

He has had his predecessors, and long lines of successors may be yet to come.""And will you tell me," said Glyndon, "that in yourself I behold one of that mighty few over whom Zanoni has no superiority in power and wisdom?""In me," answered the stranger, "you see one from whom Zanoni himself learned some of his loftiest secrets.On these shores, on this spot, have I stood in ages that your chroniclers but feebly reach.The Phoenician, the Greek, the Oscan, the Roman, the Lombard, I have seen them all!--leaves gay and glittering on the trunk of the universal life, scattered in due season and again renewed; till, indeed, the same race that gave its glory to the ancient world bestowed a second youth upon the new.For the pure Greeks, the Hellenes, whose origin has bewildered your dreaming scholars, were of the same great family as the Norman tribe, born to be the lords of the universe, and in no land on earth destined to become the hewers of wood.Even the dim traditions of the learned, which bring the sons of Hellas from the vast and undetermined territories of Northern Thrace, to be the victors of the pastoral Pelasgi, and the founders of the line of demi-gods; which assign to a population bronzed beneath the suns of the West, the blue-eyed Minerva and the yellow-haired Achilles (physical characteristics of the North); which introduce, amongst a pastoral people, warlike aristocracies and limited monarchies, the feudalism of the classic time,--even these might serve you to trace back the primeval settlements of the Hellenes to the same region whence, in later times, the Norman warriors broke on the dull and savage hordes of the Celt, and became the Greeks of the Christian world.But this interests you not, and you are wise in your indifference.Not in the knowledge of things without, but in the perfection of the soul within, lies the empire of man aspiring to be more than man.""And what books contain that science; from what laboratory is it wrought?""Nature supplies the materials; they are around you in your daily walks.In the herbs that the beast devours and the chemist disdains to cull; in the elements from which matter in its meanest and its mightiest shapes is deduced; in the wide bosom of the air; in the black abysses of the earth; everywhere are given to mortals the resources and libraries of immortal lore.But as the simplest problems in the simplest of all studies are obscure to one who braces not his mind to their comprehension; as the rower in yonder vessel cannot tell you why two circles can touch each other only in one point,--so though all earth were carved over and inscribed with the letters of diviner knowledge, the characters would be valueless to him who does not pause to inquire the language and meditate the truth.Young man, if thy imagination is vivid, if thy heart is daring, if thy curiosity is insatiate, I will accept thee as my pupil.But the first lessons are stern and dread.""If thou hast mastered them, why not I?" answered Glyndon, boldly."I have felt from my boyhood that strange mysteries were reserved for my career; and from the proudest ends of ordinary ambition I have carried my gaze into the cloud and darkness that stretch beyond.The instant I beheld Zanoni, I felt as if I had discovered the guide and the tutor for which my youth had idly languished and vainly burned.""And to me his duty is transferred," replied the stranger.

"Yonder lies, anchored in the bay, the vessel in which Zanoni seeks a fairer home; a little while and the breeze will rise, the sail will swell; and the stranger will have passed, like a wind, away.Still, like the wind, he leaves in thy heart the seeds that may bear the blossom and the fruit.Zanoni hath performed his task,--he is wanted no more; the perfecter of his work is at thy side.He comes! I hear the dash of the oar.You will have your choice submitted to you.According as you decide we shall meet again." With these words the stranger moved slowly away, and disappeared beneath the shadow of the cliffs.A boat glided rapidly across the waters: it touched land; a man leaped on shore, and Glyndon recognised Zanoni.

  • 释名


  • 随园诗话


  • 兰盆献供仪


  • 要药分剂


  • 会仙女志


  • 两个人的圣诞


  • 周慎斋遗书


  • 竹马养成小蛮妃


  • 我是探险家之星际大冒险


  • 许下的永远


    [两岸文学PK大赛] 走在大学里的任何一处,大多数总会看见一对对幸福而又甜蜜的情侣牵手笑谈。她们会一起去图书馆看书,一起去食堂用餐,一起去学院中各个风景秀丽的地方漫步… 有人说,浪漫的恋爱,是在大学中才能感受到的。 浪漫的恋爱,许下一句‘爱到永远’,总会许下一句‘永不分离’!看着这一切,经过时间的洗涤后,却不知‘后事如何’了… 在心中,会期盼出现一份类似童话中完美的爱情,一生一世,永不分离。 对爱的永远,他听到太多、看到太多对爱许下的‘永远’,但却始终看不见那所谓的‘永远’,只留下一段故事般的尾声,绽放出几度烟花消逝的季节… 每一年,丽泽学院这所重点大学,都会有大批的新生进入,而与此同时,又会多出那一道道崭新的爱恋风景…丽泽大学,一所重点大学!张敛,一位刚刚考上丽泽大学的学生…
  • 魔物回收计划


  • 为你圈地为牢


  • 十二生肖与运程(古代文化集粹)


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