

'A word about this proof,'he said.'It came into the King of Navarre's hands before its full value was known to us,for that only accrued to it on M.de Guise's death.A month ago it--this piece of evidence I mean--was at Chize.A fortnight or so ago it was here in Blois.It is now,'M.de Marsac,'he continued,facing me suddenly as he came opposite me,'in my house at Rosny.'

I started.'You mean Mademoiselle de la Vire?'I cried.

'I mean Mademoiselle de la Vire!'he answered,'who,some month or two ago,overheard M.de Turenne's plans,and contrived to communicate with the King of Navarre.Before the latter could arrange a private interview,however,M.de Turenne got wind of her dangerous knowledge,and swept her off to Chize.The rest you know,M.de Marsac,if any man knows it.'

'But what will you do?'I asked.'She is at Rosny.'

'Maignan,whom I trust implicitly,as far as his lights go,will start to fetch her to-morrow.At the same hour I start southwards.You,M.de Marsac,will remain here as my agent,to watch over my interests,to receive Mademoiselle on her arrival,to secure for her a secret interview with the king,to guard her while she remains here.Do you understand?'

Did I understand?I could not find words in which to thank him.

My remorse and gratitude,my sense of the wrong I had done him,and of the honour he was doing me,were such that I stood mute before him as I had stood before the king.'You accept,then?'

he said,smiling.'You do not deem the adventure beneath you,my friend?'

'I deserve your confidence so little,sir,'I answered,stricken to the ground,'that I beg you to speak,while I listen.By attending exactly to your instructions I may prove worthy of the trust reposed in me.And only so.'

He embraced me again and again,with a,kindness which moved me almost to tears.'You are a man after my own heart,'he said,'and if God wills I will make your fortune.Now listen,my friend.To-morrow at Court,as a stranger and a man introduced by Rambouillet,you will be the cynosure of all eyes.Bear yourself bravely.Pay court to the women,but attach yourself to no one in particular.Keep aloof from Retz and the Spanish faction,but beware especially of Bruhl.He alone will have your secret,and may suspect your design.Mademoiselle should be here in a week;while she is with you,and until she has seen the king,trust no one,suspect everyone,fear all things.Consider the battle won only when the king says,"I am satisfied."'

Much more he told me,which served its purpose and has been forgotten.Finally he honoured me by bidding me share his pallet with him,that we might talk without restraint,and that if anything occurred to him in the night he might communicate it to me.

'But will not Bruhl denounce me as a Huguenot?'I asked him.

'He will not dare to do so,'M.de Rosny answered,'both as a Huguenot himself,and as his master's representative;and,further,because it would displease the king.No,but whatever secret harm one man can do another,that you have to fear.

Maignan,when he returns with mademoiselle,will leave two men with you;until they come I should borrow a couple of stout fellows from Rambouillet.Do not go out alone after dark,and beware of doorways,especially your own.'

A little later,when I thought him asleep,I heard him chuckle;and rising on my elbow I asked him what it was.'Oh,it is your affair,'he answered,still laughing silently,so that I felt the mattress shake under him.'I don't envy you one part of your task,my friend.'

'What is that?'I said suspiciously.

'Mademoiselle,'he answered,stifling with difficulty a burst of laughter.And after that he would not say another word,bad,good,or indifferent,though I felt the bed shake more than once,and knew that he was digesting his pleasantry.

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    《学术与传统》是著名学者刘梦溪的学术学术文化巨著,围绕学术与传统的题旨,分上、中、下三卷, 内容则厘为六分卷,共百万言。入选文章取题义至今仍有价值而又不失学问之滋味者。第一卷为研究王国维、陈寅恪的专题文章。第二卷是关于马一浮、熊十力、钱锺书、张舜徽等王、陈之外其他现代学者的个案研究,以及中国现代学术的思想通论。第三卷专门论述传统文化与国学,是为著者近年特别关注的课题。第四卷系古典文学和文化史的思想与人物研究。第五卷以阐释“六经” 价值论理的《敬义论》、《立诚篇》、《论和同》以及《将无同》为领题,钩沉中国文化的“与人和同”的《易》理哲思,及对传统的反思和前瞻。第六卷为序跋之属,内容取与全书各卷能够承续相接之篇什,从中可窥见著者为学的心路历程。
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