

Madame Merle had not made her appearance at Palazzo Roccanera on the evening of that Thursday of which I have narrated some of the incidents, and Isabel, though she observed her absence, was not surprised by it.Things had passed between them which added no stimulus to sociability, and to appreciate which we must glance a little backward.It has been mentioned that Madame Merle returned from Naples shortly after Lord Warburton had left Rome, and that on her first meeting with Isabel (whom, to do her justice, she came immediately to see) her first utterance had been an enquiry as to the whereabouts of this nobleman, for whom she appeared to hold her dear friend accountable.

"Please don't talk of him," said Isabel for answer; "we've heard so much of him of late."Madame Merle bent her head on one side a little, protestingly, and smiled at the left corner of her mouth."You've heard, yes.But you must remember that I've not, in Naples.I hoped to find him here and to be able to congratulate Pansy.""You may congratulate Pansy still; but not on marrying Lord Warburton.""How you say that! Don't you know I had set my heart on it?"Madame Merle asked with a great deal of spirit, but still with the intonation of good humour.

Isabel was discomposed, but she was determined to be good-humoured too."You shouldn't have gone to Naples then.You should have stayed here to watch the affair.""I had too much confidence in you.But do you think it's too late?""You had better ask Pansy," said Isabel.

"I shall ask her what you've said to her."These words seemed to justify the impulse of self-defence aroused on Isabel's part by her perceiving that her visitor's attitude was a critical one.Madame Merle, as we know, had been very discreet hitherto; she had never criticized; she had been markedly afraid of intermeddling.But apparently she had only reserved herself for this occasion, since she now had a dangerous quickness in her eye and an air of irritation which even her admirable ease was not able to transmute.She had suffered a disappointment which excited Isabel's surprise-our heroine having no knowledge of her zealous interest in Pansy's marriage; and she betrayed it in a manner which quickened Mrs.

Osmond's alarm.More clearly than ever before Isabel heard a cold, mocking voice proceed from she knew not where, in the dim void that surrounded her, and declare that this bright, strong, definite, worldly woman, this incarnation of the practical, the personal, the immediate, was a powerful agent in her destiny.She was nearer to her than Isabel had yet discovered, and her nearness was not the charming accident she had so long supposed.The sense of accident indeed had died within her that day when she happened to be struck with the manner in which the wonderful lady and her own husband sat together in private.No definite suspicion had as yet taken its place;but it was enough to make her view this friend with a different eye, to have been led to reflect that there was more intention in her past behaviour than she had allowed for at the time.Ah yes, there had been intention, there had been intention, Isabel said to herself;and she seemed to wake from a long pernicious dream.What was it that brought home to her that Madame Merle's intention had not been good? Nothing but the mistrust which had lately taken body and which married itself now to the fruitful wonder produced by her visitor's challenge on behalf of poor Pansy.There was something in this challenge which had at the very outset excited an answering defiance; a nameless vitality which she could see to have been absent from her friend's professions of delicacy and caution.Madame Merle had been unwilling to interfere, certainly, but only so long as there was nothing to interfere with.It will perhaps seem to the reader that Isabel went fast in casting doubt, on mere suspicion, on a sincerity proved by several years of good offices.She moved quickly indeed, and with reason, for a strange truth was filtering into her soul.Madame Merle's interest was identical with Osmond's: that was enough."I think Pansy will tell you nothing that will make you more angry," she said in answer to her companion's last remark.

I'm not in the least angry.I've only a great desire to retrieve the situation.Do you consider that Warburton has left us for ever?""I can't tell you; I don't understand you.It's all over; please let it rest.Osmond has talked to me a great deal about it, and I've nothing more to say or to hear.I've no doubt," Isabel added, "that he'll be very happy to discuss the subject with you.""I know what he thinks; he came to see me last evening.""As soon as you had arrived? Then you know all about it and you needn't apply to me for information.""It isn't information I want.At bottom it's sympathy.I had set my heart on that marriage; the idea did what so few things do-it satisfied the imagination.""Your imagination, yes.But not that of the persons concerned.""You mean by that of course that I'm not concerned.Of course not directly.But when one's such an old friend one can't help having something at stake.You forget how long I've known Pansy.You mean, of course," Madame Merle added, "that you are one of the persons concerned.""No; that's the last thing I mean.I'm very weary of it all."Madame Merle hesitated a little."Ah yes, your work's done.""Take care what you say," said Isabel very gravely.

"Oh, I take care; never perhaps more than when it appears least.

Your husband judges you severely."

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