She had answered nothing because his words had put the situation before her and she was absorbed in looking at it.There was something in them that suddenly made vibrations deep, so that she had been afraid to trust herself to speak.After he had gone she leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes; and for a long time, far into the night and still further, she sat in the still drawing-room, given up to her meditation.A servant came in to attend to the fire, and she bade him bring fresh candles and then go to bed.Osmond had told her to think of what he had said; and she did so indeed, and of many other things.The suggestion from another that she had a definite influence on Lord Warburton-this had given her the start that accompanies unexpected recognition.Was it true that there was something still between them that might be a handle to make him declare himself to Pansy-a susceptibility, on his part, to approval, a desire to do what would please her? Isabel had hitherto not asked herself the question, because she had not been forced; but now that it was directly presented to her she saw the answer, and the answer frightened her.Yes, there was something-something on Lord Warburton's part.When he had first come to Rome she believed the link that united them to be completely snapped; but little by little she had been reminded that it had yet a palpable existence.It was as thin as a hair, but there were moments when she seemed to hear it vibrate.For herself nothing was changed; what she once thought of him she always thought; it was needless this feeling should change; it seemed to her in fact a better feeling than ever.But he? had he still the idea that she might be more to him than other women? Had he the wish to profit by the memory of the few moments of intimacy through which they had once passed? Isabel knew she had read some of the signs of such a disposition.But what were his hopes, his pretensions, and in what strange way were they mingled with his evidently very sincere appreciation of poor Pansy? Was he in love with Gilbert Osmond's wife, and if so what comfort did he expect to derive from it? If he was in love with Pansy he was not in love with her stepmother, and if he was in love with her stepmother he was not in love with Pansy.Was she to cultivate the advantage she possessed in order to make him commit himself to Pansy, knowing he would do so for her sake and not for the small creature's own-was this the service her husband had asked of her? This at any rate was the duty with which she found herself confronted-from the moment she admitted to herself that her old friend had still an uneradicated predilection for her society.It was not an agreeable task; it was in fact a repulsive one.She asked herself with dismay whether Lord Warburton were pretending to be in love with Pansy in order to cultivate another satisfaction and what might be called other chances.Of this refinement of duplicity she presently acquitted him; she preferred to believe him in perfect good faith.But if his admiration for Pansy were a delusion this was scarcely better than its being an affectation.Isabel wandered among these ugly possibilities until she had completely lost her way; some of them, as she suddenly encountered them, seemed ugly enough.Then she broke out of the labyrinth, rubbing her eyes, and declared that her imagination surely did her little honour and that her husband's did him even less.Lord Warburton was as disinterested as he need be, and she was no more to him than she need wish.She would rest upon this till the contrary should be proved; proved more effectually than by a cynical intimation of Osmond's.
她是钟氏集团的千金,B市朱洲医院最年轻的主刀大夫,最后死于一起精心安排的医疗事故下;她是杏林世家的嫡出小姐,一手医术尽得祖父真传,一生未嫁,最终死于恶核瘟疫;跨越千年的灵魂融合,重生现代,绽放圣手光芒。上天给她机会重生,这一世定要活个清楚明白!保护家人,守卫家族,魑魅魍魉统统退散!×相遇篇:株洲医院林晟宇火大:你到底会不会扎?实习小护士惶恐瑟缩,讷讷不语。某女查房回来路过一看,上前从实习生手里接过针头,二话没说很是麻利的扎进了血管,接着面无表情的拔下,“看清楚了吗?再试一遍!”林晟宇.!!!女人,我记住你了!某女只留给他一个华丽丽的背影.再遇时:林晟宇:我答应来见你,不过是因为给我妈面子,要知道我的时间很金贵,相亲这种事情,我认为最浪费生命。你,最好不要有其他什么想法。钟萝大方一笑:林大总裁的时间金贵,分分钟千万的收入,不过我的时间,可是分分钟都是人命。林晟宇.!!!林晟宇觉得,每次对上这个女人,他似乎都是完败!以至于让她就这么毫无所觉得走进了他的心里。Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie
I had a bad August. A very bad August. As bad as pickle juice on a cookie. Eleanor's beloved babysitter, Bibi, is moving away. Suddenly, the things she used to enjoy aren't fun anymore —everything reminds her of Bibi. To make matters worse, Eleanor has a new babysitter, who just isn't the same. But as the new school year looms ahead, so do new beginnings. And Eleanor is about to learn some special things about herself, friendship, and the bittersweet process of growing up.