

Such a resolution, however, brought her this evening but little peace, for her soul was haunted with terrors which crowded to the foreground of thought as quickly as a place was made for them.What had suddenly set them into livelier motion she hardly knew, unless it were the strange impression she had received in the afternoon of her husband's being in more direct communication with Madame Merle than she suspected.That impression came back to her from time to time, and now she wondered it had never come before.Besides this, her short interview with Osmond half an hour ago was a striking example of his faculty for making everything wither that he touched, spoiling everything for her that he looked at.It was very well to undertake to give him a proof of loyalty; the real fact was that the knowledge of his expecting a thing raised a presumption against it.It was as if he had had the evil eye; as if his presence were a blight and his favour a misfortune.Was the fault in himself, or only in the deep mistrust she had conceived for him? This mistrust was now the clearest result of their short married life; a gulf had opened between them over which they looked at each other with eyes that were on either side a declaration of the deception suffered.It was a strange opposition, of the like of which she had never dreamed-an opposition in which the vital principle of the one was a thing of contempt to the other.It was not her fault-she had practised no deception; she had only admired and believed.She had taken all the first steps in the purest confidence, and then she had suddenly found the infinite vista of a multiplied life to be a dark, narrow alley with a dead wall at the end.Instead of leading to the high places of happiness, from which the world would seem to lie below one, so that one could look down with a sense of exaltation and advantage, and judge and choose and pity, it led rather downward and earthward, into realms of restriction and depression where the sound of other lives, easier and freer, was heard as from above, and where it served to deepen the feeling of failure.It was her deep distrust of her husband-this was what darkened the world.That is a sentiment easily indicated, but not so easily explained, and so composite in its character that much time and still more suffering had been needed to bring it to its actual perfection.Suffering, with Isabel, was an active condition; it was not a chill, a stupor, a despair; it was a passion of thought, of speculation, of response to every pressure.She flattered herself that she had kept her failing faith to herself, however-that no one suspected it but Osmond.Oh, he knew it, and there were times when she thought he enjoyed it.It had come gradually-it was not till the first year of their life together, so admirably intimate at first, had closed that she had taken the alarm.Then the shadows had begun to gather; it was as if Osmond deliberately, almost malignantly, had put the lights out one by one.The dusk at first was vague and thin, and she could still see her way in it.But it steadily deepened, and if now and again it had occasionally lifted there were certain corners of her prospect that were impenetrably black.These shadows were not an emanation from her own mind: she was very sure of that; she had done her best to be just and temperate, to see only the truth.They were a part, they were a kind of creation and consequence, of her husband's very presence.They were not his misdeeds, his turpitudes;she accused him of nothing-that is but of one thing, which was not a crime.She knew of no wrong he had done; he was not violent, he was not cruel: she simply believed he hated her.That was all she accused him of, and the miserable part of it was precisely that it was not a crime, for against a crime she might have found redress.He had discovered that she was so different, that she was not what he had believed she would prove to be.He had thought at first he could change her, and she had done her best to be what he would like.But she was, after all, herself-she couldn't help that; and now there was no use pretending, wearing a mask or a dress, for he knew her and had made up his mind.She was not afraid of him; she had no apprehension he would hurt her; for the ill-will he bore her was not of that sort.He would if possible never give her a pretext, never put himself in the wrong.Isabel, scanning the future with dry, fixed eyes, saw that he would have the better of her there.She would give him many pretexts, she would often put herself in the wrong.There were times when she almost pitied him; for if she had not deceived him in intention she understood how completely she must have done so in fact.She had effaced herself when he first knew her; she had made herself small, pretending there was less of her than there really was.

It was because she had been under the extraordinary charm that he, on his side, had taken pains to put forth.He was not changed; he had not disguised himself, during the year of his courtship, any more than she.But she had seen only half his nature then, as one saw the disk of the moon when it was partly masked by the shadow of the earth.She saw the full moon now-she saw the whole man.She had kept still, as it were, so that he should have a free field, and yet in spite of this she had mistaken a part for the whole.

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