

Des Erdenlebens Schweres Traumbild sinkt, und sinkt, und sinkt.

"Das Ideal und das Lebens."

(The Dream Shape of the heavy earthly life sinks, and sinks, and sinks.)She stood within the chamber, and gazed around her; no signs by which an inquisitor of old could have detected the scholar of the Black Art were visible.No crucibles and caldrons, no brass-bound volumes and ciphered girdles, no skulls and cross-bones.

Quietly streamed the broad moonlight through the desolate chamber with its bare, white walls.A few bunches of withered herbs, a few antique vessels of bronze, placed carelessly on a wooden form, were all which that curious gaze could identify with the pursuits of the absent owner.The magic, if it existed, dwelt in the artificer, and the materials, to other hands, were but herbs and bronze.So is it ever with thy works and wonders, O Genius, --Seeker of the Stars! Words themselves are the common property of all men; yet, from words themselves, Thou Architect of Immortalities, pilest up temples that shall outlive the Pyramids, and the very leaf of the Papyrus becomes a Shinar, stately with towers, round which the Deluge of Ages, shall roar in vain!

But in that solitude has the Presence that there had invoked its wonders left no enchantment of its own? It seemed so; for as Viola stood in the chamber, she became sensible that some mysterious change was at work within herself.Her blood coursed rapidly, and with a sensation of delight, through her veins,--she felt as if chains were falling from her limbs, as if cloud after cloud was rolling from her gaze.All the confused thoughts which had moved through her trance settled and centred themselves in one intense desire to see the Absent One,--to be with him.The monads that make up space and air seemed charged with a spiritual attraction,--to become a medium through which her spirit could pass from its clay, and confer with the spirit to which the unutterable desire compelled it.A faintness seized her; she tottered to the seat on which the vessels and herbs were placed, and, as she bent down, she saw in one of the vessels a small vase of crystal.By a mechanical and involuntary impulse, her hand seized the vase; she opened it, and the volatile essence it contained sparkled up, and spread through the room a powerful and delicious fragrance.She inhaled the odour, she laved her temples with the liquid, and suddenly her life seemed to spring up from the previous faintness,--to spring, to soar, to float, to dilate upon the wings of a bird.The room vanished from her eyes.Away, away, over lands and seas and space on the rushing desire flies the disprisoned mind!

Upon a stratum, not of this world, stood the world-born shapes of the sons of Science, upon an embryo world, upon a crude, wan, attenuated mass of matter, one of the Nebulae, which the suns of the myriad systems throw off as they roll round the Creator's throne*, to become themselves new worlds of symmetry and glory,--planets and suns that forever and forever shall in their turn multiply their shining race, and be the fathers of suns and planets yet to come.

(*"Astronomy instructs us that, in the original condition of the solar system, the sun was the nucleus of a nebulosity or luminous mass which revolved on its axis, and extended far beyond the orbits of all the planets,--the planets as yet having no existence.Its temperature gradually diminished, and, becoming contracted by cooling, the rotation increased in rapidity, and zones of nebulosity were successively thrown off, in consequence of the centrifugal force overpowering the central attraction.

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