
第173章 Life and trust.(2)

"Have you seen or heard anything of Mr.Van Berg?""Confound him!no.I don't see what the deuce he means by his course!Burleigh says he has not seen or heard a word from him since early Monday morning when he started off with his sketch-book,and Burleigh also says he seemed very glum and out of sorts when he joked him a little.I've been to the landing and depot,and no one has seen him.Unless Van can give a better account of himself than I expect,he and I will have a tremendous falling out.""No,Cousin Ik,you will leave him to himself,for anything like what you threaten would wound two hearts already sad enough.""Well,curse it all!I must do something or other,or I'll explode,I can't sit by and twirl my thumbs while two such women as you and Miss Burton are in trouble.When a man breaks a girl's heart I feel like breaking his head.""Merciful heaven!See--quick--Miss Burton--she's beckoning to you."Stanton sprang from the piazza at a bound,and was almost instantly at Jennie Burton's side,who sank into a seat near,and gasped:

"Do as I bid--no words--a carriage,and a stout man with yourself--take brandy.Haste,or Mr.Van Berg will die.""O God!don't say that,"Ida sobbed,kneeling at her feet with a low shuddering cry.

Jennie stooped over and kissed her and said:"Courage,Miss Mayhew,all will yet be well.Be your brave self,and you can help me save him.Tell Mr.Burleigh to come here.Have a physician sent for."Ida almost dragged the bewildered host from his office.Under the inspiration of hope her motions were lithe and swift as a leopard's.

Within five minutes after Miss Burton's arrival,a carriage containing herself,Stanton,and two stout men,dashed furiously towards the ravine in which Van Berg was lying,and a buggy was sent with equal rapidity for a physician.Then came to poor Ida the awful suspense and waiting,which is so often woman's part in life's tragedies.

"Oh,can it be,"she thought,with thrills of dread and horror,"that he has attempted my crime?"and she grew sick and faint.

Then she resolutely put the suspicion away from her as unjust to him."Will they never return?O God,if they should be too late!"She stood on the piazza with eyes dilated and strained,in one direction,caring not what any one saw or surmised;but in the increasing excitement,as the rumor spread and grew,she was unnoticed.

At last the carriage appeared,and it was driven so slowly and carefully that it suggested to the poor girl the deliberate and mournful pace of a funeral procession,when all need for haste is past forever,and she sprang down the steps in her intense anxiety,and took some swift steps before she controlled herself.Then pressing her hand on her side,she sank into the seat which Miss Burton had occupied a little before.

Jennie Burton waved a handkerchief--that meant life."Thank God!"she murmured,and tears of joy rushed into her eyes.She now saw that Stanton was supporting Van Berg.She sprang up the steps again,broke through the excited and curious throng on the piazza,and was back with a strong arm-chair from the office by the time the carriage stopped at the door.

"That's a sensible girl,Ida,"said Stanton,"that's just the thing to carry him in.Now,Van,rally and do your best a few moments longer,and you're all right."At the sound of Ida's name he lifted his head and looked around till he met her eyes,and then smiled gladly.His smile satisfied her completely,and she stepped quietly into the background."He has not broken his pledge,even in thought,"she murmured."I can trust him still."He was carried up the steps and stairs to his room,followed by all eyes.Ida stole to Jennie Burton,and kept near her as she sought to quietly gain her room by a side stairs.

"You are faint,Miss Burton,"she said gently,"lean on me,"and Jennie did lean on her more and more heavily until she reached her room,and then her blue eyes closed,and the day she so dreaded was over,as far as she had consciousness of it.So slight and fragile had she become that even Ida was able to carry her to her couch.Her swoon of utter exhaustion was long and deep,and when she rallied from it there were symptoms which led the physician to say that she must have absolute quiet and sleep,and he gave her strong opiates to insure the latter.Jennie only reached out her hand for Ida and whispered:"Don't leave me,"and then passed into a slumber that seemed like death.

With her old imperious manner Ida silenced all who entered the room,or motioned them out if they had no business there.

Stanton whispered:"You know I will be within call any moment."But Ida's reply was:"If you lover her,if you care for me,don't leave him;make him live."Thus,in restoring rest and patient vigils the night wore away.The physician found that while Van Berg's leg was much bruised and wrenched,it had received no permanent injury;and in regard to Miss Burton he said:"If she wakes quiet and sane,all danger will be past,I think."His hopes were fulfilled.With the dawn her deep stupor passed into a light and broken slumber,in which she tossed,and moaned,and whispered,as if the light of thought were also streaming into her darkened mind.At last she opened her eyes and looked at Ida,who smiled reassuringly.In a few moments the events of the past day came back to her,and she started up and asked earnestly:

"Mr.Van Berg--is he safe?"

Ida stooped down and kissed her as she replied;"Mr.Van Berg is rallying fast,and is out of all danger."Jennie leaned back among her pillows with a smile of deep content,and closed her eyes.When she opened them again Ida had gone,and Mrs.Burleigh had taken her place as watcher.

But the need of such care passed speedily.The doctor,after his morning call,said that the critical moment of danger had gone by.

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