吴国传奇(北望长安系列丛书 )
当你跨越孤独这座山丘,才会发现之前所受的苦,终将成为一种人生力量。初心客厅专栏作者、张德芬空间签约作者、读者公号专栏作者蔡尖尖,始终认为“尖尖而立,孤独自行,不负时光”,用41篇暖心的故事,讲述每个人所遇到的孤独而美好的人生故事。蔡尖尖曾是新媒体大潮下的一员,社会的喧嚣,生活的压力,职场的无奈,爱情的美好,梦想的憧憬……好比战场,你亲自去经过,征战过,才能赢过。她在自媒体平台受到很多读者的热捧,原创了多篇10万+的文章。Love So Rare
When Dawn inherits half of a luxurious estate in South Africa, she's overjoyed--until she finds out that to keep the estate, she must marry the man who owns the other half: Ralf Deverell, whose golden good looks draw her in even as his cold, unwelcoming eyes freeze her out.Unwillingly, Dawn goes through with the arrangement. Sure, she can find some legal way out of it, but Ralf's presence fills her with an undeniable desire--and soon she realizes he burns for her, too. But can their love survive in such troubled circumstances?