

Entering the chamber,I found matters little better there.His Majesty was not present,nor were any of the Court ladies;but half a dozen gentlemen,among whom I recognised Revol,one of the King's secretaries,stood near the alcove.They looked up on my entrance,as though expecting news,and then,seeing who it was,looked away again impatiently.The Duke of Nevers was walking moodily to and fro before one of the windows,his hands clasped behind his back:while Biron and Crillon,reconciled by the common peril,talked loudly on the hearth.I hesitated a moment,uncertain how to proceed,for I was not yet;so old at Court as to feel at home there.But,at last making up my mind,I walked boldly up to Crillon and requested his good offices to procure me an immediate audience of the king.

'An audience?Do you mean you want to see him alone?'he said,raising his eyebrows and looking whimsically at Biron.

'That is my petition,M.de Crillon,'I answered firmly,though my heart sank.'I am here on M.de Rambouillet's business,and Ineed to see his Majesty forthwith,'

'Well,that is straightforward,'he replied,clapping me on the shoulder.'And you shall see him.In coming to Crillon you have come to the right man.Revol,'he continued,turning to the secretary,'this gentleman bears a message from M.de Rambouillet to the king.Take him to the closet without delay,my friend,and announce him.I will be answerable for him.'

But the secretary shrugged his shoulders up to his ears.'It is quite impossible,M.de Crillon,'he said gravely.'Quite impossible at present.'

'Impossible!Chut!I do not know the word,'Crillon retorted rudely.'Come,take him at once,and blame me if ill comes of it.Do you hear?'

'But his Majesty--'


'Is at his devotions,'the secretary said stiffly.

'His Majesty's devotions be hanged!'Crillon rejoined--so loudly that there was a general titter,and M.de Nevers laughed grimly.

'Do you hear?'the Avennais continued,his face growing redder and his voice higher,'or must I pull your ears,my friend?Take this gentleman to the closet,I say,and if his Majesty be angry,tell him it was by my order.I tell you he comes from Rambouillet.'

I do not know whether it was the threat,or the mention of M.de Rambouillet's name,which convinced the secretary.But at any rate,after a moment's hesitation,he acquiesced.

He nodded sullenly to me to follow him,and led the way to a curtain which masked the door of the closet.I followed him across the chamber,after muttering a hasty word of acknowledgment to Crillon;and I had as nearly as possible reached the door when the bustle of some one entering the chamber caught my ear.I had just time to turn and see that this was Bruhl,just time to intercept the dark look of chagrin and surprise which he fixed on me,and then Revol,holding up the curtain,signed to me to enter.

I expected to pass at once into the presence of the king,and had my reverence ready.Instead,I found myself to my surprise in a small chamber,or rather passage,curtained at both ends,and occupied by a couple of guardsmen--members,doubtless,of the Band of the Forty-Five who rose at my entrance and looked at me dubiously.Their guard-room,dimly illumined by a lamp of red glass,seemed to me,in spite of its curtains and velvet bench,and the thick tapestry which kept out every breath of wholesome air,the most sombre I could imagine.And the most ill-omened.

But I had no time to make any long observation;for Revol,passing me brusquely,raised the curtain at the other end,and,with his finger on his lip,bade me by signs to enter.

I did so as silently,the heavy scent of perfumes striking me in the face as I raised a second curtain,and stopped short a pace beyond it;partly in reverence--because kings love their subjects best at a distance--and partly in surprise.For the room,or rather that portion of it in which I stood,was in darkness;only the farther end being illumined by a cold pale flood of moonlight,which,passing through a high,straight window,lay in a silvery sheet on the floor.For an instant I thought I was alone;then I saw,resting against this window,with a hand on either mullion,a tall figure,having something strange about the head.This peculiarity presently resolved itself into the turban in which I had once before seen his Majesty.The king--for he it was--was talking to himself.He had not heard me enter,and having his back to me remained unconscious of my presence.

I paused in doubt,afraid to advance,anxious to withdraw;yet uncertain whether I could move again unheard.At this moment while I stood hesitating,he raised his voice,and his words,reaching my ears,riveted my attention,so strange and eerie were both they and his tone.'They say there is ill-luck in thirteen,'he muttered.'Thirteen Valois and last!'He paused to laugh a wicked,mirthless laugh.'Ay,--Thirteenth!And it is thirteen years since I entered Paris,a crowned King!There were Quelus and Maugiron and St.Megrin and I--and he,I remember.

Ah,those days,those nights!I would sell my soul to live them again;had I not sold it long ago in the living them once!We were young then,and rich,and I was king;and Quelus was an Apollo!He died calling on me to save him.And Maugiron died,blaspheming God and the saints.And St.Megrin,he had thirty-four wounds.And he--he is dead too,curse him!They are all dead,all dead,and it is all over!My God!it is all over,it is all over,it is all over!'

  • 诗谱


  • 大丈夫论


  • 华严经题法界观门颂注


  • 测海集节钞


  • Utilitarianism


  • 公共关系理论的发展与变迁


    “没有什么,比一个好的理论更实用了。”如果使用得当,理论可以发挥极大的功效。公共关系从发展到现在一百多年,仍有人认为它没有理论。坊间向来不缺公关概论课本,但公关理论的书一向很少,尤其成于一人之手,以宏观视角将过去三十二年的公关理论,依其发展与变迁详细分析比较,再以明白晓畅的笔法写来的书,可以说是没有。 如今各大学广招研究生,不仅为了教学,就算是为了写论文,一本有系统的公关理论专著,也有其必要。这一类书最能让读者受益,可使他们在短期内进入状况,在转瞬间吸收作者的日月精华,就算是业界人士,也应该会觉得受用。尤其本书参考书籍几乎全为英文,即仍能提供读者阅读精致中文的乐趣,可谓功德无量。
  • 五事毗婆沙论


  • 温室经疏


  • 双枪皇帝


  • 阎锡山回忆录


  • 重生校园之巅峰女王


  • 故事会(2018年8月上)


  • 从公续录


  • 庶女不好惹


  • 梦中剑

