

"Because," replied Franz, "you seem to me like a man who, persecuted by society, has a fearful account to settle with it.""Ah," responded Sinbad, laughing with his singular laugh which displayed his white and sharp teeth."You have not guessed rightly.Such as you see me I am, a sort of philosopher, and one day perhaps I shall go to Paris to rival Monsieur Appert, and the little man in the blue cloak.""And will that be the first time you ever took that journey?""Yes; it will.I must seem to you by no means curious, but Iassure you that it is not my fault I have delayed it so long -- it will happen one day or the other.""And do you propose to make this journey very shortly?""I do not know; it depends on circumstances which depend on certain arrangements.""I should like to be there at the time you come, and I will endeavor to repay you, as far as lies in my power, for your liberal hospitality displayed to me at Monte Cristo.""I should avail myself of your offer with pleasure," replied the host, "but, unfortunately, if I go there, it will be, in all probability, incognito."The supper appeared to have been supplied solely for Franz, for the unknown scarcely touched one or two dishes of the splendid banquet to which his guest did ample justice.Then Ali brought on the dessert, or rather took the baskets from the hands of the statues and placed them on the table.

Between the two baskets he placed a small silver cup with a silver cover.The care with which Ali placed this cup on the table roused Franz's curiosity.He raised the cover and saw a kind of greenish paste, something like preserved angelica, but which was perfectly unknown to him.He replaced the lid, as ignorant of what the cup contained as he was before he had looked at it, and then casting his eyes towards his host he saw him smile at his disappointment."You cannot guess,"said he, "what there is in that small vase, can you?""No, I really cannot."

"Well, then, that green preserve is nothing less than the ambrosia which Hebe served at the table of Jupiter.""But," replied Franz, "this ambrosia, no doubt, in passing through mortal hands has lost its heavenly appellation and assumed a human name; in vulgar phrase, what may you term this composition, for which, to tell the truth, I do not feel any particular desire?""Ah, thus it is that our material origin is revealed," cried Sinbad; "we frequently pass so near to happiness without seeing, without regarding it, or if we do see and regard it, yet without recognizing it.Are you a man for the substantials, and is gold your god? taste this, and the mines of Peru, Guzerat, and Golconda are opened to you.Are you a man of imagination -- a poet? taste this, and the boundaries of possibility disappear; the fields of infinite space open to you, you advance free in heart, free in mind, into the boundless realms of unfettered revery.Are you ambitious, and do you seek after the greatnesses of the earth? taste this, and in an hour you will be a king, not a king of a petty kingdom hidden in some corner of Europe like France, Spain, or England, but king of the world, king of the universe, king of creation; without bowing at the feet of Satan, you will be king and master of all the kingdoms of the earth.Is it not tempting what I offer you, and is it not an easy thing, since it is only to do thus? look!" At these words he uncovered the small cup which contained the substance so lauded, took a teaspoonful of the magic sweetmeat, raised it to his lips, and swallowed it slowly with his eyes half shut and his head bent backwards.Franz did not disturb him whilst he absorbed his favorite sweetmeat, but when he had finished, he inquired, -- "What, then, is this precious stuff?""Did you ever hear," he replied, "of the Old Man of the Mountain, who attempted to assassinate Philip Augustus?""Of course I have."

"Well, you know he reigned over a rich valley which was overhung by the mountain whence he derived his picturesque name.In this valley were magnificent gardens planted by Hassen-ben-Sabah, and in these gardens isolated pavilions.

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