

Every town, I suppose, has its meaner spirits.In every genial bosom some snake is warmed,--or, as Mr.Smith put it to Golgotha Gingham--"there are some fellers even in this town skunks enough to inform."At first the Mariposa court quashed all indictments.The presiding judge, with his spectacles on and a pile of books in front of him, threatened the informer with the penitentiary.The whole bar of Mariposa was with Mr.Smith.But by sheer iteration the informations had proved successful.Judge Pepperleigh learned that Mr.Smith had subscribed a hundred dollars for the Liberal party and at once fined him for keeping open after hours.That made one conviction.On the top of this had come the untoward incident just mentioned and that made two.Beyond that was the deluge.This then was the exact situation when Billy, the desk clerk, entered the back bar with the telegram in his hand.

"Here's your wire, sir," he said.

"What does it say?" said Mr.Smith.

He always dealt with written documents with a fine air of detachment.

I don't suppose there were ten people in Mariposa who knew that Mr.

Smith couldn't read.

Billy opened the message and read, "Commissioners give you three months to close down.""Let me read it," said Mr.Smith, "that's right, three months to close down."There was dead silence when the message was read.Everybody waited for Mr.Smith to speak.Mr.Gingham instinctively assumed the professional air of hopeless melancholy.

As it was afterwards recorded, Mr.Smith stood and "studied" with the tray in his hand for at least four minutes.Then he spoke.

"Boys," he said, "I'll be darned if I close down till I'm ready to close down.I've got an idee.You wait and I'll show you."And beyond that, not another word did Mr.Smith say on the subject.

But within forty-eight hours the whole town knew that something was doing.The hotel swarmed with carpenters, bricklayers and painters.

There was an architect up from the city with a bundle of blue prints in his hand.There was an engineer taking the street level with a theodolite, and a gang of navvies with shovels digging like fury as if to dig out the back foundations of the hotel.

"That'll fool 'em," said Mr.Smith.

Half the town was gathered round the hotel crazy with excitement.But not a word would the proprietor say.Great dray loads of square timber, and two-by-eight pine joists kept arriving from the planing mill.There was a pile of matched spruce sixteen feet high lying by the sidewalk.

Then the excavation deepened and the dirt flew, and the beams went up and the joists across, and all the day from dawn till dusk the hammers of the carpenters clattered away, working overtime at time and a half.

"It don't matter what it costs," said Mr.Smith; "get it done."Rapidly the structure took form.It extended down the side street, joining the hotel at a right angle.Spacious and graceful it looked as it reared its uprights into the air.

Already you could see the place where the row of windows was to come, a veritable palace of glass, it must be, so wide and commodious were they.Below it, you could see the basement shaping itself, with a low ceiling like a vault and big beams running across, dressed, smoothed, and ready for staining.Already in the street there were seven crates of red and white awning.

And even then nobody knew what it was, and it was not till the seventeenth day that Mr.Smith, in the privacy of the back bar, broke the silence and explained.

"I tell you, boys," he says, "it's a caff--like what they have in the city--a ladies' and gent's caff, and that underneath (what's yours, Mr.Mullins?) is a Rats' Cooler.And when I get her started, I'll hire a French Chief to do the cooking, and for the winter I will put in a 'girl room,' like what they have in the city hotels.And I'd like to see who's going to close her up then."Within two more weeks the plan was in operation.Not only was the caff built but the very hotel was transformed.Awnings had broken out in a red and white cloud upon its face, its every window carried a box of hanging plants, and above in glory floated the Union Jack.

The very stationery was changed.The place was now Smith's Summer Pavilion.It was advertised in the city as Smith's Tourists'

Emporium, and Smith's Northern Health Resort.Mr.Smith got the editor of the Times-Herald to write up a circular all about ozone and the Mariposa pine woods, with illustrations of the maskinonge (piscis mariposis) of Lake Wissanotti.

The Saturday after that circular hit the city in July, there were men with fishing rods and landing nets pouring in on every train, almost too fast to register.And if, in the face of that, a few little drops of whiskey were sold over the bar, who thought of it?

But the caff! that, of course, was the crowning glory of the thing, that and the Rats' Cooler below.

Light and cool, with swinging windows open to the air, tables with marble tops, palms, waiters in white coats--it was the standing marvel of Mariposa.Not a soul in the town except Mr.Smith, who knew it by instinct, ever guessed that waiters and palms and marble tables can be rented over the long distance telephone.

Mr.Smith was as good as his word.He got a French Chief with an aristocratic saturnine countenance, and a moustache and imperial that recalled the late Napoleon III.No one knew where Mr.Smith got him.

Some people in the town said he was a French marquis.Others said he was a count and explained the difference.

No one in Mariposa had ever seen anything like the caff.All down the side of it were the grill fires, with great pewter dish covers that went up and down on a chain, and you could walk along the row and actually pick out your own cutlet and then see the French marquis throw it on to the broiling iron; you could watch a buckwheat pancake whirled into existence under your eyes and see fowls' legs devilled, peppered, grilled, and tormented till they lost all semblance of the original Mariposa chicken.

Mr.Smith, of course, was in his glory.

  • Mauprat


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