

The Story.

"First, sir," said Caderousse, "you must make me a promise.""What is that?" inquired the abbe.

"Why, if you ever make use of the details I am about to give you, that you will never let any one know that it was I who supplied them; for the persons of whom I am about to talk are rich and powerful, and if they only laid the tips of their fingers on me, I should break to pieces like glass.""Make yourself easy, my friend," replied the abbe."I am a priest, and confessions die in my breast.Recollect, our only desire is to carry out, in a fitting manner, the last wishes of our friend.Speak, then, without reserve, as without hatred; tell the truth, the whole truth; I do not know, never may know, the persons of whom you are about to speak; besides, I am an Italian, and not a Frenchman, and belong to God, and not to man, and I shall shortly retire to my convent, which I have only quitted to fulfil the last wishes of a dying man." This positive assurance seemed to give Caderousse a little courage.

"Well, then, under these circumstances," said Caderousse, "Iwill, I even believe I ought to undeceive you as to the friendship which poor Edmond thought so sincere and unquestionable.""Begin with his father, if you please." said the abbe;"Edmond talked to me a great deal about the old man for whom he had the deepest love.""The history is a sad one, sir," said Caderousse, shaking his head; "perhaps you know all the earlier part of it?""Yes." answered the abbe; "Edmond related to me everything until the moment when he was arrested in a small cabaret close to Marseilles.""At La Reserve! Oh, yes; I can see it all before me this moment.""Was it not his betrothal feast?"

"It was and the feast that began so gayly had a very sorrowful ending; a police commissary, followed by four soldiers, entered, and Dantes was arrested.""Yes, and up to this point I know all," said the priest.

"Dantes himself only knew that which personally concerned him, for he never beheld again the five persons I have named to you, or heard mention of any one of them.""Well, when Dantes was arrested, Monsieur Morrel hastened to obtain the particulars, and they were very sad.The old man returned alone to his home, folded up his wedding suit with tears in his eyes, and paced up and down his chamber the whole day, and would not go to bed at all, for I was underneath him and heard him walking the whole night; and for myself, I assure you I could not sleep either, for the grief of the poor father gave me great uneasiness, and every step he took went to my heart as really as if his foot had pressed against my breast.The next day Mercedes came to implore the protection of M.de Villefort; she did not obtain it, however, and went to visit the old man; when she saw him so miserable and heart-broken, having passed a sleepless night, and not touched food since the previous day, she wished him to go with her that she might take care of him; but the old man would not consent.`No,' was the old man's reply, `I will not leave this house, for my poor dear boy loves me better than anything in the world; and if he gets out of prison he will come and see me the first thing, and what would he think if I did not wait here for him?' Iheard all this from the window, for I was anxious that Mercedes should persuade the old man to accompany her, for his footsteps over my head night and day did not leave me a moment's repose.""But did you not go up-stairs and try to console the poor old man?" asked the abbe.

"Ah, sir," replied Caderousse, "we cannot console those who will not be consoled, and he was one of these; besides, Iknow not why, but he seemed to dislike seeing me.One night, however, I heard his sobs, and I could not resist my desire to go up to him, but when I reached his door he was no longer weeping but praying.I cannot now repeat to you, sir, all the eloquent words and imploring language he made use of; it was more than piety, it was more than grief, and I, who am no canter, and hate the Jesuits, said then to myself, `It is really well, and I am very glad that I have not any children; for if I were a father and felt such excessive grief as the old man does, and did not find in my memory or heart all he is now saying, I should throw myself into the sea at once, for I could not bear it.'""Poor father!" murmured the priest.

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