
第42章 Part 4(2)

But I believe I may venture to say that in those ships which were thus infected it either happened where the people had recourse to them too late,and did not fly to the ship till they had stayed too long on shore and had the distemper upon them (though perhaps they might not perceive it)and so the distemper did not come to them on board the ships,but they really carried it with them;or it was in these ships where the poor waterman said they had not had time to furnish themselves with provisions,but were obliged to send often on shore to buy what they had occasion for,or suffered boats to come to them from the shore.And so the distemper was brought insensibly among them.

And here I cannot but take notice that the strange temper of the people of London at that time contributed extremely to their own destruction.The plague began,as I have observed,at the other end of the town,namely,in Long Acre,Drury Lane,&c.,and came on towards the city very gradually and slowly.It was felt at first in December,then again in February,then again in April,and always but a very little at a time;then it stopped till May,and even the last week in May there was but seventeen,and all at that end of the town;and all this while,even so long as till there died above 3000a week,yet had the people in Redriff,and in Wapping and Ratcliff,on both sides of the river,and almost all Southwark side,a mighty fancy that they should not be visited,or at least that it would not be so violent among them.Some people fancied the smell of the pitch and tar,and such other things as oil and rosin and brimstone,which is so much used by all trades relating to shipping,would preserve them.Others argued it,because it was in its extreamest violence in Westminster and the parish of St Giles and St Andrew,&c.,and began to abate again before it came among them -which was true indeed,in part.For example -From the 8th to the 15th August -

St Giles-in-the-Fields 242

Cripplegate 886

Stepney 197

St Margaret,Bermondsey 24

Rotherhith 3

Total this week 4030

From the 15th to the 22nd August -

St Giles-in-the-Fields 175

Cripplegate 847

Stepney 273

St Margaret,Bermondsey 36

Rotherhith 2

Total this week 5319

N.B.-That it was observed the numbers mentioned in Stepney parish at that time were generally all on that side where Stepney parish joined to Shoreditch,which we now call Spittlefields,where the parish of Stepney comes up to the very wall of Shoreditch Churchyard,and the plague at this time was abated at St Giles-in-the-Fields,and raged most violently in Cripplegate,Bishopsgate,and Shoreditch parishes;but there was not ten people a week that died of it in all that part of Stepney parish which takes in Limehouse,Ratdiff Highway,and which are now the parishes of Shadwell and Wapping,even to St Katherine's by the Tower,till after the whole month of August was expired.But they paid for it afterwards,as I shall observe by-and-by.

This,I say,made the people of Redriff and Wapping,Ratcliff and Limehouse,so secure,and flatter themselves so much with the plague's going off without reaching them,that they took no care either to fly into the country or shut themselves up.Nay,so far were they from stirring that they rather received their friends and relations from the city into their houses,and several from other places really took sanctuary in that part of the town as a Place of safety,and as a place which they thought God would pass over,and not visit as the rest was visited.

And this was the reason that when it came upon -them they were more surprised,more unprovided,and more at a loss what to do than they were in other places;for when it came among them really and with violence,as it did indeed in September and October,there was then no stirring out into the country,nobody would suffer a stranger to come near them,no,nor near the towns where they dwe

<and,as Ihave been told,several that wandered into the country on Surrey side were found starved to death in the woods and commons,that country being more open and more woody than any other part so near London,especially about Norwood and the parishes of Camberwell,Dullege,and Lusum,where,it seems,nobody durst relieve the poor distressed people for fear of the infection.

This notion having,as I said,prevailed with the people in that part of the town,was in part the occasion,as I said before,that they had recourse to ships for their retreat;and where they did this early and with prudence,furnishing themselves so with provisions that they had no need to go on shore for supplies or suffer boats to come on board to bring them,-I say,where they did so they had certainly the safest retreat of any people whatsoever;but the distress was such that people ran on board,in their fright,without bread to eat,and some into ships that had no men on board to remove them farther off,or to take the boat and go down the river to buy provisions where it might be done safely,and these often suffered and were infected on board as much as on shore.

As the richer sort got into ships,so the lower rank got into hoys,smacks,lighters,and fishing-boats;and many,especially watermen,lay in their boats;but those made sad work of it,especially the latter,for,going about for provision,and perhaps to get their subsistence,the infection got in among them and made a fearful havoc;many of the watermen died alone in their wherries as they rid at their roads,as well as above bridge as below,and were not found sometimes till they were not in condition for anybody to touch or come near them.

Indeed,the distress of the people at this seafaring end of the town was very deplorable,and deserved the greatest commiseration.But,alas I this was a time when every one's private safety lay so near them that they had no room to pity the distresses of others;for every one had death,as it were,at his door,and many even in their families,and knew not what to do or whither to fly.



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