Back at Bass Camp. "Dad had brought the burros here to receive us, all the animals we had ridden to Point Sublime having been left on the north side.

At Bed Rock Camp we all have lunch; and then at 4:00, the others with the burros having gone on ahead, we follow. I remain on my burro all the way up, save at three places, where Mr. James deems it best for me to dismount. At last, we make the final ascent, I see the tent above my head, then the roof of the house at Bass Camp, and in another moment or two the most memorable and wonderful trip of my life is over."

  • 法玺印禅师语录


  • 佛所行赞




  • 太上长生延寿集福德经


  • 先哲医话


  • 弃妇好逑


    爹爹蒙冤过世,大哥莫名失踪,亲戚无良,孤苦弱女带半路捡来的包子一枚千里求助未婚夫家门前,却被无情拒婚。 不怕商战头破血流,不怕良田太少,不怕包子难养,就怕桃花片片飞,直叹道:难道这个时代弃妇也好逑? (楠竹后来犯了一次不可饶恕的错误,不喜的妹纸慎入,可以直接转入新坑《农门春色》)===============新坑《农门春色》已挖好,坑内有软垫,欢喜、斗气、冤家、妖孽型!
  • 星际之厨神她可盐可甜


  • 你要去相信,没有到不了的明天


  • 提前登陆三百年


    新书《从获得奇遇点开始》 宇宙深处飞来一座浩瀚无垠的大陆,从此整个世界都不一样了。同时陈荣火脑海里还突然出现了一本古书,按照古书的指引,他提前其他人三百年登陆到了新界。同样在书籍的指引下,在新界中,他的左手也变得不一样了。他从地下挖出一颗夜明珠,啪的一声,夜明珠被他捏碎,但是夜明珠的‘夜光属性’却留在了他手里。琢磨了一下,他随手把‘夜光属性’赏给了身旁的光头护卫。接着他又撸了撸自己家里的肥猫,居然将肥猫的‘肥胖属性’撸了出来。同时他发现那本书还有许多作用,他一页页翻开,有时会得到一个指引,有时会得到一个技能,有时还会翻出被封印的大妖魔……书友群:698466712
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