

Madame Merle, who had come to Florence on Mrs.Touchett's arrival at the invitation of this lady- Mrs.Touchett offering her for a month the hospitality of Palazzo Crescentini- the judicious Madame Merle spoke to Isabel afresh about Gilbert Osmond and expressed the hope she might know him; making, however, no such point of the matter as we have seen her do in recommending the girl herself to Mr.Osmond's attention.The reason of this was perhaps that Isabel offered no resistance whatever to Madame Merle's proposal.In Italy, as in England, the lady had a multitude of friends, both among the natives of the country and its heterogeneous visitors.She had mentioned to Isabel most of the people the girl would find it well to "meet"- of course, she said, Isabel could know whomever in the wide world she would- and had placed Mr.Osmond near the top of the list.He was an old friend of her own; she had known him these dozen years; he was one of the cleverest and most agreeable men- well, in Europe simply.He was altogether above the respectable average; quite another affair.He wasn't a professional charmer- far from it, and the effect he produced depended a good deal on the state of his nerves and his spirits.

When not in the right mood he could fall as low as any one, saved only by his looking at such hours rather like a demoralized prince in exile.But if he cared or was interested or rightly challenged- just exactly rightly it had to be- then one felt his cleverness and his distinction.Those qualities didn't depend, in him, as in so many people, on his not committing or exposing himself.He had his perversities- which indeed Isabel would find to be the case with all the men really worth knowing- and didn't cause his light to shine equally for all persons.Madame Merle, however, thought she could undertake that for Isabel he would be brilliant.He was easily bored, too easily, and dull people always put him out; but a quick and cultivated girl like Isabel would give him a stimulus which was too absent from his life.At any rate he was a person not to miss.One shouldn't attempt to live in Italy without making a friend of Gilbert Osmond, who knew more about the country than any one except two or three German professors.And if they had more knowledge than he it was he who had most perception and taste- being artistic through and through.Isabel remembered that her friend had spoken of him during their plunge, at Gardencourt, into the deeps of talk, and wondered a little what was the nature of the tie binding these superior spirits.She felt that Madame Merle's ties always somehow had histories, and such an impression was part of the interest created by this inordinate woman.As regards her relations with Mr.Osmond, however, she hinted at nothing but a long-established calm friendship.

Isabel said she should be happy to know a person who had enjoyed so high a confidence for so many years."You ought to see a great many men," Madame Merle remarked; "you ought to see as many as possible, so as to get used to them.""Used to them?" Isabel repeated with that solemn stare which sometimes seemed to proclaim her deficient in the sense of comedy.

"Why, I'm not afraid of them- I'm as used to them as the cook to the butcher-boys.""Used to them, I mean, so as to despise them.That's what one comes to with most of them.You'll pick out, for your society, the few whom you don't despise."This was a note of cynicism that Madame Merle didn't often allow herself to sound; but Isabel was not alarmed, for she had never supposed that as one saw more of the world the sentiment of respect became the most active of one's emotions.It was excited, none the less, by the beautiful city of Florence, which pleased her not less than Madame Merle had promised; and if her unassisted perception had not been able to gauge its charms she had clever companions as priests to the mystery.She was in no want indeed of aesthetic illumination, for Ralph found it a joy that renewed his own early passion to act as cicerone to his eager young kinswoman.Madame Merle remained at home; she had seen the treasures of Florence again and again and had always something else to do.But she talked of all things with remarkable vividness of memory- she recalled the right-hand corner of the large Perugino and the position of the hands of the Saint Elizabeth in the picture next to it.She had her opinions as to the character of many famous works of art, differing often from Ralph with great sharpness and defending her interpretations with as much ingenuity as good-humour.Isabel listened to the discussions taking place between the two with a sense that she might derive much benefit from them and that they were among the advantages she couldn't have enjoyed for instance in Albany.In the clear May mornings before the formal breakfast- this repast at Mrs.Touchett's was served at twelve o'clock- she wandered with her cousin through the narrow and sombre Florentine streets, resting a while in the thicker dusk of some historic church or the vaulted chambers of some dispeopled convent.

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