

Isabel had not seen much of Madame Merle since her marriage, this lady having indulged in frequent absences from Rome.At one time she had spent six months in England; at another she had passed a portion of a winter in Paris.She had made numerous visits to distant friends and gave countenance to the idea that for the future she should be a less inveterate Roman than in the past.As she had been inveterate in the past only in the sense of constantly having an apartment in one of the sunniest niches of the Pincian- an apartment which often stood empty-this suggested a prospect of almost constant absence; a danger which Isabel at one period had been much inclined to deplore.Familiarity had modified in some degree her first impression of Madame Merle, but it had not essentially altered it;there was still much wonder of admiration in it.That personage was armed at all points; it was a pleasure to see a character so completely equipped for the social battle.She carried her flag discreetly, but her weapons were polished steel, and she used them with a skill which struck Isabel as more and more that of a veteran.

She was never weary, never overcome with disgust; she never appeared to need rest or consolation.She had her own ideas; she had of old exposed a great many of them to Isabel, who knew also that under an appearance of extreme self-control her highly-cultivated friend concealed a rich sensibility.But her will was mistress of her life;there was something gallant in the way she kept going.It was as if she had learned the secret of it-as if the art of life were some clever trick she had guessed.Isabel, as she herself grew older, became acquainted with revulsions, with disgusts; there were days when the world looked black and she asked herself with some sharpness what it was that she was pretending to live for.Her old habit had been to live by enthusiasm, to fall in love with suddenly-perceived possibilities, with the idea of some new adventure.As a younger person she had been used to proceed from one little exaltation to the other: there were scarcely any dull places between.But Madame Merle had suppressed enthusiasm; she fell in love now-a-days with nothing; she lived entirely by reason and by wisdom.There were hours when Isabel would have given anything for lessons in this art;if her brilliant friend had been near she would have made an appeal to her.She had become aware more than before of the advantage of being like that-of having made one's self a firm surface, a sort of corselet of silver.

But, as I say, it was not till the winter during which we lately renewed acquaintance with our heroine that the personage in question made again a continuous stay in Rome.Isabel now saw more of her than she had done since her marriage; but by this time Isabel's needs and inclinations had considerably changed.It was not at present to Madame Merle that she would have applied for instruction; she had lost the desire to know this lady's clever trick.If she had troubles she must keep them to herself, and if life was difficult it would not make it easier to confess herself beaten.Madame Merle was doubtless of great use to herself and an ornament to any circle; but was she-would she be-of use to others in periods of refined embarrassment? The best way to profit by her friend-this indeed Isabel had always thought-was to imitate her, to be as firm and bright as she.She recognized no embarrassments, and Isabel, considering this fact, determined for the fiftieth time to brush aside her own.It seemed to her too, on the renewal of an intercourse which had virtually been interrupted, that her old ally was different, was almost detached-pushing to the extreme a certain rather artificial fear of being indiscreet.Ralph Touchett, we know, had been of the opinion that she was prone to exaggeration, to forcing the note-was apt, in the vulgar phrase, to overdo it.Isabel had never admittedthis charge-had never indeed quite understood it; Madame Merle's conduct, to her perception, always bore the stamp of good taste, was always "quiet." But in this matter of not wishing to intrude upon the inner life of the Osmond family it at last occurred to our young woman that she overdid a little.That of course was not the best taste; that was rather violent.She remembered too much that Isabel was married; that she had now other interests; that though she, Madame Merle, had known Gilbert Osmond and his little Pansy very well, better almost than any one, she was not after all of the inner circle.She was on her guard; she never spoke of their affairs till she was asked, even pressed when her opinion was wanted; she had a dread of seeming to meddle.Madame Merle was as candid as we know, and one day she candidly expressed this dread to Isabel.

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