

"Some stuff!" Deepest admiration was in his voice."If we'd only had it when the war was on--imagine half a dozen of us scooting over the enemy batteries and the gunners underneath all at once beginning to shake themselves to pieces! Wow!" His tone was rapturous.

"It's easy enough to explain, Larry," I said."The effect, that is--for what the green ray is made of I don't know, of course.But what it does, clearly, is stimulate atomic vibra-tion to such a pitch that the cohesion between the particles of matter is broken and the body flies to bits--just as a fly-wheel does when its speed gets so great that the particles of which IT is made can't hold together.""Shake themselves to pieces is right, then!" he exclaimed.

"Absolutely right," I nodded."Everything in Nature vi-brates.And all matter--whether man or beast or stone or metal or vegetable--is made up of vibrating molecules, which are made up of vibrating atoms which are made up of truly infinitely small particles of electricity called elec-trons, and electrons, the base of all matter, are themselves perhaps only a vibration of the mysterious ether.

"If a magnifying glass of sufficient size and strength could be placed over us we could see ourselves as sieves--our space lattice, as it is called.And all that is necessary to break down the lattice, to shake us into nothingness, is some agent that will set our atoms vibrating at such a rate that at last they escape the unseen cords and fly off.

"The green ray of Yolara is such an agent.It set up in the dwarf that incredibly rapid rhythm that you saw and--shook him not to atoms--but to electrons!""They had a gun on the West Front--a seventy-five," said O'Keefe, "that broke the eardrums of everybody who fired it, no matter what protection they used.It looked like all the other seventy-fives--but there was something about its sound that did it.They had to recast it.""It's practically the same thing," I replied."By some freak its vibratory qualities had that effect.The deep whistle of the sunken Lusitania would, for instance, make the Singer Building shake to its foundations; while the Olympic did not affect the Singer at all but made the Woolworth shiver all through.In each case they stimulated the atomic vibration of the particular building--"I paused, aware all at once of an intense drowsiness.

O'Keefe, yawning, reached down to unfasten his puttees.

"Lord, I'm sleepy!" he exclaimed."Can't understand it--what you say--most--interesting--Lord!" he yawned again;straightened."What made Reddy take such a shine to the Russian?" he asked.

"Thanaroa," I answered, fighting to keep my eyes open.


"When Lugur spoke that name I saw Marakinoff signal him.Thanaroa is, I suspect, the original form of the name of Tangaroa, the greatest god of the Polynesians.There's a secret cult to him in the islands.Marakinoff may belong to it--he knows it anyway.Lugur recognized the signal and despite his surprise answered it.""So he gave him the high sign, eh?" mused Larry."How could they both know it?""The cult is a very ancient one.Undoubtedly it had its origin in the dim beginnings before these people migrated here," I replied."It's a link--one--of the few links between up there and the lost past--""Trouble then," mumbled Larry."Hell brewing! I smell it --Say, Doc, is this sleepiness natural? Wonder where my--gas mask--is--" he added, half incoherently.

But I myself was struggling desperately against the drugged slumber pressing down upon me.

"Lakla!" I heard O'Keefe murmur."Lakla of the golden eyes--no Eilidh--the Fair!" He made an immense effort, half raised himself, grinned faintly.

"Thought this was paradise when I first saw it, Doc," he sighed."But I know now, if it is, No-Man's Land was the greatest place on earth for a honeymoon.They--they've got us, Doc--" He sank back."Good luck, old boy, wherever you're going." His hand waved feebly."Glad--knew--you.


His voice trailed into silence.Fighting, fighting with every fibre of brain and nerve against the sleep, I felt myself being steadily overcome.Yet before oblivion rushed down upon me I seemed to see upon the grey-screened wall nearest the Irishman an oval of rosy light begin to glow; watched, as my falling lids inexorably fell, a flame-tipped shadow waver on it; thicken; condense--and there looking down upon Larry, her eyes great golden stars in which intensest curios-ity and shy tenderness struggled, sweet mouth half smiling, was the girl of the Moon Pool's Chamber, the girl whom the green dwarf had named--Lakla: the vision Larry had in-voked before that sleep which I could no longer deny had claimed him--Closer she came--closer---the eyes were over us.

Then oblivion indeed!

  • American Notes

    American Notes

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    King Henry IV Part 1

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