
第30章 Phrases too Suggestive.(1)

For a few moments Miss Mayhew and Van Berg walked on in silence,each very doubtful of the other.At last the artist began:

"I am well aware,Miss Mayhew,that this unexpected episode and this enforced companionship give me no rights whatever.I do not propose to annoy you,after seeing you safely to the hotel,by assuming that we are acquainted,nor do I intend to subject myself to the mortification of being informed publicly,by your manner,that we are not on speaking terms.I would be glad to have this question settled now.I ask your pardon for anything that I may have said or done to hurt your feelings,and having thus gone more than half-way it would be ungenerous on your part not to respond in like spirit.""You apologize,then?"

"No;I ask your pardon for anything that may have hurt your feelings.""You have said very disagreeable things about me,Mr.Van Berg.""I did not know you then."

"I do not think you have changed your opinion of me in the least.""I evidently have a much higher opinion of you than you of me,and I am seeking your acquaintance with a persistence such as I never manifested in the case of any other lady.Thus the odds are all in your favor.Having been so unexpectedly thrown together---""'Thrown together,'indeed--Mr.Van Berg,you ARE mocking me,"and her eyes again filled with tears of vexation.

"I assure you I am not,"said Van Berg earnestly."I could not be so mean as to twit you with an accident which you could not help,and with an act which was wholly involuntary on your part.Can we not both let by-gones by by-gones and commence anew?"Miss Mayhew bit her lip and hesitated a few moments.

"I think that will be the better way,"she said."We will both let by-gones,especially this ridiculous episode in the stage.I'll put you on your good behavior.""Thank you,Miss Mayhew.I would take our late risk twenty times for such a result.""I would not take it again on any account whatever.Please refer to it no more.I declare,there comes Cousin Ik and Mr.Burleigh to meet us.Was one's fortune ever so exasperating!Ik will teaze me out of all comfort for weeks to come.""Say little and leave all to my discretion,"said Van Berg,reassuringly;"and,by the way,you might limp a little more decidedly,"which she immediately did.

"My dear Miss Mayhew,I trust you are not seriously hurt,"began Mr.Burleigh while still several yards off.

Stanton's face was a study as he approached.Indeed he seemed half ready to explode with suppressed merriment,but before he could speak a warning glance from Van Berg checked him.

"Miss Mayhew might have been seriously and possibly fatally injured,"said the artist gravely,"had it not been for her self-control.

Although it seemed that the stage would be dashed to pieces every moment,I told her that in my judgement it would be safer to remain within it than to spring out upon the hard and stony road,and Iam very glad that the final event confirmed my opinion."As they were by this time near to the hotel,others who had been alarmed by seeing the horses tearing up to the stable door,now hastily joined them;and last,but not least,Mrs.Mayhew came panting upon the scene.Van Berg felt the hand of the young lady trembling in nervous apprehension upon his arm,from which,in her embarrassment,she forgot to remove it.But the artist did not fail her,and in answer to Mr.Burleigh's eager questions as to the cause of the accident,explained all so plausibly,and in such a matter-of-fact manner as left little more even to be surmised.

His brief and prosaic history of the affair concluded with the following implied tribute to his companion,which still further relieved her from fear of ridicule:

"Miss Mayhew,"he said,"instead of jumping out,after the frantic terror-blinded manner of most people,remained in the stage and so has escaped,I trust,with nothing worse than a slight lameness caused by the violent motion of the vehicle.I will now resign her to your care,Mr.Stanton,and I am glad to believe that the occasion will require the services of the wheelwright and harness-maker only,and not those of a surgeon,"and lifting his hat to Mrs.Mayhew and her daughter he bowed himself off the scene.

Ida,leaning on the arm of her cousin,limped appropriately to her room,whither she had her dinner sent to her,more for the purpose of gaining time to compose her nerves than for any other reason.

The impression that she had behaved courageously in peril was rapidly increased as the story was repeated by one and another,and she received several congratulatory visits in the afternoon from her lady acquaintances;and when she came down to supper she found that she was even a greater heroine than Miss Burton had been.In answer to many sympathetic inquiries,she said that she "felt as well as ever,"and she tried to prove it by her gayety and careful toilet.

But she was decidedly ill at ease.Her old self-complacency was ebbing away faster than ever.From the time that it had first been disturbed by the artist's frown in the concert garden,she had been conscious of a secret and growing self-dissatisfaction.

It seemed to be this stranger's mission to break the spell vanity and flattery had woven about her.The congratulations she was now receiving were secured by a fraudulent impression,if not by actual falsehood,and she permitted this impression to remain and grow.

The one,who above all others she most feared and disliked,knew this.In smilingly accepting the compliments showered upon her from all sides she felt that she must appear to him as if receiving stolen goods,and she believed that in his heart he despised her more thoroughly than ever.

  • 燕礼


  • 大悲妙云禅师语录


  • 温公琐语


  • 先识览




  • 说话心理学


  • 大宋帝国三百年:文功武治宋太宗(上)


  • 离婚这件小事


  • 乱世邪魔


  • 我的钢铁战衣


  • 不嫁妖孽王爷


  • 女王归来


  • 燃烧吧!火鸟


  • 猛兽回头


  • 叶少隐婚,宠妻很低调

