

Harmony, therefore, would have reigned supreme had it not been for the singularly bad taste of No.4.Mrs.Ryves's piano was on the free side of the house and was regarded by Mrs.Bundy as open to no objection but that of their own gentleman, who was so reasonable.As much, however, could not be said of the gentleman of No.4, who had not even Mr.Baron's excuse of being "littery"(he kept a bull-terrier and had five hats--the street could count them), and whom, if you had listened to Mrs.Bundy, you would have supposed to be divided from the obnoxious instrument by walls and corridors, obstacles and intervals, of massive structure and fabulous extent.This gentleman had taken up an attitude which had now passed into the phase of correspondence and compromise; but it was the opinion of the immediate neighbourhood that he had not a leg to stand upon, and on whatever subject the sentiment of Jersey Villas might have been vague, it was not so on the rights and the wrongs of landladies.

Mrs.Ryves's little boy was in the garden as Peter Baron issued from the house, and his mother appeared to have come out for a moment, bareheaded, to see that he was doing no harm.She was discussing with him the responsibility that he might incur by passing a piece of string round one of the iron palings and pretending he was in command of a "geegee"; but it happened that at the sight of the other lodger the child was seized with a finer perception of the drivable.He rushed at Baron with a flourish of the bridle, shouting, "Ou geegee!"in a manner productive of some refined embarrassment to his mother.

Baron met his advance by mounting him on a shoulder and feigning to prance an instant, so that by the time this performance was over--it took but a few seconds--the young man felt introduced to Mrs.Ryves.

Her smile struck him as charming, and such an impression shortens many steps.She said, "Oh, thank you--you mustn't let him worry you"; and then as, having put down the child and raised his hat, he was turning away, she added: "It's very good of you not to complain of my piano.""I particularly enjoy it--you play beautifully," said Peter Baron.

"I have to play, you see--it's all I can do.But the people next door don't like it, though my room, you know, is not against their wall.Therefore I thank you for letting me tell them that you, in the house, don't find me a nuisance."She looked gentle and bright as she spoke, and as the young man's eyes rested on her the tolerance for which she expressed herself indebted seemed to him the least indulgence she might count upon.

But he only laughed and said "Oh, no, you're not a nuisance!" and felt more and more introduced.

The little boy, who was handsome, hereupon clamoured for another ride, and she took him up herself, to moderate his transports.She stood a moment with the child in her arms, and he put his fingers exuberantly into her hair, so that while she smiled at Baron she slowly, permittingly shook her head to get rid of them.

"If they really make a fuss I'm afraid I shall have to go," she went on.

"Oh, don't go!" Baron broke out, with a sudden expressiveness which made his voice, as it fell upon his ear, strike him as the voice of another.She gave a vague exclamation and, nodding slightly but not unsociably, passed back into the house.She had made an impression which remained till the other party to the conversation reached the railway-station, when it was superseded by the thought of his prospective discussion with Mr.Locket.This was a proof of the intensity of that interest.

The aftertaste of the later conference was also intense for Peter Baron, who quitted his editor with his manuscript under his arm.He had had the question out with Mr.Locket, and he was in a flutter which ought to have been a sense of triumph and which indeed at first he succeeded in regarding in this light.Mr.Locket had had to admit that there was an idea in his story, and that was a tribute which Baron was in a position to make the most of.But there was also a scene which scandalised the editorial conscience and which the young man had promised to rewrite.The idea that Mr.Locket had been so good as to disengage depended for clearness mainly on this scene; so it was easy to see his objection was perverse.This inference was probably a part of the joy in which Peter Baron walked as he carried home a contribution it pleased him to classify as accepted.He walked to work off his excitement and to think in what manner he should reconstruct.He went some distance without settling that point, and then, as it began to worry him, he looked vaguely into shop-windows for solutions and hints.Mr.Locket lived in the depths of Chelsea, in a little panelled, amiable house, and Baron took his way homeward along the King's Road.There was a new amusement for him, a fresher bustle, in a London walk in the morning; these were hours that he habitually spent at his table, in the awkward attitude engendered by the poor piece of furniture, one of the rickety features of Mrs.Bundy's second floor, which had to serve as his altar of literary sacrifice.If by exception he went out when the day was young he noticed that life seemed younger with it; there were livelier industries to profit by and shop-girls, often rosy, to look at; a different air was in the streets and a chaff of traffic for the observer of manners to catch.Above all, it was the time when poor Baron made his purchases, which were wholly of the wandering mind;his extravagances, for some mysterious reason, were all matutinal, and he had a foreknowledge that if ever he should ruin himself it would be well before noon.He felt lavish this morning, on the strength of what the Promiscuous would do for him; he had lost sight for the moment of what he should have to do for the Promiscuous.

Before the old bookshops and printshops, the crowded panes of the curiosity-mongers and the desirable exhibitions of mahogany "done up," he used, by an innocent process, to commit luxurious follies.

  • 宋主簿鸣皋梦赵六予


  • 寓意编


  • 佛说济诸方等学经


  • 菩萨生地经


  • 石霜尔瞻尊禅师语录


  • 忘川(下)


  • 孔雀森林


  • 精灵之梦


  • 废弃的天堂


  • 领主养成手册


  • 引发学生奇思妙想的创新故事(让学生受益一生的故事)


  • 娇娆女皇武则天


  • 王者荣耀之世界旅志


  • 千万兽之灵铭


  • 指頭畫說

