
第181章 Life and trust.(10)

Ida,I shall never hide anything from you.I came back last Monday for my sketch-book,and I heard you say:'It would be easier for me to die than give him up for your sake,Jennie Burton.'Then only I learned your secret;then for the first I understood your self-sacrifice for the sake of honor and duty.Until then I thought the struggle to forget would be on my part only.From that moment never did a man honor a woman more than I honor and reverence you.

My mother gave me this ring and told me never to part with it until I found a woman that I could love and honor even more than her,and I never shall part with it till I put it on your hand,"and she had scarcely time to glance down,before she saw a diamond glittering on her engagement finger.

"I gave up that which was life to me for His sake,and thus soon He gives back to me far more,"Ida murmured,and she rested her head on Van Berg's shoulder with a look of infinite content.A moment later she added:"Oh,I'm so glad for father's sake.""Are you not a little glad for your own?""Oh,Harold!compare this--God's way out of trouble with the one I chose!""The past has gone by forever,Ida,and you have received your woman's soul in the good old-fashioned way.In my heart of hearts I have changed your name from Ida to Ideal."They had not noticed that Mr.Eltinge had come down the garden walk to summon them to dinner.The old gentleman discovered that there had been a transformation scene in his absence,although he took off his spectacles twice,and wiped them before he seemed fully satisfied of its reality.

"Ahem!I fear our plain dinner will be a very prosaic interruption;but---"he began.

"Oh,Mr.Eltinge,"cried Ida,springing to him,her cheeks putting to shame any flower of his garden,"I owe all this to you!""Mr.Van Berg,"said Mr.Eltinge,with the stately courtesy of the old school,"with your permission I now shall take full payment,"and stooping down he kissed her tenderly,with a fervent "God bless you,my child!God bless you both!I thought it would all end in this way."It was late in the day when Ida drove up to the steps of the Lake House and assisted Van Berg to alight with a care and solicitude that Stanton,who was grimly watching them,thought a trifle too apparent.She gave a hasty side-glance to her cousin,but would not trust herself to do more in the presence of others.

"Mr.Van Berg,I would like to see you alone a few moments,"said Stanton in a low tone.

The artist hobbled cheerfully into one of the small private parlors,and stretched himself out very luxuriously on the sofa,saying as he did so,"Take the rocking-chair,Ik.""No,sir,"said Stanton stiffly."I shall trespass but a few moments on your time--only long enough to keep a promise and perform a duty.In circumstances that you can scarcely have forgotten,you assured me that I was in honor bound to give my cousin,Miss Mayhew,a brother's care.You asserted very emphatically that with her peculiar temperament she ought to be saved from any serious trouble.What I then promised from a sense of duty I now perform from warm affection.As far as a brother's love and care is concerned,Ida Mayhew is my sister,and as a brother I insist,in view of your relations with Miss Burton,that you do not give to her so much of your society.Not that I mean to insinuate in the faintest possible way,that my cousin entertains for you anything more than an ordinary and friendly regard.It is my intention only to remind you that your course has been a little peculiar of late,to say the least,and that it is often far better to prevent trouble than remedy it.""The mischief is all done,Ik;you are too late.""What do you mean,sir?"

"Well,one thing at a time.Miss Burton has refused me absolutely.""I don't wonder!"said Stanton indignantly.

"Nor I either,Ik.You are a hundredfold more worthy of her than I am or ever was.I once regarded myself as slightly your superior,Isaac,but circumstances have proved that you have enough good metal in you to make a dozen such men as I am.""I want explanations,not compliments,"said Stanton sternly.

"Sit down,and I'll tell you everything.Then you can brain me with one of the crutches,if you wish,"and Van Berg related to Stanton substantially all that occurred between himself and Jennie Burton."She said I could tell you after she was gone,but I think it is best you should know before.She understands and honors you,and you should understand her.Her heart is buried so deep in some unnamed,unmarked grave that it will find,I fear,no resurrection on earth.I told you the first day she came to this house that she had had an experience that separated her from ordinary humanity,and also predicted that she would wake you up and make a man of you.She has made you a prince among men.You are my elder brother,Ik,from this time forth,and I won't put on any more airs with you.As I said,your remarks in regard to your cousin came a little late.You see,my ring is gone,and you know I have often laughingly told you that my mother gave it to me on conditions that made it very safe property.I have parted with it,however,and very honestly too;but you will see it again,soon.""Van,"said Stanton,with a slight quaver in his voice,and a very sickly attempt at his old humor,"I have forfeited my wager that followed your prediction,which I thought so absurd at the time;but I'll forgive you everything,and bestow my blessing on you and Ida,if you will paint me a portrait of Miss Burton.""The best I can possibly make,Ik,and she shall look as she did when she called you a true,noble-hearted gentleman."Van Berg now found no difficulty in bringing about a friendship between Ida and Jennie Burton,and the two maidens spent the greater part of Sabbath afternoon together.Ida hid nothing in her full confidence,not even the crime that had been in her thoughts,and which might have destroyed the life that now was growing so rich and beautiful.When her pathetic story was completed,Jennie said:

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