

'When it was noon they opened the gate,and as we entered in the people came crowding out of the houses to look at us,and a crier went round the city crying through a shell.We stood in the market-place,and the negroes uncorded the bales of figured cloths and opened the carved chests of sycamore.And when they had ended their task,the merchants set forth their strange wares,the waxed linen from Egypt and the painted linen from the country of the Ethiops,the purple sponges from Tyre and the blue hangings from Sidon,the cups of cold amber and the fine vessels of glass and the curious vessels of burnt clay.From the roof of a house a company of women watched us.One of them wore a mask of gilded leather.

'And on the first day the priests came and bartered with us,and on the second day came the nobles,and on the third day came the craftsmen and the slaves.And this is their custom with all merchants as long as they tarry in the city.

'And we tarried for a moon,and when the moon was waning,I wearied and wandered away through the streets of the city and came to the garden of its god.The priests in their yellow robes moved silently through the green trees,and on a pavement of black marble stood the rose-red house in which the god had his dwelling.Its doors were of powdered lacquer,and bulls and peacocks were wrought on them in raised and polished gold.The tilted roof was of sea-green porcelain,and the jutting eaves were festooned with little bells.When the white doves flew past,they struck the bells with their wings and made them tinkle.

'In front of the temple was a pool of clear water paved with veined onyx.I lay down beside it,and with my pale fingers I touched the broad leaves.One of the priests came towards me and stood behind me.He had sandals on his feet,one of soft serpent-skin and the other of birds'plumage.On his head was a mitre of black felt decorated with silver crescents.Seven yellows were woven into his robe,and his frizzed hair was stained with antimony.

'After a little while he spake to me,and asked me my desire.

'I told him that my desire was to see the god.

'"The god is hunting,"said the priest,looking strangely at me with his small slanting eyes.

'"Tell me in what forest,and I will ride with him,"I answered.

'He combed out the soft fringes of his tunic with his long pointed nails."The god is asleep,"he murmured.

'"Tell me on what couch,and I will watch by him,"I answered.

'"The god is at the feast,"he cried.

'"If the wine be sweet I will drink it with him,and if it be bitter I will drink it with him also,"was my answer.

'He bowed his head in wonder,and,taking me by the hand,he raised me up,and led me into the temple.

'And in the first chamber I saw an idol seated on a throne of jasper bordered with great orient pearls.It was carved out of ebony,and in stature was of the stature of a man.On its forehead was a ruby,and thick oil dripped from its hair on to its thighs.

Its feet were red with the blood of a newly-slain kid,and its loins girt with a copper belt that was studded with seven beryls.

'And I said to the priest,"Is this the god?"And he answered me,"This is the god."'"Show me the god,"I cried,"or I will surely slay thee."And Itouched his hand,and it became withered.

'And the priest besought me,saying,"Let my lord heal his servant,and I will show him the god."'So I breathed with my breath upon his hand,and it became whole again,and he trembled and led me into the second chamber,and Isaw an idol standing on a lotus of jade hung with great emeralds.

It was carved out of ivory,and in stature was twice the stature of a man.On its forehead was a chrysolite,and its breasts were smeared with myrrh and cinnamon.In one hand it held a crooked sceptre of jade,and in the other a round crystal.It ware buskins of brass,and its thick neck was circled with a circle of selenites.

'And I said to the priest,"Is this the god?"'And he answered me,"This is the god."

'"Show me the god,"I cried,"or I will surely slay thee."And Itouched his eyes,and they became blind.

'And the priest besought me,saying,"Let my lord heal his servant,and I will show him the god."'So I breathed with my breath upon his eyes,and the sight came back to them,and he trembled again,and led me into the third chamber,and lo!there was no idol in it,nor image of any kind,but only a mirror of round metal set on an altar of stone.

'And I said to the priest,"Where is the god?"'And he answered me:"There is no god but this mirror that thou seest,for this is the Mirror of Wisdom.And it reflecteth all things that are in heaven and on earth,save only the face of him who looketh into it.This it reflecteth not,so that he who looketh into it may be wise.Many other mirrors are there,but they are mirrors of Opinion.This only is the Mirror of Wisdom.

And they who possess this mirror know everything,nor is there anything hidden from them.And they who possess it not have not Wisdom.Therefore is it the god,and we worship it."And I looked into the mirror,and it was even as he had said to me.

'And I did a strange thing,but what I did matters not,for in a valley that is but a day's journey from this place have I hidden the Mirror of Wisdom.Do but suffer me to enter into thee again and be thy servant,and thou shalt be wiser than all the wise men,and Wisdom shall be thine.Suffer me to enter into thee,and none will be as wise as thou.'

But the young Fisherman laughed.'Love is better than Wisdom,'he cried,'and the little Mermaid loves me.'

'Nay,but there is nothing better than Wisdom,'said the Soul.

'Love is better,'answered the young Fisherman,and he plunged into the deep,and the Soul went weeping away over the marshes.

And after the second year was over,the Soul came down to the shore of the sea,and called to the young Fisherman,and he rose out of the deep and said,'Why dost thou call to me?'

And the Soul answered,'Come nearer,that I may speak with thee,for I have seen marvellous things.'

So he came nearer,and couched in the shallow water,and leaned his head upon his hand and listened.

  • 佛说德护长者经


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    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

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  • 重回仙乡


  • 田园交响曲:纪德中短篇小说选


    《田园交响曲(纪德中短篇小说选)》选取的《窄门》、《田园交响曲》和《背德者》都是纪德的代表作,合称“纪德三部曲”。作品都带有悲剧色彩,蕴含着作者对于人性与世俗冲突的思考。其中《田园交响曲》,被认为是作者最富自传性的作品。 纪德的作品非常早就传入了中国,引起了包括鲁迅在内的读者注意。这么多年过去了,他的价值不仅没有被时间埋没,反而越来越受到人们的重视,归根结底是他用自己的笔触动了人们的内心。 《田园交响曲(纪德中短篇小说选)》是“时光文库”系列之一。
  • 初吻


    张贤亮,男,江苏盱眙县人,1936年 12月生于南京。1957年因在《延河》文学月刊上发表长诗《大风歌》而被列为右派,遂遭受劳教、管制、监禁达十几年,其间曾外逃流浪,讨饭度日。1979年9月获平反,1980年调至宁夏《朔方》文学杂志社任编辑,同年加入中国作家协会,1981年开始专业文学创作。先后发表了短篇小说《邢老汉和狗的故事》、《灵与肉》、《肖尔布拉克》、《初吻》等;中篇小说《土牢情话》、《龙种》、《河的子孙》、《绿化树》、《浪漫的黑炮》、《男人的一半是女人》;长篇小说《男人的风格》、《习惯死亡》等。本书集结了《初吻》、《河的子孙》、《普贤寺》、《肖尔布拉克》、《邢老汉和狗的故事》
  • 重生一寒门贵女


  • 人人都能O2O


    本书主要内容包括:O2O模式的另类实践者、海亮:全产业链打造生鲜O2O、嘉光汽修:一家汽车维修店的O2O尝试、车易安:O2O集成服务商、 波奇:从社区出发的全平台宠物电商、易淘食张洋:做外卖O2O的诀窍是打穿商家、黄韬:化妆品O2O需要平衡多方利益、365日历:信息与社区化的新模式、方回春堂溪百川:医药O2O的造粉路等。
  • 英语口语900句袋着走


    全书分为五大主题,120个话题,涉及校园、生活、工作、娱乐、旅行等老外从早到晚都在说的各方面内容。每一部分所包含的版块如下:经典句子 收集了跟生活场景相关的最经典实用的英语单句,掌握这些句子,为说出流畅的口语做好准备,夯实基础。实用对话 把每一个话题以现场交流对话的方式直观表达出来,让你觉得学英语不再枯燥、无聊!地道的表达,鲜活的语言,再现老外真实的生活场景。文化加油站  该部分包含英美文化、心灵鸡汤、名人演讲、名人访谈录等。浓缩经典,汇聚百态,在学习英语的同时增长见识,开阔眼界,提升自我。
  • 热而乐着


    高中军训,除了折腾就是蛋疼,还好我们高一四班的哥几个都是善于“苦中作乐。乐此不疲,疲了就睡”的家伙,不然注定杯具的我们,这日子还真没发过了。在这几天里,我和操场上大太阳下所有的兄弟姐妹的关系都不再是同学,而是“站友”,我们一起“罚站”,“放水”,左转右转,走来跑去,可谓结下了深厚的“革命情谊”。有心动,有行动,更有杯具了的寻常举动,和随之而来的郁闷,无奈和愤怒,等等。 —————————————————————————— 就小说而言,它不太像,而更像是一本长篇小品或是相声,幽默至上,且多是以人物间对话来表现人物的性格,幽默,及情节的发展。此本小说没什么内涵,也不深刻,只是幽默和军训那几天的生活。好吧,就说这么多吧,祝阅读愉快了。
  • 鉴阑珊

