

"'I'm allers cautious that a-way, around a party who's lost his hoss.It locoes him an' makes him f'rocious; I s'pose bein' afoot he feels he'pless, an' let out an' crazy.A gent afoot is a heap easier to aggravate, too; an' a mighty sight more likely to lay for you than when he's in a Texas saddle with a pony between his knees.

"'Which is why I remarks, that I stacks up this pedestrian careful an' accurate before I goes after him.

"'As I says, he carries on like he's hurt; an' he's packin' a six-shooter.He seems familiar, too; an' while I looks him over I'm wonderin' where I cuts his trail before.

"'As I has the advantage of a Winchester, I at last rides into the open an' gives a whoopee.The party turns, comes limpin' toward me, an' whoever do you allow it is? Which it's shorely Spanish Bill; an'

it's right yere he gets action on that bread on the waters he plays in when he recovers me that time in Taos.

"'To make it brief, Spanish Bill tells me that after I leaves Taos he goes over an' deals monte a bit at Wagon Mound.One night a Mexican comes caperin' in, an' Bill gives him a layout or two.At last he makes an alcy bet of fifty dollars on the queen; what the Greasers calls the "hoss." The Mexican loses; an' instead of takin'

it easy like a sport should, he grabs the money.

"'As was his dooty, Spanish Bill bends his six-shooter over the Mexican.Tharupon he searches out a knife; an' this yere so complicates the business, Bill, to simplify things, plugs the Mexican full of holes.

"'This shootin' is on the squar', an' no one takes hostile notice of it.Spanish Bill goes on layin' out his monte same as usual.Two days later, though, he gets a p'inter the Mexicans is fixin' for him.So that night he moves camp--mebby to where it's a hundred an'

sixty miles from Wagon Mound, over on the Vermejo.

"'But it looks like the Greasers hangs to the trail; for the day before I tracks up on him a band of 'em hops outen a dry arroya, where they's bush-wackin' for him, an' goes to shootin'.As might be expected, Spanish Bill turns loose, free an' frequent, an' they all shorely has a high, excessive time.

"'The Mexicans downs Spanish Bill's pony, an' a bullet creases Bill's side; which last is what curves him over an' indooces him to limp when I trails up with him.

"'As Spanish Bill goes down, the Mexicans scatter.The game is too high for 'em.They was shy two people, with another plugged deep an'

strong; by which you notes that Bill is aimin' low an' good.

"'After the shootin' Spanish Bill crawls over to a ranch, an', gettin' a pony an' saddle, which he easy does, he breaks back into the hills where I encounters him.It's that morning his pony gets tired of the deal, an' bucks him off, an' goes stampedin' back.

That's why he's afoot.

"'While he's talkin' all this, I recalls how Spanish Bill rounds me up that night in Taos, so I don't hesitate.I takes him over to my camp.The next mornin' he turns his nose for Texas on my best pony;which is the last I sees or hears of Spanish Bill, onless he's the Bill who's lynched over near Eagle Pass a year later, of which Isurmises it's some likely.

"'But whether Bill's lynched or not, it all brings up ag'in what that Gospel-gent says about doin' benev'lences; an' how after many days you dies an' makes a winnin', an' lives on velvet all eternity.

An' don't you know this Spanish Bill pickin' me up that night, an'

then in less than two months, when he's afoot an' hurt in the hills, gettin' ag'inst me an' drawin' out of the game ahead a saddle, a pony an' safety, makes it seem like that Bible-sharp is right a whole lot?

"'That's how it strikes me,' concloods Boggs.'An' as I tells you;if so many cattle don't die that spring; an' if I don't give way so frightful in my talk, I'd shorely hunted down a congregation the next June, an' stood in."'

  • 明伦汇编人事典沐浴部


  • 自闲觉禅师语录


  • 孔子弟子考


  • 医学真传


  • 广陵涛尺牍


  • 幸福还有多远


  • 鬼谷子


  • 卧枕江山


  • 带着红警闯无限


  • 题东山子李適碑阴二


  • 美国大城市的死与生:纪念版


    也许是城镇规划史上有影响的著作……也是一部极富文采之作。 ——《纽约时报书评》 有史以来关于城市的出色著作之一……并无故作高深的方法,一切皆出自作者的眼睛与心灵,但它以其精妙的研究,让我们明白城市的生命和精神来自何处。 ——威廉·H·怀特 本书是对当下城市规划和重建理论的抨击,也是尝试引介一些城市规划和重建的新原则,进而抨击那些统治现代城市规划和重建改造正统理论的原则和目的,是有史以来关于城市的出色的著作之一。作者以纽约、芝加哥等美国大城市为例,,深入考察了都市结构的基本元素以及它们在城市生活中发挥功能的方式,挑战了传统的城市规划理论,以其精妙的研究,让读者明白城市的生命和精神来自何处。
  • 醉梦大唐


  • 异世之打造兽人家园


  • The Good Soldier

    The Good Soldier

  • 庶女归来:邪王的废柴狂妃

