

I had imagined that Lubov Sergievna, as my friend's friend, would at once say something friendly and familiar to me; yet, after gazing at me fixedly for a while, as though in doubt whether the remark she was about to make to me would not be too friendly, she at length asked me what faculty I was in.After that she stared at me as before, in evident hesitation as to whether or not to say something civil and familiar, until, remarking her perplexity, I besought her with a look to speak freely.Yet all she then said was, "They tell me the Universities pay very little attention to science now," and turned away to call her little dog.

All that evening she spoke only in disjointed fragments of this kind--fragments which had no connection either with the point or with one another; yet I had such faith in Dimitri, and he so often kept looking from her to me with an expression which mutely asked me, "Now, what do you think of that?" that, though I entirely failed to persuade myself that in Lubov Sergievna there was anything to speak of, I could not bear to express the thought, even to myself.

As for the last member of the family, Varenika, she was a well-

developed girl of sixteen.The only good features in her were a pair of dark-grey eyes,--which, in their expression of gaiety mingled with quiet attention, greatly resembled those of her aunt--a long coil of flaxen hair, and extremely delicate, beautiful hands.

"I expect, Monsieur Nicolas, you find it wearisome to hear a story begun from the middle?" said Sophia Ivanovna with her good-

natured sigh as she turned over some pieces of clothing which she was sewing.The reading aloud had ceased for the moment because Dimitri had left the room on some errand or another.

"Or perhaps you have read Rob Roy before?" she added.

At that period I thought it incumbent upon me, in virtue of my student's uniform, to reply in a very "clever and original"

manner to every question put to me by people whom I did not know very well, and regarded such short, clear answers as "Yes," "No,"

"I like it," or "I do not care for it," as things to be ashamed of.Accordingly, looking down at my new and fashionably-cut trousers and the glittering buttons of my tunic, I replied that I had never read Rob Roy, but that it interested me greatly to hear it, since I preferred to read books from the middle rather than from the beginning.

"It is twice as interesting," I added with a self-satisfied smirk; "for then one can guess what has gone before as well as what is to come after."

The Princess smiled what I thought was a forced smile, but one which I discovered later to be her only one.

"Well, perhaps that is true," she said."But tell me, Nicolas (you will not be offended if I drop the Monsieur)--tell me, are you going to be in town long? When do you go away?"

"I do not know quite.Perhaps to-morrow, or perhaps not for some while yet," I replied for some reason or another, though I knew perfectly well that in reality we were to go to-morrow.

"I wish you could stop longer, both for your own sake and for Dimitri's," she said in a meditative manner."At your age friendship is a weak thing."

I felt that every one was looking at me, and waiting to see what I should say--though certainly Varenika made a pretence of looking at her aunt's work.I felt, in fact, as though I were being put through an examination, and that it behoved me to figure in it as well as possible.

"Yes, to ME Dimitri's friendship is most useful," I replied, "but to HIM mine cannot be of any use at all, since he is a thousand times better than I." (Dimitri could not hear what I said, or I should have feared his detecting the insincerity of my words.)

Again the Princess smiled her unnatural, yet characteristically natural, smile.

"Just listen to him!" she said."But it is YOU who are the little monster of perfection."

"'Monster of perfection,'" I thought to myself."That is splendid.I must make a note of it."

"Yet, to dismiss yourself, he has been extraordinarily clever in that quarter," she went on in a lower tone (which pleased me somehow) as she indicated Lubov Sergievna with her eyes, "since he has discovered in our poor little Auntie" (such was the pet name which they gave Lubov) "all sorts of perfections which I, who have known her and her little dog for twenty years, had never yet suspected."Varenika, go and tell them to bring me a glass of water," she added, letting her eyes wander again.Probably she had bethought her that it was too soon, or not entirely necessary, to let me into all the family secrets."Yet no--let HIM go, for he has nothing to do, while you are reading.Pray go to the door, my friend," she said to me, "and walk about fifteen steps down the passage.Then halt and call out pretty loudly, "Peter, bring Maria Ivanovna a glass of iced water"--and she smiled her curious smile once more.

"I expect she wants to say something about me in my absence," I thought to myself as I left the room."I expect she wants to remark that she can see very clearly that I am a very, very clever young man."

Hardly had I taken a dozen steps when I was overtaken by Sophia Ivanovna, who, though fat and short of breath, trod with surprising lightness and agility.

"Merci, mon cher," she said."I will go and tell them myself."

  • 痛史


  • The Rhythm of Life

    The Rhythm of Life

  • 永庆升平后传


  • 念佛镜


  • My Discovery of England

    My Discovery of England

  • 自在化逆伐


    四海八荒,大千世界,何以有分别? 神秘的仙路, 问世间可有仙? 黑暗席卷而来,是幸运?还是灾祸?何人能脱身而去?天地万般变化,再度归来,是我?不是我?还是我?
  • 孙子兵书


    《孙子兵书》,被誉为天下第一军事奇书,自问世以来即被奉为“兵经 ”,它不仅对我国的军事理论和实践产生了深远的影响,而且在世界军事 史上也占据着重要地位。在兵学史上,《孙子兵书》是我国古代最著名的 兵书,也是世界上最古老的军事理论著作。作为一部军事圣典,它一直被 历代政治家、军事家、商人、学者奉为至宝。这部百家兵法之始祖,曾造 就了一批批伟大的军事家和政治家。无论是三国时的曹操、诸葛亮,还是 近代指点江山的风云人物,他们在军事、政治、外交等诸多方面,都无一 例外地受到了孙子谋略思想的启发。在短短6000字里,《孙子兵书》把人 类的智慧淋漓尽致地展现于我们的面前。
  • 湘村诡事


  • 蔡东藩中华史:前汉


  • 我可能没那么恨你


  • 放开我的小白龙


  • 子弹无痕


    赵林、武侯、程平会终于成长为特战队员。他们在坚守特战队员誓言的同时,也收获着爱情的喜悦。高考生吴铭因为特警学校没有女学员名额而苦恼。在大学里。徐文风对赵雪一见钟情,并为得到赵雪青睐努力改造自己。 刘欣竭力成全女儿孔圆圆与赵林的婚事,赵林之父牺牲真相浮出水面,赵林不得不经受事业与感情的考验。程平会与田蕊,事业与爱情之间必须作出选择。面对挫折,是逆风前行还是知难而退?老一辈武警人卸下肩上的枪交到下一代人手里。赵林、武侯等成长起来的武警人成为共和国安全屏障的中间力量。以徐文风、吴铭、马小宁为代表的新一代武警人,以崭新的姿态站在共和国绿色舞台上,延续着前辈的信念和理想。
  • 妾非良妻


  • 田总的迷妹老婆查岗了


  • 三角帽

