

The young folk scattered themselves about the room.Guy and Walter at the unshuttered window--we had a habit of never hiding our home-light--were looking at the moon,and laying bets,sotto voce,upon how many minutes she would be in climbing over the oak on the top of One-tree Hill.Edwin sat,reading hard--his shoulders up to his ears,and his fingers stuck through his hair,developing the whole of his broad,knobbed,knotted forehead,where,Maud declared,the wrinkles had already begun to show.For Mistress Maud herself,she flitted about in all directions,interrupting everything,and doing nothing.

"Maud,"said her father,at last,"I am afraid you give a great deal of trouble to Uncle Phineas."Uncle Phineas tried to soften the fact,but the little lady was certainly the most trying of his pupils.Her mother she had long escaped from,for the advantage of both.For,to tell the truth,while in the invisible atmosphere of moral training the mother's influence was invaluable,in the minor branch of lesson-learning there might have been found many a better teacher than Ursula Halifax.So the children's education was chiefly left to me;other tutors succeeding as was necessary;and it had just begun to be considered whether a lady governess ought not to "finish"the education of Miss Halifax.But always at home.Not for all the knowledge and all the accomplishments in the world would these parents have suffered either son or daughter--living souls intrusted them by the Divine Father--to be brought up anywhere out of their own sight,out of the shelter and safeguard of their own natural home.

"Love,when I was waiting to-day in Jessop's bank--"(Ah!that was another change,to which we were even yet not familiar,the passing away of our good doctor and his wife,and his brother and heir turning the old dining-room into a "County Bank--open from ten till four.")"While waiting there I heard of a lady who struck me as likely to be an excellent governess for Maud.""Indeed!"said Mrs.Halifax,not over-enthusiastically.Maud became eager to know "what the lady was like?"I at the same time inquiring "who she was?""Who?I really did not ask,"John answered,smiling."But of what she is,Jessop gave me first-rate evidence--a good daughter,who teaches in Norton Bury anybody's children for any sort of pay,in order to maintain an ailing mother.Ursula,you would let her teach our Maud,I know?""Is she an Englishwoman?"--For Mrs.Halifax,prejudiced by a certain French lady who had for a few months completely upset the peace of the manor-house,and even slightly tainted her own favourite,pretty Grace Oldtower,had received coldly this governess plan from the beginning."Would she have to live with us?""I think so,decidedly."

"Then it can't be.The house will not accommodate her.It will hardly hold even ourselves.No,we cannot take in anybody else at Longfield.""But--we may have to leave Longfield."

The boys here turned to listen;for this question had already been mooted,as all family questions were.In our house we had no secrets:the young folk,being trusted,were ever trustworthy;and the parents,clean-handed and pure-hearted,had nothing that they were afraid to tell their children.

"Leave Longfield!"repeated Mrs.Halifax;"surely--surely--"But glancing at her husband,her tone of impatience ceased.

He sat gazing into the fire with an anxious air.

"Don't let us discuss that question--at least,not to-night.It troubles you,John.Put it off till to-morrow."No,that was never his habit.He was one of the very few who,a thing being to be done,will not trust it to uncertain "to-morrows."His wife saw that he wanted to talk to her,and listened.

"Yes,the question does trouble me a good deal.Whether,now that our children are growing up,and our income is doubling and trebling year by year,we ought to widen our circle of usefulness,or close it up permanently within the quiet bound of little Longfield.Love,which say you?""The latter,the latter--because it is far the happiest.""I am afraid,NOT the latter,because it IS the happiest."He spoke gently,laying his hand on his wife's shoulder,and looking down on her with that peculiar look which he always had when telling her things that he knew were sore to hear.I never saw that look on any living face save John's;but I have seen it once in a picture--of two Huguenot lovers.The woman is trying to fasten round the man's neck the white badge that will save him from the massacre (of St.

Bartholomew)--he,clasping her the while,gently puts it aside--not stern,but smiling.That quiet,tender smile,firmer than any frown,will,you feel sure,soon control the woman's anguish,so that she will sob out--any faithful woman would--"Go,die!Dearer to me than even thyself are thy honour and thy duty!"When I saw this noble picture,it touched to the core this old heart of mine--for the painter,in that rare expression,might have caught John's.Just as in a few crises of his life I have seen it,and especially in this one,when he first told to his wife that determination which he had slowly come to--that it was both right and expedient for us to quit Longfield,our happy home for so many years,of which the mother loved every flower in the garden,every nook and stone in the walls.

"Leave Longfield!"she repeated again,with a bitter sigh.

"Leave Longfield!"echoed the children,first the youngest,then the eldest,but rather in curiosity than regret.Edwin's keen,bright eyes were just lifted from his book,and fell again;he was not a lad of much speech,or much demonstration of any kind.

  • 医门法律


  • 古尊宿语要目录


  • 二酉缀遗


  • 富克锦舆地略


  • 墨子城守各篇简注


  • 六次东渡:鉴真


  • 胜鬘宝窟


  • 素手仙医


  • 锁龙夺脉


  • 重生之等在原点的远点


  • 千万别要结果


    正如作者自己高呼的那样:“没有结果,都是扯淡!” 在当今社会,没有结果的个人,没有结果的企业,再怎么将自己鼓吹得天花乱坠,终究也只是成功者的垫脚石。结果?到底什么是结果?如何获得结果?又如何获得好的结果?著名系统建设管理专家,卓越演说家周士人先生在《千万别要结果》一书中,直面员工、企业、领导者、团队、客户等群体,从创造力,驾驭力,策划力,合作,竞争,精神等各方面详细生动地指导如何获得优质完美的结果,给所有渴望成功的个体、团体指明了一条通往成功的康庄大道。
  • 乾隆皇后之富察传


  • 龙魂噬天决


  • 秋日留别义初上人


  • 战争进化史:军事百科


    这本军事百科全书吸收了国内外最新的军事理论成果,分为军事制度、军事院校、武器装备、军事战争、军事人物等篇章,既包括几千年来的人类军事、战争史,也涵盖了各种主要的战略、战术知识;既有各类兵种特点及兵器知识,又有各类战争、战役的主要特征。简言之,该书系统、全面地介绍了军事方面的基本知识,是一部实用价值极强的军事百科工具书,也是奉献给中国军事迷的一份珍贵礼物。它将成为广大读者朋友的好伙伴,指引他们走进军事科普的浩瀚海洋。 通过阅读本书,青少年可以了解军事历史的过去、现在和未来,可以认识到世界各国的伟大军事人物以及军事战争的发生,为青少年对世界的认识提供了可靠的保证。