

Half an hour later Mr. Danforth returned.

"Has any one been here?" he asked as he passed through the outer office.

"No, sir," said Dawkins, with outward composure though his heart was beating rapidly.

While apparently intent upon his writing he listened attentively to what might be going on in the next room. One,--two,--three minutes passed. Mr. Danforth again showed himself.

"Did you say that no one has been here?" he demanded, abruptly.

"No, sir."

"Have either of you been into my office since I have been out?"

"I have not, sir," said Dawkins.

"I went in to carry your letters," said Paul.

"Did you see a roll of bills lying on my desk?"

"Yes, sir," said Paul, a little surprised at the question.

"I have just counted it over, and find but six hundred dollars instead of eight hundred. Can you account for the discrepancy?"

Mr. Danforth looked keenly at the two boys.

Dawkins, who had schooled himself to the ordeal, maintained his outward calmness. Paul, beginning to perceive that his honesty was called in question, flushed.

"No, sir," said the boys simultaneously.

"It can hardly be possible, that Mr. Thompson, who is a very careful man, should have made such a mistake in paying me," resumed Mr. Danforth.

"As we have been the only persons here," said Dawkins, "the only way to vindicate ourselves from suspicion is, to submit to a search."

"Yes, sir," said Paul promptly.

Both boys turned their pockets inside out, but the missing money was not found.

"There is my overcoat, sir," said Dawkins, "will you be kind enough to search it for yourself?"

Next, of course, Paul's overcoat was searched.

What was our hero's dismay when from one of the pockets Mr. Danforth produced a fifty dollar bill.

"Is it possible?" he exclaimed in as much grief as surprise, "Unhappy boy, how came you by this money in your pocket?"

"I don't know, sir," returned Paul, his cheek alternately flushing and growing pale.

"I wish I could believe you," said Mr. Danforth;

"where have you put the other bills? Produce them, and I may overlook this first offense."

"Indeed, sir," said Paul, in great distress, "I have not the slightest knowledge of how this bill came into my pocket. I hope you will believe me, sir."

"How can I? The money evidently did not go into your pocket without hands."

A sudden thought came to Paul. "Dawkins," said he, "did you put that money into my pocket?"

"What do you mean, sir?" returned Dawkins, haughtily. "Is it your intention to insult me?"

Dawkins could not prevent his face from flushing as he spoke, but this might easily be referred to a natural resentment of the imputation cast upon him.

"Paul," said his employer, coldly, "you will not help your own cause by seeking to involve another. After what has happened you can hardly expect me to retain you in my employment.

I will not make public your disgrace, nor will I inquire farther for the remainder of the money for which you have been willing to barter your integrity. I will pay your wages up to the end of this week, and----"

"Mr. Danforth," said Paul, manfully, though the tears almost choked his utterance, "I am sorry that you have no better opinion of me. I do not want the balance of my wages.

If I have taken so large a sum which did not belong to me, I have no claim to them.

Good-morning, sir. Sometime I hope you will think better of me."

Paul put on his coat, and taking his cap from the nail on which it hung, bowed respectfully to his employer and left the office.

Mr. Danforth looked after him, and seemed perplexed. Could Paul be guilty after all?

"I never could have suspected him if I had not this evidence in my hand," said Mr. Danforth, to himself, fixing his eyes upon the bill which he had drawn from Paul's overcoat.

"Dawkins, did you observe whether Paul remained long in the office?" he asked, "Longer than sufficient to lay the letters on the desk?"

"Yes, sir, I think he did."

"Did you notice whether he went to his overcoat after coming out?"

"Yes, sir, he did," said Dawkins, anxious to fix in Mr. Danforth's mind the impression of Paul's guilt.

"Then I am afraid it is true," said his employer sadly. "And yet, what a fine, manly boy he is too. But it is a terrible fault."

  • 我在异世卖副本


  • 我的爱只为你盛开


  • 丰臣遗梦


  • 破局(中国好小说)


  • 八零娇妻有点苏


  • 蜗牛的心开始想你了


  • 拨亮我们的精神灯塔


  • 月眠公主传


  • 嫡色


  • 男人对自己狠一点,离成功近一点


    人生是洒满珍宝的荒原,大多数时候,我们都在通往目的地的路上。一路上有朋友,也有对手,更多时候,陪伴我们左右的只有自己的影子。当等不到黎明的时候,我们只能为自己充电;当冷雨来袭的时候,我们只能为自己取暖;对自己狠一点,我们才会变成马力强大的发动机,自我充电,自我发热。只有内心有了光和热,即使在最阴霾的日子,也会获得温暖和力量。对自己狠一点,如同点燃一支 火把,点燃沸腾的热血;对自己狠一点,如同你在春天里播下一颗成功的种子,总能等到金灿灿的收获季节。你准备好“狠”字当头了吗?当我们无法改变世界时,那就改变我们自己。