1942年4月18日,美军按照事先拟定的对日本实施空袭的报复计划,派出杜立特尔中校,率领B-25型轰炸机组,首次轰炸了东京,揭开了美国对日本实施战略轰炸的序幕。在整个报复计划中,轰炸机成为了战场上的主角。珍珠港事件之后,美国空军怀念部就计划开发多种超远距离的远程轰炸机。在时间紧,任务重的情况下,多家飞机制造商们通力合作终于成功开发出新型B-29等多种战机。本书所载资料对军事研究者、战机爱好者来说,极具史料价值。Celebration & The Room
A restaurant. Two curved banquettes. It's a celebration. Violent, wildly funny, Harold Pinter's new play displays a vivid zest for wkkk.net The Room, Harold Pinter's first play, he reveals himself as already in full control of his unique ability to make dramatic poetry of the banalities of everyday speech and the precision with which it defines wkkk.net Pinter's latest play, Celebration, and his first play, The Room directed by the author himself, premired as a double-bill at London's Almeida Theatre in March 2000.