

"More than we want," the captain replied, shortly; and then, to my astonishment, ordered the crew aloft to take in sail.The execution of this maneuver showed but too plainly the temper of the men; they did their work sulkily and slowly, grumbling and murmuring among themselves.The captain's manner, as he urged them on with oaths and threats, convinced me we were in danger.Ilooked again to windward.The one little cloud had enlarged to a great bank of murky vapor, and the sea at the horizon had changed in color.

"The squall will be on us before we know where we are," said the captain."Go below; you will be only in the way here."I descended to the cabin, and prepared Monkton for what was coming.He was still questioning me about what I had observed on deck when the storm burst on us.We felt the little brig strain for an instant as if she would part in two, then she seemed to be swinging round with us, then to be quite still for a moment, trembling in every timber.Last came a shock which hurled us from our seats, a deafening crash, and a flood of water pouring into the cabin.We clambered, half drowned, to the deck.The brig had, in the nautical phrase, "broached to," and she now lay on her beam-ends.

Before I could make out anything distinctly in the horrible confusion except the one tremendous certainty that we were entirely at the mercy of the sea, I heard a voice from the fore part of the ship which stilled the clamoring and shouting of the rest of the crew in an instant.The words were in Italian, but Iunderstood their fatal meaning only too easily.We had sprung a leak, and the sea was pouring into the ship's hold like the race of a mill-stream.The captain did not lose his presence of mind in this fresh emergency.He called for his ax to cut away the foremast, and, ordering some of the crew to help him, directed the others to rig out the pumps.

The words had hardly passed his lips before the men broke into open mutiny.With a savage look at me, their ringleader declared that the passengers might do as they pleased, but that he and his messmates were determined to take to the boat, and leave the accursed ship, and _the dead man in her,_ to go to the bottom together.As he spoke there was a shout among the sailors, and Iobserved some of them pointing derisively behind me.Looking round, I saw Monkton, who had hitherto kept close at my side, making his way back to the cabin.I followed him directly, but the water and confusion on deck, and the impossibility, from the position of the brig, of moving the feet without the slow assistance of the hands, so impeded my progress that it was impossible for me to overtake him.When I had got below he was crouched upon the coffin, with the water on the cabin floor whirling and splashing about him as the ship heaved and plunged.

I saw a warning brightness in his eyes, a warning flush on his cheek, as I approached and said to him:

"There is nothing left for it, Alfred, but to bow to our misfortune, and do the best we can to save our lives.""Save yours," he cried, waving his hand to me, "for _you_ have a future before you.Mine is gone when this coffin goes to the bottom.If the ship sinks, I shall know that the fatality is accomplished, and shall sink with her."I saw that he was in no state to be reasoned with or persuaded, and raised myself again to the deck.The men were cutting away all obstacles so as to launch the longboat placed amidships over the depressed bulwark of the brig as she lay on her side, and the captain, after having made a last vain exertion to restore his authority, was looking on at them in silence.The violence of the squall seemed already to be spending itself, and I asked whether there was really no chance for us if we remained by the ship.The captain answered that there might have been the best chance if the men had obeyed his orders, but that now there was none.

Knowing that I could place no dependence on the presence of mind of Monkton's servant, I confided to the captain, in the fewest and plainest words, the condition of my unhappy friend, and asked if I might depend on his help.He nodded his head, and we descended together to the cabin.Even at this day it costs me pain to write of the terrible necessity to which the strength and obstinacy of Monkton's delusion reduced us in the last resort.We were compelled to secure his hands, and drag him by main force to the deck.The men were on the point of launching the boat, and refused at first to receive us into it.

"You cowards!" cried the captain, "have we got the dead man with us this time? Isn't he going to the bottom along with the brig?

Who are you afraid of when we get into the boat?"This sort of appeal produced the desired effect; the men became ashamed of themselves, and retracted their refusal.

Just as we pushed off from the sinking ship Alfred made an effort to break from me, but I held him firm, and he never repeated the attempt.He sat by me with drooping head, still and silent, while the sailors rowed away from the vessel; still and silent when, with one accord, they paused at a little distance off, and we all waited and watched to see the brig sink; still and silent, even when that sinking happened, when the laboring hull plunged slowly into a hollow of the sea--hesitated, as it seemed, for one moment, rose a little again, then sank to rise no more.

Sank with her dead freight--sank, and snatched forever from our power the corpse which we had discovered almost by a miracle--those jealously-preserved remains, on the safe-keeping of which rested so strangely the hopes and the love-destinies of two living beings! As the last signs of the ship in the depths of the waters, I felt Monkton trembling all over as he sat close at my side, and heard him repeating to himself, sadly, and many times over, the name of "Ada."I tried to turn his thoughts to another subject, but it was useless.He pointed over the sea to where the brig had once been, and where nothing was left to look at but the rolling waves.

  • Madame Firmiani

    Madame Firmiani

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