

Some of the masters were rather affronted at such a ragged detachment coming between the wind and their nobility; but what cared they? At the request of a gentleman hastily chosen to officiate as chairman, the leader of the delegates read, in a high-pitched, psalm-singing voice, a paper, containing the operatives' statement of the case at issue, their complaints, and their demands, which last were not remarkable for moderation. He was then desired to withdraw for a few minutes, with his fellow-delegates, to another room, while the masters considered what should be their definitive answer. When the men had left the room, a whispered earnest consultation took place, every one re-urging his former arguments. The conceders carried the day, but only by a majority of one. The minority haughtily and audibly expressed their dissent from the measures to be adopted, even after the delegates re-entered the room; their words and looks did not pass unheeded by the quick-eyed operatives; their names were registered in bitter hearts. The masters could not consent to the advance demanded by the workmen. They would agree to give one shilling per week more than they had previously offered. Were the delegates empowered to accept such offer? They were empowered to accept or decline any offer made that day by the masters. Then it might be as well for them to consult among themselves as to what should be their decision. They again withdrew. It was not for long. They came back, and positively declined any compromise of their demands. Then up sprang Mr Henry Carson, the head and voice of the violent party among the masters, and addressing the chairman, even before the scowling operatives, he proposed some resolutions, which he, and those who agreed with him, had been concocting during this last absence of the deputation. They were, firstly, withdrawing the proposals just made, and declaring all communication between the masters and that particular Trades' Union at an end; secondly, declaring that no master would employ any workman in future, unless he signed a declaration that he did not belong to any Trades' Union, and pledged himself not to assist or subscribe to any society, having for its object interference with the masters' powers; and, thirdly, that the masters should pledge themselves to protect and encourage all work-men willing to accept employment on those conditions, and at the rate of wages first offered. Considering that the men who now stood listening with lowering brows of defiance were all of them leading members of the Union, such resolutions were in themselves sufficiently provocative of animosity; but not content with simply stating them, Harry Carson went on to characterize the conduct of the workmen in no measured terms every word he spoke rendering their looks more livid, their glaring eyes more fierce. One among them would have spoken, but checked himself; in obedience to the stern glance and pressure on his arm, received from the leader.

Mr Carson sat down, and a friend instantly got up to second the motion.

It was carried, but far from unanimously. The chairman announced it to the delegates (who had been once more turned out of the room for a division).

They received it with deep brooding silence, but spake never a word, and left the room without even a bow. Now there had been some by-play at this meeting, not recorded in the Manchester newspapers, which gave an account of the more regular part of the transaction. While the men had stood grouped near the door, on their first entrance, Mr Harry Carson had taken out his silver pencil, and had drawn an admirable caricature of them--lank, ragged, dispirited, and famine-stricken. Underneath he wrote a hasty quotation from the fat knight's well-known speech in Henry IV. He passed it to one of his neighbours, who acknowledged the likeness instantly, and by him it was sent round to others, who all smiled, and nodded their heads. When it came back to its owner he tore the back of the letter on which it was drawn in two, twisted them up, and flung them into the fireplace; but, careless whether they reached their aim or not, he did not look to see that they fell just short of any consuming cinders. This proceeding was closely observed by one of the men. He watched the masters as they left the hotel (laughing, some of them were, at passing jokes), and when all had gone, he re-entered. He went to the waiter, who recognised him. "There's a bit on a picture up yonder, as one o' the gentlemen threw away;

  • 己酉避乱录


  • 大佛略忏


  • 心赋注


  • 奇门遁甲统宗


  • The Elusive Pimpernel

    The Elusive Pimpernel

  • 道门经法相承次序


  • 万界圣尊


  • 网游之大道无形


  • 用故事激发孩子好学向上


  • 梨花阴语


  • 傲世狂天之逆天魔妃万万岁


  • 至尊妖娆之血瞳魔后


  • 爱神与财神(感动青少年的文学名家名作精选集)


  • 快穿:投喂男主


    新书《快穿之我是前女友》,请各位赏鉴。 余兮死了,却不曾想,竟也赶上了穿越的风潮,做任务没问题,但为什么是个前任系统啊? 她决心务必扛起男女主大旗,势当男女主的亲妈粉!死忠粉!谁敢和姐姐作对都不行!喂,喂,那个人,你拉着我做什么,你女人在那儿呢!咱不是分手了吗?
  • 柳宗元集

