

I hastened to Pompeii to see thee--I found thee already aged and infirm, under the yoke of a capricious and pampered lord--thou hadst lately adopted this new faith, and its adoption made thy slavery doubly painful to thee; it took away all the softening charm of custom, which reconciles us so often to the worst. Didst thou not complain to me that thou wert compelled to offices that were not odious to thee as a slave, but guilty as a Nazarene?

Didst thou not tell me that thy soul shook with remorse when thou wert compelled to place even a crumb of cake before the Lares that watch over yon impluvium? that thy soul was torn by a perpetual struggle? Didst thou not tell me that even by pouring wine before the threshold, and calling on the name of some Grecian deity, thou didst fear thou wert incurring penalties worse than those of Tantalus, an eternity of tortures more terrible than those of the Tartarian fields? Didst thou not tell me this? I wondered, Icould not comprehend; nor, by Hercules! can I now: but I was thy son, and my sole task was to compassionate and relieve. Could I hear thy groans, could I witness thy mysterious horrors, thy constant anguish, and remain inactive?

No! by the immortal gods! the thought struck me like light from Olympus! Ihad no money, but I had strength and youth--these were thy gifts--I could sell these in my turn for thee! I learned the amount of thy ransom--Ilearned that the usual prize of a victorious gladiator would doubly pay it.

I became a gladiator--I linked myself with those accursed men, scorning, loathing, while I joined--I acquired their skill--blessed be the lesson!--it shall teach me to free my father!'

'Oh, that thou couldst hear Olinthus!' sighed the old man, more and more affected by the virtue of his son, but not less strongly convinced of the criminality of his purpose.

'I will hear the whole world talk if thou wilt,' answered the gladiator, gaily; 'but not till thou art a slave no more. Beneath thy own roof, my father, thou shalt puzzle this dull brain all day long, ay, and all night too, if it give thee pleasure. Oh, such a spot as I have chalked out for thee!--it is one of the nine hundred and ninety-nine shops of old Julia Felix, in the sunny part of the city, where thou mayst bask before the door in the day--and I will sell the oil and the wine for thee, my father--and then, please Venus (or if it does not please her, since thou lovest not her name, it is all one to Lydon)--then, I say, perhaps thou mayst have a daughter, too, to tend thy grey hairs, and hear shrill voices at thy knee, that shall call thee "Lydon's father!" Ah! we shall be so happy--the prize can purchase all. Cheer thee! cheer up, my sire!--And now I must away--day wears--the lanista waits me. Come! thy blessing!'

As Lydon thus spoke, he had already quitted the dark chamber of his father;and speaking eagerly, though in a whispered tone, they now stood at the same place in which we introduced the porter at his post.

'O bless thee! bless thee, my brave boy!' said Medon, fervently; 'and may the great Power that reads all hearts see the nobleness of thine, and forgive its error!'

The tall shape of the gladiator passed swiftly down the path; the eyes of the slave followed its light but stately steps, till the last glimpse was gone; and then, sinking once more on his seat, his eyes again fastened themselves on the ground. His form, mute and unmoving, as a thing of stone.

His heart!--who, in our happier age, can even imagine its struggles--its commotion?

'May I enter?' said a sweet voice. 'Is thy mistress Julia within?'

The slave mechanically motioned to the visitor to enter, but she who addressed him could not see the gesture--she repeated her question timidly, but in a louder voice.

'Have I not told thee!' said the slave, peevishly: 'enter.'

'Thanks,' said the speaker, plaintively; and the slave, roused by the tone, looked up, and recognized the blind flower-girl. Sorrow can sympathize with affliction--he raised himself, and guided her steps to the head of the adjacent staircase (by which you descended to Julia's apartment), where, summoning a female slave, he consigned to her the charge of the blind girl.

  • 苕溪渔隐丛话


  • 供诸天科仪


  • 絜斋集


  • 法句譬喻经


  • Alexandria and her Schools

    Alexandria and her Schools

    I should not have presumed to choose for any lectures of mine such a subject as that which I have tried to treat in this book. The subject was chosen by the Institution where the lectures were delivered.汇聚授权电子版权。
  • 帝影神朝


  • 舍得做人,宽心做事


  • 爱情识人术


  • 南风吹过露台


  • 斗君心


  • 普通高中教育的精气神


  • 女人的性格与人生选择


  • 做赫本一样的女人


  • 决定一生的8种能力


  • 影响世界青少年的101个心理寓言

