So he made it out on parchment. Now, woman, try and read it!" said she, giving it to Ruth. Ruth smiled, and began to read; Sally listening with rapt attention. When Ruth came to the word "testatrix," Sally stopped her. "That was the first sixpence," said she. "I thowt he was going to fob me off again wi' plain language; but when that word came, I out wi' my sixpence, and gave it to him on the spot. Now, go on." Presently Ruth read "accruing." "That was the second sixpence. Four sixpences it were in all, besides six-and-eightpence as we bargained at first, and three-and-fourpence parchment. There! that's what I call a will; witnessed, according to law, and all. Master Thurstan will be prettily taken in when I die, and he finds all his extra wage left back to him. But it will teach him it's not so easy as he thinks for, to make a woman give up her way. The time was now drawing near when little Leonard might be weaned--the time appointed by all three for Ruth to endeavour to support herself in some way more or less independent of Mr. and Miss Benson. This prospect dwelt much in all of their minds, and was in each shaded with some degree of perplexity; but they none of them spoke of it, for fear of accelerating the event. If they had felt clear and determined as to the best course to be pursued, they were none of them deficient in courage to commence upon that course at once. Miss Benson would, perhaps, have objected the most to any alteration in their present daily mode of life; but that was because she had the habit of speaking out her thoughts as they arose, and she particularly disliked and dreaded change. Besides this, she had felt her heart open out, and warm towards the little helpless child, in a strong and powerful manner. Nature had intended her warm instincts to find vent in a mother's duties; her heart had yearned after children, and made her restless in her childless state, without her well knowing why; but now, the delight she experienced in tending, nursing, and contriving for the little boy,--even contriving to the point of sacrificing many of her cherished whims,--made her happy, and satisfied, and peaceful. It was more difficult to sacrifice her whims than her comforts; but all had been given up when and where required by the sweet lordly baby, who reigned paramount in his very helplessness. From some cause or other, an exchange of ministers for one Sunday was to be effected with a neighbouring congregation, and Mr. Benson went on a short absence from home. When he returned on Monday, he was met at the house-door by his sister, who had evidently been looking out for him for some time. She stepped out to greet him. "Don't hurry yourself, Thurstan! all's well; only I wanted to tell you something. Don't fidget yourself--baby is quite well, bless him! It's only good news. Come into your room, and let me talk a little quietly with you." She drew him into his study, which was near the outer door, and then she took off his coat, and put his carpet-bag in a corner, and wheeled a chair to the fire, before she would begin. "Well, now! to think how often things fall out just as we want them, Thurstan!
初见时她不过是个城里招摇撞骗的小女童,而他已是邪溪谷威名三界的传令使。为夺一支上古神箫,他应聘管家混进府中。为拿下这艰难任务他机关算尽,小心翼翼……谁知这主人竟是个疯傻呆笨的花痴小主,竟然还纯情至极将他视作贴心闺蜜…… 是谁说智商这东西不会被拉低?不然他英明一世,怎会舍身犯险不惜与大boss闹翻也要挺她到底?拦钦差,闯皇宫,入寒冰,弑魔王……一念之间,他的命都可给她。然而他不知,她注定是他此生里救得最错的一个人……中国户籍制度变迁:个人权利与社会控制