

While Mr.Ware stood thus on the doorstep, through a minute of formless musing, the priest and the girl came out, and, somewhat to his confusion, made him one of their party.

He felt himself flushing under the idea that they would think he had waited for them--was thrusting himself upon them.

The notion prompted him to bow frigidly in response to Father Forbes' pleasant "I am glad to meet you, sir,"and his outstretched hand.

"I dropped in by the--the merest accident," Theron said.

"I met them bringing the poor man home, and--and quite without thinking, I obeyed the impulse to follow them in, and didn't realize--"He stopped short, annoyed by the reflection that this was his second apology.The girl smiled placidly at him, the while she put up her parasol.

"It did me good to see you there," she said, quite as if she had known him all her life."And so it did the rest of us."Father Forbes permitted himself a soft little chuckle, approving rather than mirthful, and patted her on the shoulder with the air of being fifty years her senior instead of fifteen.To the minister's relief, he changed the subject as the three started together toward the road.

"Then, again, no doctor was sent for!" he exclaimed, as if resuming a familiar subject with the girl.Then he turned to Theron."I dare-say you have no such trouble;but with our poorer people it is very vexing.

They will not call in a physician, but hurry off first for the clergyman.I don't know that it is altogether to avoid doctor's bills, but it amounts to that in effect.

Of course in this case it made no difference; but I have had to make it a rule not to go out at night unless they bring me a physician's card with his assurance that it is a genuine affair.Why, only last winter, I was routed up after midnight, and brought off in the mud and pelting rain up one of the new streets on the hillside there, simply because a factory girl who was laced too tight had fainted at a dance.I slipped and fell into a puddle in the darkness, ruined a new overcoat, and got drenched to the skin; and when I arrived the girl had recovered and was dancing away again, thirteen to the dozen.

It was then that I made the rule.I hope, Mr.Ware, that Octavius is producing a pleasant impression upon you so far?""I scarcely know yet," answered Theron.The genial talk of the priest, with its whimsical anecdote, had in truth passed over his head.His mind still had room for nothing but that novel death-bed scene, with the winged captain of the angelic host, the Baptist, the glorified Fisherman.

and the Preacher, all being summoned down in the pomp of liturgical Latin to help MacEvoy to die."If you don't mind my saying so," he added hesitatingly, "what I have just seen in there DID make a very powerful impression upon me.""It is a very ancient ceremony," said the priest;"probably Persian, like the baptismal form, although, for that matter, we can never dig deep enough for the roots of these things.They all turn up Turanian if we probe far enough.Our ways separate here, I'm afraid.

I am delighted to have made your acquaintance, Mr.Ware.

Pray look in upon me, if you can as well as not.We are near neighbors, you know."Father Forbes had shaken hands, and moved off up another street some distance, before the voice of the girl recalled Theron to himself.

"Of course you knew HIM by name," she was saying, "and he knew you by sight, and had talked of you; but MY poor inferior sex has to be introduced.I am Celia Madden.

My father has the wagon-shops, and I--I play the organ at the church.""I--I am delighted to make your acquaintance," said Theron, conscious as he spoke that he had slavishly echoed the formula of the priest.He could think of nothing better to add than, "Unfortunately, we have no organ in our church."The girl laughed, as they resumed their walk down the street.

"I'm afraid I couldn't undertake two," she said, and laughed again.Then she spoke more seriously.

"That ceremony must have interested you a good deal, never having seen it before.I saw that it was all new to you, and so I made bold to take you under my wing, so to speak."You were very kind," said the young minister."It was really a great experience for me.May--may I ask, is it a part of your functions, in the church, I mean, to attend these last rites?""Mercy, no!" replied the girl, spinning the parasol on her shoulder and smiling at the thought."No; it was only because MacEvoy was one of our workmen, and really came by his death through father sending him up to trim a tree.

Ann MacEvoy will never forgive us that, the longest day she lives.Did you notice her? She wouldn't speak to me.

After you came out, I tried to tell her that we would look out for her and the children; but all she would say to me was: 'An' fwat would a wheelwright, an' him the father of a family, be doin' up a tree?'"They had come now upon the main street of the village, with its flagstone sidewalk overhung by a lofty canopy of elm-boughs.Here, for the space of a block, was concentrated such fashionable elegance of mansions and ornamental lawns as Octavius had to offer; and it was presented with the irregularity so characteristic of our restless civilization.

Two or three of the houses survived untouched from the earlier days--prim, decorous structures, each with its gabled centre and lower wings, each with its row of fluted columns supporting the classical roof of a piazza across its whole front, each vying with the others in the whiteness of those wooden walls enveloping its bright green blinds.

One had to look over picket fences to see these houses, and in doing so caught the notion that they thus railed themselves off in pride at being able to remember before the railroad came to the village, or the wagon-works were thought of.

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