

Mr Crawley had declared to Mr Robarts, that he would summon no legal aid to his assistance at the coming trial. The reader may, perhaps, remember the impetuosity with which he rejected the advice on this subject which was conveyed to him by Mr Robarts with all the authority of Archdeacon Grantly's name. 'Tell the archdeacon,' he had said, 'that I will have none of his advice.' And then Mr Robarts had left him, fully convinced that any further interference on his part could be of no avail.

Nevertheless, the words which had then been spoken were not without effect. This coming trial was ever present to Mr Crawley's mind, and though, when driven to discuss the subject, he would speak of it with high spirit, as he had done both to the bishop and to Mr Robarts, yet in his long hours of privacy, or when alone with his wife, his spirit was anything but high. 'It will kill me,' he would say to her. 'I shall get salvation thus. Death will relieve me, and I shall never be called upon to stand before those cruel eager eyes.' Then she would try to say words of comfort, sometimes soothing him, as though he were a child, and at others bidding him to be a man, and remember that as a man he should have sufficient endurance to bear the eyes of any crowd that might be there to look at him.

'I think I will go up to London,' he said to her one evening, very soon after the day of Mr Robarts's visit.

'Go up to London, Josiah!' Mr Crawley had not been up to London once since they had been settled at Hogglestock, and this sudden resolution on his part frightened his wife. 'Go up to London, dearest! And why?'

'I will tell you why. They all say that I should speak to some man of the law whom I may trust about this coming trial. I trust no one in these parts. Not, mark you, that I say that they are untrustworthy. God forbid that I should so speak or even so think of men whom I know not.

But the matter has become common in men's mouths at Barchester and at Silverbridge, that I cannot endure to go among them and to talk of it. Iwill go up to London, and I will see your cousin, Mr John Toogood, of Gray's Inn.' Now in this scheme there was an amount of everyday prudence which startled Mrs Crawley almost as much as did the prospect of the difficulties to be overcome if the journey were to be made. Her husband in the first place, had never once seen Mr John Toogood; and in days very long back, when he and she were making their first gallant struggle--for in those days it had been gallant--down in their Cornish curacy, he had reprobated certain Toogood civilities--professional civilities--which had been proffered, perhaps, with too plain an intimation that on the score of relationship the professional work should be done without payment. The Mr Toogood of those days, who had been Mrs Crawley's uncle, and the father of Mrs Eames and grandfather or our friend Johnny Eames, had been much angered by some correspondence which had grown up between him and Mr Crawley, and from that day there had been a cessation of all intercourse between the families. Since those days that Toogood had been gathered to the ancient Toogoods of old, and the son reigned on the family throne in Raymond Buildings. The present Toogood was therefore first cousin to Mrs Crawley. But there had been no intimacy between them. Mrs Crawley had not seen her cousin since her marriage--as indeed she had seen none of her relations, having been estranged from them by the singular bearing of her husband. She knew that her cousin stood high in his profession, the firm of Toogood and Crump--Crump and Toogood it should have been properly been called in these days--having always held its head up high above all dirty work;and she felt that her husband could look for advice from no better source. But how would such a one as he manage to tell his story to a stranger? Nay, how would he find his way alone into the lawyer's room, to tell his story at all--so strange was he to the world? And then the expense! 'If you do not wish me to apply to your cousin, say so, and there shall be an end of it,' said Mr Crawley in an angry tone.

'Of course I would wish it. I believe him to be an excellent man, and a good lawyer.'

'Then why should I not go to his chambers? In forma pauperis I must go to him, and must tell him so. I cannot pay him for the labour of his counsel, nor for such minutes of his time as I shall use.'

'Oh, Josiah, you need not speak of that.'

'But I must speak of it. Can I go to a professional man; who keeps as it were his shop open for those who may think fit to come, and purchase of him, and take of his goods, and afterwards, when the goods have been used, tell him that I have not the price in my hand? I will not do that, Mary. You think that I am mad, that I know not what I do. Yes--I see it in your eyes; and you are sometimes partly right. But I am not so mad but that I know what is honest. I will tell your cousin that I am sore straitened, and brought down into the very dust by misfortune. And Iwill beseech him, for what of ancient feeling of family he may bear to you, to listen to me for a while. And I will be very short, and, if need be, will bide his time patiently, and perhaps he may say a word to me that may be of use.'

  • The Captives

    The Captives

  • 海纪辑要


  • 勿斋先生文集


  • 祭意篇


  • 九品往生阿弥陀三摩地集陀罗尼经


  • 仙妻要休夫


    身为从小什么都被一手包办的废柴,突然发现能修炼了,季云晚的确很高兴。可下一秒,她就被雷劈晕了过去。并且被告知,自己肩负着巴拉巴拉......(此处省略不知道多少字)的重任。对此,季云晚只想骂人,“那么多厉害的不选,选我?谁选的?脑子......”话还没说完,一道雷就落到了她面前。季云晚:“我做,我做还不行嘛,凡事都好商量。”于是,季云晚踏上了前有妖魔鬼怪,后有雷劫的大龄修仙之路。慢慢的,季云晚发现,原来有些事情,由始至终只有她一个人被蒙在鼓里。然后,季云晚怒了!众人齐刷刷的指着某人:“不关我们的事,他是主谋。”某人:“......”季云晚:“谁帮我写一份休书,这事就算了。”某人:“......”众人:“都是被打个半死,该怎么选?” (PS:虽然书名略有脑残,但那是作者自己手哆嗦,书里男女主感情戏份并不多。)
  • 燃烧的山河


  • 和希望一起飞


  • 致富要趁早:年轻人要懂得的101个财富哲理


    这本书可能不是特意为你而编写的,但数以百万计的年轻人认为这就是他们想要看的: 要发财,先做发财梦; 钱只是钱,一件平常的物; 梦想再好,不行动只是水中月、镜中花; 机会敲门的声音很轻,你要用心才能听到; 什么样的目标决定什么样的生活; 一夜致富只是不切实际的幻想; 天下没有免费的午餐; 拥有很多财富时就会从此不满足; 投资得当才会带来丰厚的回报; 拿到手的才是自己的; 不当有才华的穷人; 正确的思考是致富的捷径; 在正确的时间做正确的事情,才能保证把风险降到最低; 对人本身最大的效用不是财富,而是幸福本身; 节俭是有计划地奔向财富; 财富不是你能赚多少钱,而是你赚的钱能让你过得多好。
  • 神级支付宝


  • 庶女经


  • 乙未日记摘录


  • 王妃不安于室


  • 职工健康心态手册


  • 鼎录

