

Presently he saw enter through the sunlit street doorway a person of a different class.The bright light shone for a passing instant upon a fashionable, flowered hat, and upon some remarkably brilliant shade of red hair beneath it.In another moment there had edged along through the throng, to almost within touch of him, a tall young woman, the owner of this hat and wonderful hair.

She was clad in light and pleasing spring attire, and carried a parasol with a long oxidized silver handle of a quaint pattern.She looked at him, and he saw that her face was of a lengthened oval, with a luminous rose-tinted skin, full red lips, and big brown, frank eyes with heavy auburn lashes.

She made a grave little inclination of her head toward him, and he bowed in response.Since her arrival, he noted, the chattering of the others had entirely ceased.

"I followed the others in, in the hope that I might be of some assistance," he ventured to explain to her in a low murmur, feeling that at last here was some one to whom an explanation of his presence in this Romish house was due.

"I hope they won't feel that I have intruded."She nodded her head as if she quite understood.

"They'll take the will for the deed," she whispered back.

"Father Forbes will be here in a minute.Do you know is it too late?"Even as she spoke, the outer doorway was darkened by the commanding bulk of a newcomer's figure.The flash of a silk hat, and the deferential way in which the assembled neighbors fell back to clear a passage, made his identity clear.

Theron felt his blood tingle in an unaccustomed way as this priest of a strange church advanced across the room--a broad-shouldered, portly man of more than middle height, with a shapely, strong-lined face of almost waxen pallor, and a firm, commanding tread.He carried in his hands, besides his hat, a small leather-bound case.To this and to him the women courtesied and bowed their heads as he passed.

"Come with me," whispered the tall girl with the parasol to Theron; and he found himself pushing along in her wake until they intercepted the priest just outside the bedroom door.She touched Father Forbes on the arm.

"Just to tell you that I am here," she said.The priest nodded with a grave face, and passed into the other room.

In a minute or two the workmen, Mrs.MacEvoy, and her helper came out, and the door was shut behind them.

"He is making his confession," explained the young lady.

"Stay here for a minute."

She moved over to where the woman of the house stood, glum-faced and tearless, and whispered something to her.

A confused movement among the crowd followed, and out of it presently resulted a small table, covered with a white cloth, and bearing on it two unlighted candles, a basin of water, and a spoon, which was brought forward and placed in readiness before the closed door.

Some of those nearest this cleared space were kneeling now, and murmuring a low buzz of prayer to the click of beads on their rosaries.

The door opened, and Theron saw the priest standing in the doorway with an uplifted hand.He wore now a surplice, with a purple band over his shoulders, and on his pale face there shone a tranquil and tender light.

One of the workmen fetched from the stove a brand, lighted the two candles, and bore the table with its contents into the bedroom.The young woman plucked Theron's sleeve, and he dumbly followed her into the chamber of death, making one of the group of a dozen, headed by Mrs.MacEvoy and her children, which filled the little room, and overflowed now outward to the street door.

He found himself bowing with the others to receive the sprinkled holy water from the priest's white fingers;kneeling with the others for the prayers; following in impressed silence with the others the strange ceremonial by which the priest traced crosses of holy oil with his thumb upon the eyes, ears, nostrils, lips, hands, and feet of the dying man, wiping off the oil with a piece of cotton-batting each time after he had repeated the invocation to forgiveness for that particular sense.

But most of all he was moved by the rich, novel sound of the Latin as the priest rolled it forth in the ASPERGES ME, DOMINE, and MISEREATUR VESTRI OMNIPOTENS DEUS, with its soft Continental vowels and liquid R's.It seemed to him that he had never really heard Latin before.

Then the astonishing young woman with the red hair declaimed the CONFITEOR, vigorously and with a resonant distinctness of enunciation.It was a different Latin, harsher and more sonorous; and while it still dominated the murmured undertone of the other's prayers, the last moment came.

Theron had stood face to face with death at many other bedsides;no other final scene had stirred him like this.

It must have been the girl's Latin chant, with its clanging reiteration of the great names--BEATUM MICHAELEM ARCHANGELUM, BEATUM JOANNEM BAPTISTAM, SANCTOS APOSTOLOS PETRUMET PAULUM--invoked with such proud confidence in this squalid little shanty, which so strangely affected him.

He came out with the others at last--the candles and the folded hands over the crucifix left behind--and walked as one in a dream.Even by the time that he had gained the outer doorway, and stood blinking at the bright light and filling his lungs with honest air once more, it had begun to seem incredible to him that he had seen and done all this.

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