

But when a dog is to be beaten,any stick will serve.In the meanwhile,on the proposition of Mr.Bayard,the Washington conference on Samoan affairs was adjourned till autumn,so that "the ministers of Germany and Great Britain might submit the protocols to their respective Governments.""You propose that the conference is to adjourn and not to be broken up?"asked Sir Lionel West."To adjourn for the reasons stated,"replied Bayard.This was on July 26th;and,twenty-nine days later,by Wednesday the 24th of August,Germany had practically seized Samoa.For this flagrant breach of faith one excuse is openly alleged;another whispered.It is openly alleged that Bayard had shown himself impracticable;it is whispered that the Hawaiian embassy was an expression of American intrigue,and that the Germans only did as they were done by.The sufficiency of these excuses may be left to the discretion of the reader.But,however excused,the breach of faith was public and express;it must have been deliberately predetermined and it was resented in the States as a deliberate insult.

By the middle of August 1887there were five sail of German war-ships in Apia bay:the BISMARCK,of 3000tons displacement;the CAROLA,the SOPHIE,and the OLGA,all considerable ships;and the beautiful ADLER,which lies there to this day,kanted on her beam,dismantled,scarlet with rust,the day showing through her ribs.

They waited inactive,as a burglar waits till the patrol goes by.

And on the 23rd,when the mail had left for Sydney,when the eyes of the world were withdrawn,and Samoa plunged again for a period of weeks into her original island-obscurity,Becker opened his guns.The policy was too cunning to seem dignified;it gave to conduct which would otherwise have seemed bold and even brutally straightforward,the appearance of a timid ambuscade;and helped to shake men's reliance on the word of Germany.On the day named,an ultimatum reached Malietoa at Afenga,whither he had retired months before to avoid friction.A fine of one thousand dollars and an IFO,or public humiliation,were demanded for the affair of the Emperor's birthday.Twelve thousand dollars were to be "paid quickly"for thefts from German plantations in the course of the last four years."It is my opinion that there is nothing just or correct in Samoa while you are at the head of the government,"concluded Becker."I shall be at Afenga in the morning of to-morrow,Wednesday,at 11A.M."The blow fell on Laupepa (in his own expression)"out of the bush";the dilatory fellow had seen things hang over so long,he had perhaps begun to suppose they might hang over for ever;and here was ruin at the door.He rode at once to Apia,and summoned his chiefs.The council lasted all night long.Many voices were for defiance.But Laupepa had grown inured to a policy of procrastination;and the answer ultimately drawn only begged for delay till Saturday,the 27th.So soon as it was signed,the king took horse and fled in the early morning to Afenga;the council hastily dispersed;and only three chiefs,Selu,Seumanu,and Le Mamea,remained by the government building,tremulously expectant of the result.

By seven the letter was received.By 7.30Becker arrived in person,inquired for Laupepa,was evasively answered,and declared war on the spot.Before eight,the Germans (seven hundred men and six guns)came ashore and seized and hoisted German colours on the government building.The three chiefs had made good haste to escape;but a considerable booty was made of government papers,fire-arms,and some seventeen thousand cartridges.Then followed a scene which long rankled in the minds of the white inhabitants,when the German marines raided the town in search of Malietoa,burst into private houses,and were accused (I am willing to believe on slender grounds)of violence to private persons.

On the morrow,the 25th,one of the German war-ships,which had been despatched to Leulumoenga over night re-entered the bay,flying the Tamasese colours at the fore.The new king was given a royal salute of twenty-one guns,marched through the town by the commodore and a German guard of honour,and established on Mulinuu with two or three hundred warriors.Becker announced his recognition to the other consuls.These replied by proclaiming Malietoa,and in the usual mealy-mouthed manner advised Samoans to do nothing.On the 27th martial law was declared;and on the 1st September the German squadron dispersed about the group,bearing along with them the proclamations of the new king.Tamasese was now a great man,to have five iron war-ships for his post-runners.

But the moment was critical.The revolution had to be explained,the chiefs persuaded to assemble at a fono summoned for the 15th;and the ships carried not only a store of printed documents,but a squad of Tamasese orators upon their round.

Such was the German COUP D'ETAT.They had declared war with a squadron of five ships upon a single man;that man,late king of the group,was in hiding on the mountains;and their own nominee,backed by German guns and bayonets,sat in his stead in Mulinuu.

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