

A vision of d'Arthez and his friends flashed upon Lucien's sight,and made appeal to him for a moment;but Lousteau's appalling lamentation carried him away.

"They are very few and far between in that great fermenting vat;rare as love in love-making,rare as fortunes honestly made in business,rare as the journalist whose hands are clean.The experience of the first man who told me all that I am telling you was thrown away upon me,and mine no doubt will be wasted upon you.It is always the same old story year after year;the same eager rush to Paris from the provinces;the same,not to say a growing,number of beardless,ambitious boys,who advance,head erect,and the heart that Princess Tourandocte of the Mille et un Jours--each one of them fain to be her Prince Calaf.But never a one of them reads the riddle.One by one they drop,some into the trench where failures lie,some into the mire of journalism,some again into the quagmires of the book-trade.

"They pick up a living,these beggars,what with biographical notices,penny-a-lining,and scraps of news for the papers.They become booksellers'hacks for the clear-headed dealers in printed paper,who would sooner take the rubbish that goes off in a fortnight than a masterpiece which requires time to sell.The life is crushed out of the grubs before they reach the butterfly stage.They live by shame and dishonor.They are ready to write down a rising genius or to praise him to the skies at a word from the pasha of the Constitutionnel,the Quotidienne,or the Debats,at a sign from a publisher,at the request of a jealous comrade,or (as not seldom happens)simply for a dinner.Some surmount the obstacles,and these forget the misery of their early days.I,who am telling you this,have been putting the best that is in me into newspaper articles for six months past for a blackguard who gives them out as his own and has secured a feuilleton in another paper on the strength of them.He has not taken me on as his collaborator,he has not give me so much as a five-franc piece,but I hold out a hand to grasp his when we meet;Icannot help myself."

"And why?"Lucien,asked,indignantly.

"I may want to put a dozen lines into his feuilleton some day,"Lousteau answered coolly."In short,my dear fellow,in literature you will not make money by hard work,that is not the secret of success;the point is to exploit the work of somebody else.A newspaper proprietor is a contractor,we are the bricklayers.The more mediocre the man,the better his chance of getting on among mediocrities;he can play the toad-eater,put up with any treatment,and flatter all the little base passions of the sultans of literature.There is Hector Merlin,who came from Limoges a short time ago;he is writing political articles already for a Right Centre daily,and he is at work on our little paper as well.I have seen an editor drop his hat and Merlin pick it up.The fellow was careful never to give offence,and slipped into the thick of the fight between rival ambitions.I am sorry for you.It is as if I saw in you the self that I used to be,and sure am I that in one or two years'time you will be what I am now.--You will think that there is some lurking jealousy or personal motive in this bitter counsel,but it is prompted by the despair of a damned soul that can never leave hell.--No one ventures to utter such things as these.You hear the groans of anguish from a man wounded to the heart,crying like a second Job from the ashes,'Behold my sores!'""But whether I fight upon this field or elsewhere,fight I must,"said Lucien.

"Then,be sure of this,"returned Lousteau,"if you have anything in you,the war will know no truce,the best chance of success lies in an empty head.The austerity of your conscience,clear as yet,will relax when you see that a man holds your future in his two hands,when a word from such a man means life to you,and he will not say that word.

For,believe me,the most brutal bookseller in the trade is not so insolent,so hard-hearted to a newcomer as the celebrity of the day.

The bookseller sees a possible loss of money,while the writer of books dreads a possible rival;the first shows you the door,the second crushes the life out of you.To do really good work,my boy,means that you will draw out the energy,sap,and tenderness of your nature at every dip of the pen in the ink,to set it forth for the world in passion and sentiment and phrases.Yes;instead of acting,you will write;you will sing songs instead of fighting;you will love and hate and live in your books;and then,after all,when you shall have reserved your riches for your style,your gold and purple for your characters,and you yourself are walking the streets of Paris in rags,rejoicing in that,rivaling the State Register,you have authorized the existence of beings styled Adolphe,Corinne or Clarissa,Rene or Manon;when you shall have spoiled your life and your digestion to give life to that creation,then you shall see it slandered,betrayed,sold,swept away into the back waters of oblivion by journalists,and buried out of sight by your best friends.How can you afford to wait until the day when your creation shall rise again,raised from the dead--how?when?and by whom?Take a magnificent book,the pianto of unbelief;Obermann is a solitary wanderer in the desert places of booksellers'warehouses,he has been a 'nightingale,'ironically so called,from the very beginning:when will his Easter come?Who knows?Try,to begin with,to find somebody bold enough to print the Marguerites;not to pay for them,but simply to print them;and you will see some queer things."

The fierce tirade,delivered in every tone of the passionate feeling which it expressed,fell upon Lucien's spirit like an avalanche,and left a sense of glacial cold.For one moment he stood silent;then,as he felt the terrible stimulating charm of difficulty beginning to work upon him,his courage blazed up.He grasped Lousteau's hand.

"I will triumph!"he cried aloud.

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